To My Dear Mr. Huo

Chapter 446 - He Ruined Everything

Chapter 446: He Ruined Everything

“You have acknowledged her as your mother. Am I right?” Xiang Caiping stared at Su Qingsang, demanding an answer.

Su Qingsang couldn’t refute this. She chose to remain silent. She felt torn.

“You said you went to the hospital yesterday, but you actually went to see Li Qianxue, didn’t you?”

Apparently, Xiang Caiping was angry with her. Though she understood it was natural for Su Qingsang to accept Li Qianxue as her mother, it was hard for her to come to terms with it.

She couldn’t accept that Su Peizhen was her daughter. Su Peizhen almost killed her.

It was so unfair that Su Qingsang was the daughter of Li Qianxue. Su Qingsang was clearly a much better, kinder person than Su Peizhen.

That was it. That was the point she hated most about Su Chenghui. If he did not switch the two babies, and if Su Peizhen was only an illegitimate daughter...

Without being spoiled and overindulged, Su Peizhen would probably be like Su Qingsang. She would be sensible and intelligent, just like Xiang Caiping expected her daughter to grow up.

She would not be an arrogant, wayward, selfish, and mean person. That was not how she had wanted her child to turn out.

However, Su Chenghui turned everything upside down.

Since Xiang Caiping seemed to figure out what happened, Su Qingsang couldn’t deny it.

Her silence was the best proof. Staring at her, Xiang Caiping nodded.

“Good. Very good.”

There was nothing she could do.

“Since you have acknowledged her as your mother, why do you still call me ‘mom’? Why?”

Xiang Caiping was very emotional. She had no control over her anger and failed to restrain her severe mood swings.

The few instances of contact she had with Su Peizhen were extremely unpleasant. There was no way for her to accept that girl as her daughter.

Looking at Su Qingsang, Xiang Caiping sensed betrayal from all sides.

Not only had Su Chenghui betrayed her, but Su Qingsang did as well. Technically, of course, Su Qingsang had nothing to do with it. It was not her fault.

However, Xiang Caiping couldn’t help but vent her ager on Su Qingsang. She was so overwhelmed by her emotions that she spoke without thinking.

“Why do you call me ‘mom’ if you and Li Qianxue have reunited? Are you trying to please the two of us?”

Looking at Su Qingsang’s pale face, she nodded and spoke harshly: “That makes sense. Who is Li Qianxue? She is the heiress of the Li Family. The Li Group will belong to her in the future. You will enjoy enormous advantages as her daughter. How could you give up on that?”

“On the other hand, who am I? Just a poor and powerless old lady. I can give you nothing. Therefore, you couldn’t wait to go there and let her know you are her daughter. Right?”

Her words were hurtful. Su Qingsang’s face fell. She did not deserve this.

“Mom, please don’t say this...”

“Don’t call me ‘mom’. I’m not your mom.” Xiang Caiping felt terrible. She needed to make someone else feel her pain. “Your mom is Li Qianxue, not me.”

Su Qingsang was quiet. She was helpless, but to Xiang Caiping’s eyes, Su Qingsang looked as if she had a grievance.

“Do you think you have been wronged? Do you think it is unfair? Why didn’t you tell me as soon as you know? Why did you hide the truth from me until now? Su Qingsang, what did you mean by that? Tell me.”

Su Qingsang closed her eyes. Faced with Xiang Caiping’s accusations, she was speechless.

“I’m sorry.”

“I don’t want to hear your apologies.” Xiang Caiping was mad at her “Go away. You should go right now. Go to your mom’s place. Go to your real mom’s place right now. I don’t need you here.”

Su Qingsang opened her mouth but failed to utter a word.

She could do nothing to ease Xiang Caiping’s pain. She knew it would be so, and was powerless.

She didn’t mean to hurt anyone but ended up causing pain to Xiang Caiping.

“Please.” Su Qingsang could not let it go just like that.

” I didn’t do this appropriately. I want to apologize to you. However, there are a few things I would like to make clear.”

” I found out you were not my mom when you got injured. If you didn’t need a blood transfusion, I wouldn’t know that. In fact, even when I knew, I didn’t care. I decided to go to Rong City with you and start a new life.”

“But then I found out my real mom was Li Qianxue. Regardless of the resentment between you two and the grudge between her and my dad, she was blameless in this matter.”

“Although I acknowledged her, I truly respect and admire you.”

“I know you have some resentment toward Su Peizhen. She might have been too spoiled, but she was raised with care and love. I know you will never forgive my dad. I also know you may never forgive my mom or me. However, there is one thing I want you to be absolutely sure of. I want you to know that my mom has loved Su Peizhen with all her heart during all these years.”

After she finished speaking, Su Qingsang looked at Xiang Caiping. Xiang Caiping was quiet and didn’t respond to what she had said.

Su Qingsang was helpless. She knew things would never go back to what they were before.

She wanted to say more, but Yu and Ning had come back. They felt confused about the current situation.

“I know you are upset and don’t want to see me. I will disappear and stop bothering you. Yu and Ning, please take care of Auntie.”

Yu and Ning were stunned. Looking at each other, they had no idea why Su Qingsang now addressed Xiang Caiping that way.

However, no one talked at this moment. They nodded.

Su Qingsang glanced at Xiang Caiping again, but the latter avoided meeting her eye. Frustrated, she turned and left.

The moment Su Qingsang left, Xiang Caiping looked deflated. She stumbled and almost fell. Yu and Ning hurried to help her rise.

“I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me.”

Xiang Caiping waved her hand, sat on the sofa, and motioned for them to leave. “You two go ahead and do your thing. Please leave me alone.”

Yu and Ning looked at each other for a moment in great surprise and total silence. Then they went to the kitchen.

Xiang Caiping lowered her head, covering her face with her hands. Others could not see her expression, but tears trickled through her fingers.


Su Qingsang walked out of her apartment, but she still felt she couldn’t breathe.

As she headed to her parking spot, she saw Su Chenghui standing downstairs.

Su Qingsang was surprised to see him. “Dad, why are you still here?”

Given the current circumstances, Xiang Caiping would not want to see him anymore.

“I’m waiting for you.” Su Chenghui looked up and turned his eyes back to Su Qingsang. “Are you OK?”

“What do you think?” Su Qingsang retorted. “Why don’t you ask Xiang Caiping the same question?”

Su Chenghui looked pale. He obviously found it difficult to utter a word.

“Qingsang, do you blame me?”

“What’s the point of blaming you?” Su Qingsang peered at him. “If I blame you, will it help the pain my aunt and my mom are suffering now? If it will, I do blame you.”

Su Chenghui’s face turned utterly white at hearing her words.

Su Qingsang looked at him and found him pathetic. She closed her eyes and went on in a lighter tone:

“Dad, things happened. You made a mistake. Now is not the time for you to think about how bad you feel and how regretful you are. You had better think how to make up for all this.”

“Make up for this?”

“Don’t you think you should?” Su Qingsang raised her eyebrows.

“Because of you, my mom reared another woman’s daughter for over twenty years. Did she do anything wrong?”

“Xiang Caiping, because of you, mistook me for her daughter. Did she do anything wrong?”

“When you made your decision, it was a spur of the moment thing. Didn’t you think about the people you would hurt? Don’t you think you should express your regret by compensating those who have suffered because of you?”

Su Chenghui stared at his daughter as if he was seeing her for the first time.

“As for you...” Su Qingsang bit her lip. What she was going to say was harsh, but she had to be frank. “Dad, do you even know how to love? Do you love anyone?”

Su Chenghui considered her question, lost in thought.

Su Qingsang sighed when she heard his silence.

“Dad, I’ll ask one more question. Do you love Mom? Or do you still love Xiang Caiping?”

Su Chenhui looked at his daughter, eyes wide open, and had no idea how to answer her question.

“If you ever loved my mom, how could you make her raise another woman’s daughter instead of her own? If you loved Xiang Caiping, how could you lie to her about the identity of her child?”

Su Chenghui looked terrible. Within a short period of time, he experienced repeated upheavals, which cracked his smooth and elegant exterior.

Su Qingsang felt bad, but she had to go on. “Half of your life is now behind you. Do you still refuse to face the truth? Let me put it this way. Now my mom is divorcing you. Do you feel anything about that? Has it ever occurred to you that your past decision will cause you to lose my mom forever?”

Su Chenghui, thunder-struck, took a big step back.

“Or maybe you don’t care at all because you have loved Xiang Caiping all along?”

Su Qingsang finished her last sentence and didn’t want to talk more. “There are some things it would not be appropriate for me to talk to you about since I am your daughter. But Dad, I really want you to think about it.”


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