My Cultivation System

Chapter 130 - Task Completed, But...




Henrick was unable to dodge a red-coloured flash as it left a small scratch on his body.


 Detected a flame poison entering into Master\'s body.

Just as he touched the scratch on his hand, his system informed him about poison entering into his body.

\'Poisoned?\' Henrich raised his brows and suddenly felt weak all over his body.

\'I have to take the antidote,\' 

Clenching his fists, he ordered the system, \'System, antidote pills.\'

As soon as he ordered, a red-coloured pill appeared in his hands and without wasting any time, he hurriedly swallowed it.

While taking the missions from the mission hall, Elder Shi advised him to carry flame poison resistant pills on him. Finally, following her advice helped him.

\'I need to take cover from these speed flashes,\' Henrick looked for something to take cover and found a huge boulder nearby.

He was still feeling weak from the poison; however, he mustered all his power and moved towards the boulder while the fire vine and the baby fire monkey helped him from the red-coloured flashes.


Once he reached the boulder, Henrick heaved a sigh of relief.

\'System, give me the information about these beasts,\'

After being poisoned by one of the red-coloured flashes, Henrick knew the name of these red-coloured flashes; however, he wanted to know more about them.


 Beast:- Wild flame serpents

 Strength:- Rank 1 and Rank 2

 Skills:- Fire flash, Enhanced fire flash, Float.

 Note:- Rank 1 wild flame serpents only have the first skill; however rank 2 beasts have all three skills.

 Description:- Always lives in groups and killing any one of them will bring ire to the entire group.

Soon, the complete details of the red-coloured flashed appeared in front of Henrick.

\'Oh. So, this is the reason why they asked me to bring a single fire sac,\' Henrick finally understood the motive behind his newbie mission.

Fire sac, it is a part of the wild flame serpent. It is mainly used for alchemy purposes in the preparation of pills with anti flame poison properties.

In the beginning, Henrick thought it was an easy mission because killing a single wild flame serpent was very easy; however, what he didn\'t know until now was they always lived in groups and if he attacked a single one of the wild flame serpents, he had to face the entire group.

\'What a clever mission by the mission hall,\' Henrick finally understood that every mission was cleverly designed by the mission hall.

\'Anyway, I have to clear the mission,\' Henrick felt that the sect was only trying to help its disciples. So, he didn\'t feel anything about it and decided to get the fire sac from the body of the wild flame serpent.

\'From the looks of it, there must be around 200 to 300 of them. So, openly killing them is not possible. What should I do?\' Henrick silently thought while looking at the group of red-coloured flashes in the distance and next looked at the baby fire monkey and the fire vine wrapped on his head.

\'That\'s it. But I wonder whether it will work or not?\'

After thinking for a few moments, Henrick thought of any idea but he was completely not sure about it.

\'Let\'s try. In the worst-case scenario, I will not kill any wild flame serpents and run away from here,\'

According to the system, as long as he didn\'t harm any wild flame serpents, they won\'t bother with him. So, he felt like trying his idea.

Even earlier, the scratch on his body was also not intentional as Henrick was in the path of one of the wild flame serpents.

\'Spark, Ivy, both of you always remain vigilant and keep an eye on those wild flame serpents,\' Soon, Henrick warned the baby fire monkey and the fire vine before trying his idea.

\'Ancient fire surge\'

He waited for a red-coloured flash to pass by the boulder and as soon as he found one, he used his first skill to bait a wild flame serpent.

\'This should bring it back,\'

Since \'Ancient fire surge\' was very helpful for lowly fire-type beasts.

However, he didn\'t use the skill non-stop but only for a couple of seconds which was enough to bait a single wild serpent near to him.


As expected, the red-coloured flash which passed by him turned back and searched for the source of the pure internal fire energy.

\'It\'s working. It\'s time for the next step,\' Henrick became excited with the wild flame serpent which diverted from its original position.



However, his excitement didn\'t last for much longer because before he could start his next step of the plan, a couple more wild flame serpents started searching along with the first wild flame serpent.

\'Calm down, calm down,\' Nevertheless, Henrick calmed himself down and thought, "Only three wild flame serpents, I can take care of them himself without any help from Spark or Ivy."

Since the highest wild flame serpent was only a rank 2 beast, Henrick didn\'t worry much because he had enough confidence in taking care of three wild flame serpents.

\'Spark, Ivy, let\'s move. After we reach that huge tree, I will use the skill once more,\'

Soon, Henrick started his next step which was to move away from the swarming wild flame serpents before using the \'Ancient fire surge\' one more time.

Since the wild flame serpents were not fond of unnecessary killing, they didn\'t bother Henrick and his beasts and searched for the source of pure internal fire energy.

Soon, Henrick reached his next distance which was a huge tree.

\'Ancient fire surge\'

Once he reached the huge tree, Henrick didn\'t waste any time and used his skill for a couple of seconds before stopping it.


Just as he stopped, the three red-coloured flashed started searching around the huge trees; however, they were unable to find the exact location.

\'Phew...these three wild flame serpents are successfully separated from the group. But still, this distance is very close,\' While searching for the sources, the three wild flame serpents were successfully separated from the group; however, Henrick wanted to be safer than a sorry later. So, he wanted to move them some more distance away from the group.

With the same technique, Henrick successfully moved those three wild flame serpents very far from the group of the wild flames serpents.

"Spark, Ivy, as soon as they come near to us, chop their heads off," Finally, he came to the last step of his plan and ordered the baby fire monkey and fire vine to kill the wild flame serpents when they came near to him.

\'Ancient fire surge\'

Finally, Henrick used his skill one last time and this time, he didn\'t stop it in the middle and continued to use the skill as the red-coloured light emitted from his body.




Soon, the three wild flame serpents rushed towards him like an excited child who had just found his lost candy.

All three serpents stopped in front of Henrick and hovered in the mid-air and started absorbing the light emitted from Henrick\'s body.

\'Do it now,\'

He silently ordered his companions to attack the three wild flame serpents and as soon as they received the order from him, they directly jumped from the tree to chop the heads of the serpents.




The baby fire monkey used its sharp nails, which before a lot sharper and longer after it became a rank 3 beast, to chop off the heads of the two wild flame serpents whereas the five vine wrapped itself around the head of the wild flame serpent before using bind and energy ingest at the same time and absorbed all the energy from the serpent.


 Master\'s tamed beast successfully killed two wild flame serpents.

 You gained 2 percent of pure internal fire energy.

 The fire monkey gained 2 percent of pure internal fire energy.


 Master\'s battle companion successfully killed a wild flame serpent.

 You gained 1 percent of pure internal fire energy.

 The fire vine gained 1 percent of pure internal fire energy.

Just like always, the system informed about the kills and the gained pure internal fire energy.

"Oh...maybe it is because of the first time killing of these wild flame serpents,"

Henrick was pleasantly surprised by the pure internal fire energy he gained from the three kills because he didn\'t think he would get this much percent of the pure internal fire energy.

When he killed the fire ghouls, he would only get 0.1 percent and when his tamed beast kills them, he would only get half of it which was only 0.05 percent of the pure internal fire energy.

\'This is a good thing. I have not only recovered the pure internal fire energy consumed for using the \'Ancient fire surge\' but I even got one 1.5 percent more,\' Henrick was satisfied with his plan which helped him get three wild flame serpents.

\'Let\'s cut the bodies and take the sacs from them,\' Henrick just thought to take the fire sac from their bodies; however, he noticed a huge swarm of red-coloured flashes were coming at him from a distance at an incredible speed.

\'What the hell? How did they find out about this?\'

Henrick was shocked and didn\'t even bother to cut open the dead bodies of the wild flame serpents before storing them into his space ring and started running without any idea of where he was running to.

\'How should I escape from them?\' Henrick started thinking of an idea to escape from them; however, he was unable to think of any.

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