Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating

Chapter 46 - Xiao Jingjing has already run away with someone else!!!

Chapter 46 - Xiao Jingjing has already run away with someone else!!!

Xiang Huaizhi had played the game for so many years, but never once had he touched the fireworks system. Forget assembling fireworks, he didn’t even know the fireworks vendors’ coordinates.

Right now, Jing Huan should be very clear about Qiufeng’s intentions.

Normally, Xiao Tianjing would quit and leave the team immediately, but at this moment, both Qiufeng and the small fairy fox were still standing there on the same team, not even moving an inch.

Obviously, the two of them were chatting in the team channel.

What were they talking about?

Xiang Huaizhi thought that someone who was just now “sharing a bed” with him shouldn’t change their mind so quickly. Besides, judging from Qiufeng’s past love history, he wasn’t gay.

But the little fox fairy stood right on top of the firework blossoms without any sign of wanting to leave.

Should he tell his underclassman about Qiufeng’s past history?

As soon as he had this idea, Xiang Huaizhi rejected it. If Jing Huan really liked slag men, Xiang Huaizhi would just end up becoming a matchmaker.

Behind him, Lu Hang was about to vomit from running all his quests and brokenly said, “This quest is so freaking troublesome—in one chain, I need to find ten NPCs. How long did it take you back then ah… Whatever, I’ll order a milk tea to refresh myself. Xiangxiang, you want one? ”


Xiang Huaizhi suddenly thought of the three cups of milk tea he had just bought for the little fox fairy. Maybe Jing Huan was drinking the milk tea he bought while chatting with Qiufeng in front of the moon.

He looked away and moved his fingers. The man in black robes ran out of the area and went back to the main city.

Why was he thinking about it so much? He and Jing Huan weren’t close friends, and he shouldn’t interfere with the other boy’s affairs.

Also, Jing Huan had the right to choose. If Qiufeng was his favorite type, then wasn’t that just perfect. In the future, he wouldn’t be pestering Xiang Huaizhi again.

Xiang Huaizhi tried to settle his expression and opened his game inventory, glancing at the gem that was lying quietly inside.

If the little fox fairy really wanted to develop a relationship with other men, it seemed that it wouldn’t be suitable to send out the gem anymore.

It was also Jing Huan’s first time seeing such extravagant fireworks.

He stared at the word “Jing” surrounded by the heart at his feet. He didn’t react for a long time.

“It’s pretty right, Xiao Jingjing?” Qiufeng asked in a gentle tone, “I just finished researching how to make this, and I made a lot of failed products first.”

“Pretty.” Jing Huan exclaimed, “You can use the firework system like this?”

In the dormitory, he’d seen Lu Wenhao set off heart-shaped fireworks for his wife before. Heart-shaped fireworks were old news. There were many tutorials posted on the forum on how to make those, but it was the first time that he’d seen someone write a word in the middle of a heart.

Qiufeng smiled as soon as he heard his words. Finally, a glimmer of hope.

Look, the young girl was so moved by him that she was actually openly talking now.

“As long as you like it.” He smiled and said, “If you like, I’ll make some for you every day.”

Jing Huan responded, “No, all these flowers, you spent a lot of money ba?”

One of the pitfalls in assembling fireworks was that all the objects and special effects were individually sold. Usually, it took more than 200 yuan to create a big heart.

“Not much.” Qiufeng replied in a deliberately relaxed way, “One is a little more than 500 yuan, and including the failed products, just spent a bit over 800 goldba.”

He clearly knew how to woo a girl. First of all, let the other party know that he’s willing to spend money on her.

Jing Huan was really shocked.

Money was one thing, but just the effort the other party spent on setting up this flowery heart was enough to move people.

With this kind of skill, who couldn’t he successfully pursue?

It was no wonder that he couldn’t stir the heart of Yearning For. Compared to Qiufeng, he was nothing!

Sure enough, compared to flowery and colorful nonsense, practical actions worked best.

Jing Huan was ruminating over this when his friend icon suddenly flashed.

[Friend] Yearning For: .

Jing Huan was shocked. When did Yearning For come online?

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: [heart] [heart] [heart] Gege!

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: My eyes are terrible, I actually didn’t see you come online! TvT

Looking at these familiar emoticons and expressions, Xiang Huaizhi subconsciously released his held breath.

[Friend] Yearning For: Just got online, do instances?

After sending this sentence, Xiang Huaizhi opened up the instance list and planned to try and figure out which one to do.

NCH reset the instance list once a week, but because there were so many instances, most players couldn’t finish all of them, so everyone tended to pick high XP instances to do.

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: Ah, Gege, I can’t do instances today.

[Friend]Yearning For: ?

[Friend] Xiao Tianjing: I have something to do! >.<

Xiang Huaizhi reflexively glanced at the friend information of Jing Huan.

Still at the Moon Palace, even the coordinates hadn’t changed.

[Friend] Yearning For: Alright.

After sending that, he closed the dialog box and the instance list all together, expressionlessly opening a video program instead.

He casually ordered a newly released movie. After watching it for just a few minutes, the NCH taskbar below suddenly lit up.

Someone had sent him a message in game.

Ever since he had met Xiao Tianjing, he had never disabled his messaging system. This time, it was a level 43 account messaging him.

[private chat] Secretly Pining: Are you there?

[private chat] Secretly Pining: I\'m Immortal Mengmeng, this is my alternate account. Don\'t try to blacklist me right now, I’m coming to you now because I have some business I want to discuss with you.

[private chat] Yearning For: Talk.

[private chat] Secretly Pining: Is your team going to go kill the God of War?

[private chat] Secretly Pining: I know that Long Road Ahead has been running the God of War quests, so I\'d like to discuss something with you. Can you use my live channel to broadcast the first look of your team killing the God of War? I can pay you guys.

Although NCH had been around for many years, there hadn’t been many teams that had killed the God of War. Most of them had only managed it after getting wiped out a few times. Because of the uncertainty, very few people would try to kill it live. They were afraid of having their entire team wiped out, and even more afraid that even after all that, they still wouldn’t have managed to kill it.

In addition, the few live broadcasts trying to kill the God of War had attracted an amazing number of viewers.

So as soon as she learned that Long Road Ahead was going to kill the God of War, Immortal Mengmeng immediately thought up this idea.

[private chat] Yearning For: How can I give you the first look?

[private chat] Secretly Pining: Just take me with you. I have already prepared all my equipment.

This was her spare equipment that she had spent many days and nights managing to produce.

Afraid that Yearning For would refuse, she quickly added.

[private chat] Secretly Pining: Don\'t worry about Xiao Tianjing. I\'ll split the money I make into four parts, one for each member of the team, and I can give more to her.

[private chat] Yearning For: Not lacking money.

[private chat] Secretly Pining: …You said you wanted to compensate me.

[private chat] Yearning For: Compensating you for your financial losses is fine, but I’m not forming a team with you.

At the end of this sentence, Xiang Huaizhi reopened the button to block messages from strangers.

Things weren’t going well on Immortal Mengmeng’s side. She went back to her channel to cry about it.

"Tch, I told Immortal Mengmeng that you wouldn’t agree. Why did she still come find you?" Lu Hang said.

Xiang Huaizhi’s head didn’t even turn around. "Go block strangers."

"I never use that function. What if a young girl who worships me comes to find me?"

"Don\'t worry, there’s none."

“That’s not right, wasn’t Xiao Jingjing basically like that?"

Xiang Huaizhi felt as if he had been stabbed in his weak point. After a while, he said, "I meant, there is no young girl who worships you."

"… Damn. "

Lu Hang casually gave Immortal Mengmeng a perfunctory two sentences. He thought it would be boring to go find the NPC, so he logged into WeChat on his computer to chat with the people in the guild.

On weekdays, the guild chat channel was relatively quiet, with people only using WeChat to chat.


Xiang Huaizhi suddenly heard a cry from the person behind him.

He frowned and couldn’t even start to ask.

"These fireworks are really awesome. Qiufeng is a ruthless man. I submit, I submit to him completely. I’ll let him have the title of the #1 slag man in Illusion server, I don\'t deserve it." Lu Hang clicked open the big picture, murmuring, "So you can actually use fireworks this way, learned something."

Xiang Huaizhi looked back, and the romantic scene that had happened in the Moon Palace today had been screenshotted by Qiufeng and sent into the guild group.

He looked away, opened WeChat, and began to scroll through the records.

Qiufeng: [picture] Are these fireworks cool?

Don\'t Ask when I’ll Return: My god, awesome!

Peachy Fate: Guild Officer is too strong [kneels down]

Youth Chasing the Wind: Wait a minute, isn\'t the most important point the word "Jing" and the Xiao Tianjing standing on the flowers!!

Affectionate in Silence: Has Guild Officer finally caught her?

Xiaoxiao: Unexpectedly, congratulations Guild Officer! Waiting for the wedding reception! [smile]

What followed were pages of congratulations, but Qiufeng didn\'t speak any more, and Xiao Tianjing didn\'t appear from the beginning to the end.

"No wonder you didn\'t go do instances today." Lu Hang turned off the chat, and slapped a hand against the table, "Xiao Jingjing has already run away with someone else!!!"

Xiang Huaizhi: "…"

"Damn, will Xiao Tianjing form a fixed team with Qiufeng in the future? Won’t doing instances from now on be kind of boring then." Lu Hang paused for a second, "Is she still coming to kill the God of War with us?"

"Don\'t know."

"Well, it seems like they’re already about to get married." Lu Hang said, "Since after all, I used to be her teammate, I should send her something… Xiangxiang, what wedding present will you send to Xiao Jingjing?"

"Don\'t know."

"But the young girl has such thin skin, yet she kept up with your ass for so long. That\'s hard to come by." Lu Hang said to himself, sighing, "Wishing her happiness ba.”

Xiang Huaizhi didn’t respond. He calmly put on his earphones again and covered up Lu Hang’s whispers with the sound of the movie.


Jing Huan spent a whole afternoon in the main city’s Temple of Heaven. His eyes were pretty much glazed over before he finally finished his work.

He opened up Yearning For’s chat box, and called out, “Gege,” but the other party never replied.

So he opened up WeChat.

Xiao Jing ya: Gege~

After a few minutes.

Xiang: ?

Xiao Jing ya : What are you doing? Why are you ignoring me in game T.T.

Xiang: … Watching a movie.

Xiao Jing ya

: If you have time, come play!

Xiang: What’s the matter?

Xiao Jing ya : Something happened!

Xiao Jing ya: Big event!

Xiang: Coming.

Xiao Jing ya: Mmhmm. I’ll wait for you at the Old Moon Temple *^0^* !

Xiang: …

Xiao Jing ya:… 0.0 what’s wrong?

Xiang: Nothing, right away.

Getting married so soon?

Xiang Huaizhi turned off the movie, ignored the confusing feelings that were welling up in his heart, and directed his character to run to the Old Moon Temple.

Yuelao was a white haired old man who held a red thread in his hand, with a kind expression on his face, and a little fox fairy was sitting in front of him.

Apart from the little fox fairy, there was no one else there.

Seeing him, the little fox fairy immediately got up from the ground and brushed the dust off of her body.

[Current] Xiao Tianjing: Gege!

[Xiao Tianjing invites you to join her team. Yes, No. ]

Xiang Huaizhi clicked and entered into her team.

What was he doing? Why wasn’t Qiufeng here?

“Gege, what instances did you do today?” Jing Huan asked him.

“Something came up, I didn’t do any.” Xiang Huaizhi asked, “… What are you doing? ”

The other person didn’t respond to him, but instead led him outside, the two of them leaving the Old Moon Temple.

They walked all the way to the team teleporter, the scene changed, and the two game characters appeared in the guild scene of Idle Pavilion.

Jing Huan took him to the stream he had been to and disbanded the team.

Before Xiang Huaizhi could speak, something lit up in front of his eyes——

Countless flowers spread out from the foot of the little fox fairy, bunches of flowers in a dizzying array of colors.

Multi-colored flowers came together to make a familiar pattern.

It was the heart he had just seen in the afternoon.

The only difference was that the word “Jing” in the middle of fireworks had become “Xiang”.

[current] Xiao Tianjing: Tadaaaaaaa!!!

[current] Xiao Tianjing: Giving Gege Wednesday’s gift! Today is also a super love Gege day!

Jing Huan looked at the trick he had just learned, completely and utterly satisfied.

Today, after watching the fireworks, he tossed 1000 gold coins to Qiufeng as gratitude and a reward. He had asked the other party to teach him how to make the heart fireworks.

Offering flowers to Buddha would save time and effort in the end.

At the other end of the computer, Xiang Huaizhi watched the fireworks and couldn’t react.

Lu Hang passed by with a cup in his hand. He saw the screen and was shocked. “Holy shit? This? What’s this situation??”

Xiang Huaizhi recovered, his mouth tugging up, and his tone carrying traces of satisfaction and comfort that he didn’t even realize.

“It’s as you see.” He said, “She’s still there. She hasn’t run away.”

Juurensha: ….good going Huanhuan! Very extra, but it was sweet!

Divi: XHZ went through so many different emotions until at the end he got hit with relief and another arrow to the heart. Hurry up and fall into the pit with Huanhuan, XHZ!

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