WARNING! Tsundere President

Chapter 728 - Volunteer

Chapter 728: Volunteer

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Wen He, for a once, did not argue with him, and simply continued on in a stupor.

For the next few days, she had stayed with Lu Bai.

Huo Chen, had never appeared since. Yang Yi was the one who actually came instead. Seeing that Lu Bai was still weak, he did not say much, and simply asked him to rest well, and left.

Until one day, Wen He, in her boredom, turned on the TV and saw a news that shocked her.

“....Three days ago, a Z Country cargo ship was hijacked by a local terrorist group while passing through a course in the Golden Triangle. The goods were seized and 67 crew members were killed and tossed overboard into the river. When the news of this horrific incident broke, the world was shocked, and the defense ministry of Z Country had immediately announced that they would exact justice for our people!”

As the female news anchor’s voice trailed away, Wen He, with the remote control in hand, was stunned.

The Golden Triangle?

“That’s a haven for criminals and drug lords.” Lu Bai suddenly said, “That happening isn’t all that surprising.”


Wen He was familiar with the Golden Triangle. Before the gang was dismantled, she had went there many times, and was obviously aware of how chaotic that area was. It was pretty much a no-man land. She was worried that with things blowing up like this, the army will definitely send someone over to suppress it, and the person that will be going, will probably be Huo Chen.

At the same time, the military was holding a major meeting.

In the massive meeting room, every officer above the rank of general was present.

And the long meeting desk was filled, with Yang Yi at helm.

His was face grim, as his imposing gaze swept through the whole room.

“I believe you gentlemen are aware of what had happened at the Golden Triangle.”

Everyone nodded.

“The people above have already gotten the agreement from the other three countries to allow us to deploy our army into the Golden Triangle. The objective of this operation is not only to destroy that terrorist group designated ‘M’, but also to deal the criminal groups there a heavy blow as well. If we could restore peace there, even temporarily, it will be a big accomplishment. With that, the citizens of all countries passing through there would at least be guaranteed their safety.”

Yang Yi then clenched his fist, and gently pounded the table.

“So, who is volunteering?”


Everyone looked at each other.

The Golden Triangle was not just any place. It had incidents year in and out, with suppression operations done year in and out as well but without much effect.

It was a chaotic place, with various factions carving out their own territory. They had poor intel on the geography, and the worst case scenario would see them dying at that god forsaken place!

While a military accomplishment was indeed tantalizing, but compared to their lives, it was nothing.

“Did all of you suddenly turned dumb?”

The silence of the room had Yang Yi furious, and he slammed the table heavily.

“All of you are soldiers, and the duty of a soldier is to protect our country. We are expected to and supposed to sacrifice our lives for the people and the country. This is just an operation to suppress the menace in the Golden Triangle and all of you suddenly became cowards. Who needs officers like this, might as well go home and hide under your grandmother’s dress!”


Yang Yi’s words did manage to touch the raw nerve of some, and a few tried to rise up impulsively, but suddenly, a clear voice rang across the entire hall.

“Major General Huo Chen, 3rd Army, volunteering myself.”

At that moment, the whole room turned silent.

Everyone cast their gaze onto Huo Chen.

He slowly stood up. His posture wsa straight as a bamboo, his expression calm, his disposition cold and distant.

Even before so many other seniors who outranked him, he was still the most eye-catching one. His presence was just so strong that it went beyond his looks. Like a blazing icon, no one could ignore him.

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