Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 313

Chapter 313 – Vol. 5 –


Many conversations happened around Yumi all at once over the course of the next couple of days, but, admittedly, she didn\'t quite understand everything she heard. All she comprehended was that when the time to fight arrived she would be on the front lines, standing side by side with Ash, Keiko, Satsuhiro, and of course, Sinneah. 

Knowing this, she tried to put all of her energy into continuing to refine her proficiencies, putting most of her time into her naginata and the longbow she was given. In doing so, it happened often that she would attract the eyes of the soldiers around her, and Yumi was slowly growing used to that. 

However, as she landed her fifteenth consecutive bullseye on the targets set up ahead, one of those looks stood out a little more than the others. There was a woman with silver eyes like her own standing a bit of distance away, with crossed arms and a stern expression, watching with great interest. 

Hm… Does she wish to train with me?  Yumi asked in her thoughts, without looking back at her.  If she does, she need only ask. 

"How the hell is she so accurate?" Yumi heard a soldier whisper. Though she\'d unlocked her Spirit Eye a long time ago, her senses were still keen enough to pick up on that. 

"I don\'t know, but it\'s scary," a woman replied. "She looks like she\'s not even trying." 

In a way, Yumi wasn\'t. She\'d done this so many times that the motions were automatic to her. However, getting to this point required quite a bit of effort indeed. 

And yet, she wondered if she was putting these skills to use in the best way. She\'d left the shrine all that time ago with the intention of traveling and seeing the world, but a couple of looks at that burnt city down the hill had already made her grow tired of this place. Already, she was wondering where else she could go. She heard the soldiers talk about Sapphire, for example, and although she\'d never seen it before, she was beginning to form a mental picture of what snow was like. She hoped to actually see it someday though. 

Sinnneah approached all of a sudden, and a few of the soldiers inhaled sharply as their eyes fell on her. The draconic woman, of course, ignored them all, and instead went up to Yumi and said: 

"You are still training?" 

"Yes," Yumi replied, as she aimed her next arrow. "Do you need something?" 

Sinneah didn\'t respond, though. Instead, she watched as Yumi closed her eyes, let the arrow fly, and opened them again when she heard it impact the target ahead, striking the next bullseye. Smiling proudly, she turned toward Sinneah. 


"…" At that, Sinneah paused. Without a word, she shrugged, and Yumi chuckled a little. 

I suppose she just wants a moment to ourselves?  Yumi wondered. 

"Last one," Yumi told her. Then, she took aim and let one last arrow fly before putting her bow away on her back as she walked over to Sinneah. "We can go for a walk if you\'d like." 

"Mm." Sinneah nodded and the two of them left the area. 

They cut through the camp, which had suddenly grown crowded, and walked out into the forest where their voices could be heard above those of their fellow soldiers. Once there, they sat down with their backs pressed against one particularly big tree, and Yumi allowed herself to relax. 

It was a tall order, given what happened with the Nightmare and how she already felt like she wanted to head somewhere else, but, for now, she pushed that out of her mind. 

Instead, she focused on the present moment, as Sinneah sat down next to her and Yumi allowed herself to lean on the woman a little. She felt better already. Sinneah\'s eyes were cast low, as Yumi looked around, just to make sure she wasn\'t about to relive what had happened in these woods earlier. 

Even though a small part of her wanted that to happen, but she pushed that side of her down. 

"How are you doing?" She asked Sinneah, smiling up at her. "It feels as though lately we haven\'t gotten to do much besides train." 

"I…" Sinneah paused, waiting a second before she spoke again. "The soldiers\' words. Sometimes, I listen to them and I can\'t understand what they\'re talking about." 

"Neither can I," Yumi giggled. 

"They talk about things like vacations," Sinneah added, and Yumi listened as it seemed she was serious. "Things like husbands and wives and girlfriends. Houses, pets, grandparents, and schools," she explained. "It makes me wonder whether we truly are from the same world or not because half the time I cannot comprehend what they are saying." 

"… Well, I can explain a few of those," Yumi offered. At that, Sinneah looked over at her and raised a brow. "Pets are like animals that you raise yourself. I used to have one before I became a shrine maiden, though I suppose I would have to explain that concept as well," Yumi said. "Schools are places of learning, grandparents are your parents\' parents. And, husbands, wives, girlfriends…" She took a deep breath. "These are people you love. Or, well, if the stories I read are any indication, they are people you would ideally love." 

"Hm."  Sinneah looked away for a moment. "How do you know that you do?" 

"I don\'t think it\'s quite as easy as checking a list of requirements," Yumi replied with a smile. "But, I\'d like to think that if you do, you\'ll just know." 

"I see." 

Behind them, someone walked up. 

"Hey," Kasumi said, as she approached. Yumi had been so focused on her conversation that she flinched. "They\'re having a meeting. Just saying, in case you wanna hear what they have to say." 

"Thank you," Yumi bowed her head a little, and the woman left. 

Hm… Do I?  She wondered.  I know my role already. That\'s good enough for me. 

She looked over at Sinneah and found the woman\'s dark-yellow slitted eyes on her. She had been about to open her mouth and ask if Sinneah wanted to go, but upon seeing the woman her answer felt like it would be obvious. 

Heh, no.  She thought, wrapping a hand around Sinneah\'s right arm, which earned a slightly confused look from her.  I\'d much rather stay here. 


The next meeting was far more focused than the previous one, and thus, much shorter. The day of the attack was decided. They would move to siege the city on the following night, under the cover of the twin moons as their opponents would hopefully be more susceptible to the trickery they had planned. 

All that was left was to figure out the details. 

"Kasumi will activate her illusions approximately ten minutes after we\'ve split off from her group," the general said. "Once she casts her spells, we enter the city from the escape route, with Ash taking point." 

"A few mages, myself included, can take the ladders up the walls then and set ourselves up for the fight as soon as those ladders are available," Satsuhiro stated. "Some of the archers can go up behind us, and the rest of the main force will storm the enemy from behind at that point. The mages outside the city can begin casting their own spells, though you\'ll want to focus your projectiles on the area just in front of the gates, so as to avoid accidentally landing your spells on us." 

"We need to find that Nightmare as soon as possible, by the way," Keiko reminded them. "That thing is dangerous. If left unchecked, it will cut through our numbers." 

"Ash, Yumi, and Sinneah are probably the only ones capable of beating it," Satsuhiro noted. "As soon as you see the thing, bring their attention to that creature if they haven\'t seen it themselves." 

"I wouldn\'t be surprised if there were more Nightmares that Niven hasn\'t shown us," Ash added. 

"Right. He did allow us to take the portal down, after all, with minimal resistance," Satsuhiro nodded. "Either, he doesn\'t value the city much or he\'s confident in the forces he has protecting it." 

Then, that other Zayama walked forward. Ichigo, the stoic lady who Keiko had yet to see in battle, crossed her arms. 

"What is this Nightmare you mentioned like?" 

"It used to be a Zayama Savior," Keiko replied. "It can cheat the Spirit Eye, and it is extremely skilled and quick. I don\'t think any of us can beat it easily." 

"I see…" Ichigo nodded. "If things take a turn for the worse, I can create a wall of wind to separate that creature from the rest of us. Though, that means anyone stuck with that Nightmare will likely perish." 

Her words carried a bit of weight to them that made everyone pause, but Keiko\'s ears noticed something. 

She\'s a magic user?  She thought. Considering what she\'d heard about her clan from her teacher back during her tests, Zayama\'s who used magic were exceedingly rare and often ostracized. Who is she, exactly? 

"If we need to retreat, we can simply leave the way we came in, through the escape route," the general said. "With that being said, I believe this meeting is over." 

Everyone soon left the tent, but Keiko couldn\'t help herself. She walked over to Ichigo and asked: 

"E-Excuse me," she said, and Ichigo looked over at her. "Where did you learn magic?" 

"… Why do you wish to know that?" She asked. 

"I… I haven\'t met many of our family members who are also mages, I was curious." 

"Isn\'t it dishonorable to indulge your curiosities in this regard? Are you sure that\'s something you want to do?" 

"Yes," Keiko answered quickly. "I just want to know more." 

The woman seemed surprised to hear that. She smiled a little and nodded. 

"Come, then.. I\'ll tell you a little about me." 

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