Seized by the System

Chapter 806: Salted Duck Egg

Chapter 806: Salted Duck Egg

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At a villa somewhere in America, Black Robe was meeting Vigilante A.

He sometimes felt that the world is a funny place. Both of them used to be enemies with Vigilante A almost killing him more than once. Yet now, they were working closely. It was true that there was no such thing as being enemies forever, there was only benefit forever.

Even a self-righteous person such as Vigilante A would need to work with a demon such as himself.

“You want medicine slaves for herb planting? Sure, I can provide to you at cost price,” Black Robe followed his master’s instruction and informed Vigilante A with pleasure.

Helping Vigilante A to fight against the gods in the Upper Realm was a strategy long devised by his master.

“That’s good to know. I need three million skilled herb farmers. The faster the better,” Fang Ning said patiently.

“We can deploy them hot from the stove in one month’s time,” Black Robe said confidently.

“Good, I will await your good news,” Fang Ning turned to leave.

“Wait, I have something to ask you,” Black Robe suddenly said.

Fang Ning stopped and asked casually, “What about?”

“Why did you sign a contract with those pathetic gods?”

“I have always made my decisions based on righteousness. Those shameless gods were using the innocent as hostages. I was forced to a temporary compromise.”

“I see. Then you truly are stupid. So what if those gods killed billions of mortals? You have the Land of Sanguinity of hand, a realm that will be able to reincarnate those souls. All you need to do place those souls in the realm for reincarnation. Robotic spiders would be much more useful than mere mortals,” Black Robe shook his head.

“Hmph, this is truly the thought of someone on the Path of Demons. We do not see eye-to-eye, so there is nothing to explain. You wouldn’t understand even if I did,” Fang Ning looked coldly into Black Robe’s eyes.

Black Robe replied with disdain, “You truly are a stubborn person. You had the chance to stop all those shameless so-called gods and Buddhas from entering Earth. You could have killed them one by one as they descended with the power you now wield, why concern yourself with the lives of pathetic mortals? You have cultivated the Path of Heavenly Punishment, you could have enhanced your power. By then, you could have entered the Realm of Heavenly Gods and easily create humans. Mortals souls cannot be extinguished, it’s the same as not dying. You could have helped them to be reborn, yet here you are not being flexible with things!”

Fang Ning was silent. He did not believe that Black Robe would be so good-hearted as to help with plans, he must be plotting something.

“Hey, he sounds right!” A second-rate brain was convinced by the words.

“Damn it... You really are a pig-brained teammate. Are you really sure this guy could be so nice to us? If we followed his instructions, we would not be far from being demonized. This is the way those on the Path of Demons del with things, there are no inhibitions, no bottom line and they do whatever they want,” Fang Ning was speechless.

“That’s impossible, I would never deviate. You can relax about it,” Sir System was still trying to rid Fang Ning of reservations.

“Stop your nonsense, this is definitely a trap. If you did what he said, you would be going against the rule of heroism, it will create a big problem. In this sense, my gut feeling is much more useful than yours. After all, I have someone who has played numerous games!” Fang Ning said firmly.

Sir System was now uncertain after listening to Fang Ning, “Is that really true? You are not fooling me out of habit?”

“Of course it’s true! His words may sound good but if you really think about it, no hero has ever done it even in the case of an emergency. They don’t have fun killing people with disregard to destroying homes and extinguishing clans,” Fang Ning analyzed.

He had to analyze the situation as Sir System was short-sighted and did not see things far ahead. It was not the first time Sir System had made such mistakes.

“That sounds reasonable. It’s so troublesome being a hero. No wonder those main characters in your online novels always decide to go the wrong path...” Sir System commented unhappily.

Fang Ning was speechless, “Well, as you said, those are novels...”

Black Robe was secretly happy at the sight of a silent Vigilante A. He must be shaken by his words. As long as he follows these instructions, the demon seed will start to take root.

The meanings in his words hide deep. There’s no such thing as a soul not being able to be extinguished. Mortal souls are like fireflies. If a god or Buddha wants to, they can easily extinguish them with their Celestial Aura. The mortal soul is vulnerable even to the weakest of spirits.

It would be too late for Vigilante A once he realizes this. He would be wrecked so much in guilt that the demon seed would appear and bring him to deeper ends.

Vigilante A would be so demoralized that he would give up on the world and become demonized. He would fight against the gods and Buddhas tirelessly and give Black Robe’s master the chance to take advantage of the situation.

Just as Black Robe was enjoying his reveries, Fang Ning said righteously, “I know what you are trying to tell me but I would not allow innocents to do die just for the sake of enhancing my powers. Wise men have said that the last thing we should do is hurt people, if people were to die because of me, I rather not have their souls.”

Black Robe took a good look at Vigilante A and shook his head. He was lucky that this sand sculpture of a person was not his master...

When you have so much power but allow yourself to be tied up by people not worthy even to be a colony of ants, it was unacceptable. This was nothing more than a stubborn act.

“If you don’t want to listen to good advice, then it’s up to you Once those Upper Realm gods and Buddhas start moving into this world and make their mark, you will regret your decision! You will one day understand that my words are the only chance at human survival,” Black Robe sighed as he shook his head.

Even though he had an ulterior motive, he was not wrong if you looked at it objectively. The only chance for Vigilante A to win was to get rid of all reservations and fight these gods to the end in order to continue enhancing his power.

Looking at the situation now, where the Upper Realm gods and Buddhas were holding the humans hostage to keep Vigilante A at bay. This will just encourage them to create more trouble in the future.

Fang Ning turned to leave. Black Robe may be right, but he will not follow his instructions.

For Fang Ning, the greatest benefit for him was not killing all the Upper Realm gods but maintaining the stability of the System. Black Robe’s words may make sense, but he could not bear the responsibility of placing the System at risk.

If the System breaks down, a salted duck egg such as himself will be completely turned back to normal.

He was very clear that his determination, intelligence and potential were all unable to give him a place in this mythical era. It was already a very lucky thing for him to be able to make something of himself.

“Urm, I thought you always called yourself a salted fish. Why the change to a salted duck egg? What’s the story behind this?” Sir System was very curious.

“Stop peeking into my thoughts,” Fang Ning was losing his temper.

“Tell me what the meaning behind this salted duck egg is first,” Sir System was relentless.

“Go away!” Fang Ning was not about to explain himself to this second-rate brain. He had once read a joke written by a renowned novelist... I have experienced the world and no longer have eyes for the salted duck eggs from another’s village.

“Oh, now I understand. You are the salted duck egg from the other village,” Sir System realized.

“Damn it, I shouldn’t have let my thoughts wander,” Fang Ning said helplessly.


After Vigilante A left, Black Robe gave some thought and headed towards Lunaette to give his master a report.

When he arrived at the wooden house on the Lunaette, he found it completely empty.

Did master leave without informing him?

He inspected the area carefully. The moon now had an ozone layer and it was daytime. Black and brownish rocks can be seen everywhere.

He took a closer and look and found a well-hidden mark on one of the rocks. It was hidden between the grains of the rock.

Black Robe would not have noticed it if he was not proficient with the demonic path.

He was thoughtful for a moment before squeezing a drop of blood onto the mark.

A hologram of a person immediately appeared. It was Demon Lord Zhi Nan.

“The gods will be descending soon. I am on my way to outer space in order to complete our plan. You will continue hiding out on earth. All operations will be conducted as previously ordered. Be flexible when you need to,” the hologram disappeared immediately after finishing the words.

Black Robe gave a start and quickly bowed three times at where the hologram vanished before he took his leave.

“Hmph, so what if you are Upper Realm gods and Buddhas. Vigilante A might not be able to do anything, but my master will not let you off easily,” he thought with confidence.

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