Carefree Path of Dreams

Chapter 437: Predicament

"You’re great!"

The huge corpse of the snake fell to the ground and a group of people quickly rushed forward to provide their assistance to the wounded.

One female party member made her way towards Leader Cai. "Leader, where did you get this western girl from? She’s not just powerful, but also speaks fluent Chinese language!"

"I’m not too sure myself. She seems to be the adoptive daughter of a Chinese and grew up in Chinese Country..."

Leader Cai wiped his sweat from his forehead. "Regardless, since she was recommended by Brother Zhao, I can depend on her!"

Zhao Daniu was in charge of the mutants in Banyan Tree City and had a high social status. After hearing Leader Cai, the female member could only nod her head in agreement.


Lorita walked a few steps forward and covered her mouth with her tiny hand. "I’m so sleepy... Leader, have we not located the cave yet?"

"Relax, we’re about there!"

Leader Cai was a little disappointed. "It was supposed to be a peaceful New Year’s night and yet we have to encounter something like this to keep all of us on our toes.... We have no choice. I’m sure all of you have seen the beasts here. They are extremely powerful and especially so after last night. If we don’t find the source of all these troubles, the people living in the city below will have to leave for their safety."

"Furthermore, this is a task given to us by the government. Once we complete it, we can inform Chief Zhao. Wouldn’t we benefit then?"

If not for these reasons, the group of them would not have come out at such a timing.

Of course, Lorita did not care about any of these.

As the group of them walked for a short distance, they finally arrived at a valley. In the depths of the valley, there was a huge hole.


Leader Cai took out a talisman and waved it in the air.


The talisman caught fire and was reduced to ashes.

"This is a Spiritual Sensing Talisman which I have painstakingly requested from the Taoists. Since the talisman broke into flames just outside the cave, it will mean that the cave is filled with spiritual energy. This might just be the source of all mutations.

Leader Cai spoke with much excitement in his voice.

"There might be some sort of danger in here..."

The other party members started to hesitate.

They were unfortunate during their journey into the mountain as they had encountered attacks from many wild beasts. Even some of the party members were injured and the majority of them were already holding grudges.

"It will surely be dangerous. However, we are meant to deal with such dangers as a group, right?"

Leader Cai was indeed an experienced leader. "Those who are injured will get twice the reward while those who would die would get compensation. I would not take a single cent of reward this time!"

"You’re too noble, Leader Cai!"

"Alright, I’ll give it to you!"

With his words of encouragement, he had managed to bring up the morale of the group. Lorita stood by the side and rolled her eyes.

She knew that Leader Cai was putting in so much effort, not for the reward but to establish good ties with the higher-ups. Even if he were to come up with his own money to pay the compensation, he would still benefit in the long run.

"This cave seems to be a dead end..."

A female party member, Wang Xin, stood at the entrance of the cave, closed her eyes and reported.

He special ability was unique. Like a bat, she was able to use sonar to detect her surroundings.

"Something’s not right. There’s movement!"

Wang Xin’s expression changed. "It detected me! It’s extremely quick!"

"Roar! Roar!"

In the next moment, accompanying a tiger’s roar, there was a strong gust of wind coming from the cave.

To everyone’s shock, a 3-metre long white mutated tiger appeared from the cave. It had a bloodied stench coming from it as it struck its paws towards Wang Xin.

If its paw were to land on her, she would undoubtedly turn into a pile of gruesome flesh and blood.

"Shadow Shield!"

Lorita flicked her finger and a shadow shield appeared before Wang Xin.


The tiger paw landed on the shield, creating a noise of impact which was uncomfortable to the ears.


Leader Cai cheered on and with the wave of his hands, a fireball flew towards the white tiger.

"Roar! Roar!"

The white tiger continued to roar and emitted a green soundwave from its mouth. Like a sharp blade, it sliced the fireball into two.


The fireball was extinguished and Leader Cai took a few steps back. "Spiritual beast?"

A normal mutated best would at most have increased strength and speed, which was nothing much.

However, such an evolved beast which could use spiritual spells could already be considered as a demonic beast or spiritual beast and its wisdom could be compared to that of a human.

"Mmm, that’s right!"

Seeing the white tiger, Lorita’s eyes glistened. "What a coincidence! I’m looking to keep a white cat as a pet."

"Roar! Roar!"

Hearing Lorita’s words, there seemed to be anger in the white tiger’s eyes as it fiercely pounced towards Lorita.

"Shadow Bind!"

Lorita smiled as a huge shadow appeared behind her. Like a majestic dragon, the shadow slithered in the air above her before binding all four limbs of the tiger, trapping it in mid-air.

"This is impossible..."

Witnessing this scene, Wang Xin was shocked. "I’m afraid that such ability would be the fabled Murderous Grade, right? Leader, what kind of person did Chief Zhao introduce you to?"

"He only mentioned that she was a daughter of a friend..."

Leader Cai was relieved and afraid at the same time. "Chief Zhao is indeed influential. The friends he makes is on a totally different level from us."

"Hey big cat! I’ve you’re still going to be naughty, my father will kill you for your meat..."

Lorita appeared vexed. "My younger sister is also troubling too... can you imagine that she wants to be the elder sister now... she will surely torture you if she was here."

Lorita mumbled to herself as she approached the tiger. Although she had an innocent smile on her face, it struck fear in those who were watching her, especially so for the tiger. In an instant, the tiger’s fur stood on its ends.

"Therefore... you must be a good boy alright..."

Lorita patted the white tiger on its head and did not seem as though she feared the tiger from leaping on her to releasing the sharp vibrations. Suddenly, the shadow behind Lorita started to shoot sharp shadow projectiles.


The shadow projectiles flew through an old tree trunk before blood was seen spewing everywhere.

"Mmm? Someone is stalking us, be alert!"

Seeing this scene, Leader Cai shouted and kept everyone on their toes.

What had changed the most in the past ten years since the second occurrence would be the danger of the wilderness and the conflicts within the group.

Leader Cai knew that in the wilderness, if two groups with bad blood were to meet, they would try and kill each other and no one would know about it.

Although he was all along a peace-loving person, he knew that he still had to keep his guard up.


The tree trunk fell to the ground, revealing a corpse behind which was sliced into two. It was a westerner with distinct facial features.

"A westerner?!"

Wang Xin screamed before glaring at Lorita.

’Could this be because of Lorita?’

Witnessing this scene, Leader Cai was beginning to suspect something as well. However, he could not dismiss any of the group members for no good reason and with that, he started to feel conflicted.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At this point in time, a fleeting silhouette came before them.

"God loves the people of the earth!"

The person in front was a person wearing a red bishop gown. He was an old westerner who wore a silver pendant by his neck.

"This person seems like the red-robed archbishop from the East Continent."

Lorita gazed at the group of people who seemed to come from a church. "Why are you people here?"

"We are instructed by God to come here, for the future of the humans."

The red-robed archbishop gave a vague and mysterious response.

"Hehe... Why is the God of the East Continent getting involved with the issues of other continents?"

Lorita snickered.

"God... is everywhere!"

The archbishop took a step forward and gave a solemn look.


A thick holy light started to emit from his body, giving the people standing around him a sense of pressure as though a mountain was leaning on them.

"I admire your courage!"

Leader Cai was about to go on his knees but Lorita seemed unaffected. "How dare you enter the country illegally and still be this boastful in Chinese Country..."

"For the glory of the God, we can sacrifice our lives!"

The archbishop spoke in a singing tone and the holy light from his body started to intensify, forming the silhouette which resembled an angel.

"D*mn this holy strength..."

Lorita started to display signs of discomfort and took a step back.

If they were comparing combat power alone, she would be much more powerful than the old man in front of her. However, the spiritual aura of the holy light was the perfect counter to shadow and darkness type special abilities, which made her powers restricted.

"D*mn you old man, what do you want exactly?"

"I am instructed by the Lord to retrieve something..."

The archbishop came towards the cave and had a look of suspicion. "Why is this place open?"

"What open? Are you confused? It was always here!"

Lorita scoffed.

"It seems like you don’t know about it as well!"

There was a condescending look on the archbishop’s face. "Since it is as such, we need to remain here to wait for it to naturally activate itself. The few of you will have to remain here as well and will not be allowed to spread the news out."

Leader Cai looked back and frowned, preventing his group members from voicing our their objections.

He could feel a sense of danger in these crazed believers, and all of them were highly-skilled.

To achieve their goals, these believers might kill everyone they encounter.

"Old fogey, you think too highly of yourself!"

Lorita smiled sheepishly and threw here shadow hand in mid-air.

"Roar! Roar!"

The white tiger started to roar as it was being flung towards the group of believers from the church.

"Shadow Ambush!"

Under Lorita’s control, long black needles started to appear in every believer’s shadow before flying towards them.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Two well-built men on horses grunted as they fell towards the ground.

However, that was all.

As soon as the thin needles approached the old archbishop, it melted like a sandcastle being engulfed by the waves.

After seeing his followers fall to the ground, the archbishop was infuriated. "How dare you ambush the judge of the church? I, Ingres, shall find you... guilty!"

"Holy spells?"

Lorita paid no attention to the rambling old man. However, as soon as Ingres ’found’ her guilty, she could feel that the air around her came to a halt in that instant. A powerful pressure landed on her body and all she could recall was the Church’s holy spells mentioned by Fang Yuan in the past and embodied the power of mantra.

"Since you are a non-believer, you need to be cleansed!"

The archbishop remained expressionless. He took a step forward and stuck out a finger.


On his fingertip, a fireball started to grow in size and it was as though it could melt through anything.

The white tiger seemed to have sensed danger as it started to kneel on the ground, afraid to twitch a single muscle.

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