Seized by the System

Chapter 365: The Host’s Image

Chapter 365: The Host’s Image

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fang Ning had no idea that a demon king was thinking about him in a land previously known as the Beacon of the World situated across the ocean.

At that moment, he was sitting on thin air while singing the scripture like a rock star towards the crowd gathered in the garden of the Truth Department…

Except that he was not.

Even though he wanted to do that, he still had to stay in the character set for Vigilante A!

Vigilante A was set up to be emotionless and unfriendly.

Would it not be earth-shattering news if he was to suddenly transform into a pop star?

Everyone would think that Vigilante A was possessed, and he would be in a lot of trouble…

That was why he chose to remain calm and serious while chanting a Buddhist scripture.

Everyone below the stage had no idea what he was singing, but they were indulged in it. All of them were moving as the music played like they were part of the tune.

His chanting using his inner energy sounded like he was singing normally.

However, the sound that he was making was more solemn and sounded like the tones of Heaven and earth. It was the right tool for Fang Ning when he needed to fool the crowd…

That was why he was so used to it…

As Fang Ning chanted on the stage, he felt a sense of relief as he saw the crowd enjoying themselves.

It had been a tough journey for him.

He was teased and bullied in the early years whenever he started singing on stage.

Those horrible memories had become his teenage nightmare ever since then.

However, every dog would have his day. At that moment, it was his turn to shine and sing his heart out while being watched by a crowd.

As he was enjoying himself, Sir System suddenly asked, “Hey, Richman Host, I think something’s gone wrong. How come we didn’t receive any Heavenly Merit Points after you finished enlightening Xiaoming?”

Fang Ning ignored the System and continued his singing like he never heard him at all.

[The System is evaluating…]

[The System is evaluating…]

[The System has decided to seize control of the Host.]

Fang Ning quickly replied to the System through his spiritual sense while singing, “Be patient. It might be a longer process than we thought. The Heavenly Axiom might reward us only when Xiaoming becomes an adult.”

“How many years do we need to wait then?” Sir System was displeased.

“Ten years or more, it won’t be that long,” Fang Ning replied, “This is the Heavenly Merit Point so don’t ever think it’s coming too slowly. This isn’t something that you can get just by capturing a few petty thieves.

“It is obvious that Zhi Nan has the capability to destroy Heaven, so your father chose to give out those merit points. However, your father will not bat an eye no matter how many thieves you catch.”

Sir System said in confusion, “Dad should have just sent him to hell with a single bolt of thunder if he’s that threatening. I would’ve felt safer without worrying when he’s going to jump out randomly and take away my experience points again…”

Fang Ning was stunned by his reply to the point that he almost made a mistake in his chanting. He immediately fixed it and continued.

He also replied, “Let me give you an example. Imagine a human body. Even if you found out a part of your body is being attacked by bacteria or viruses, you cannot direct your immune system to launch a siege onto those invaders. All you can do is to wait for your immune system work the way it was designed to. The Heavenly Axiom works like a human thought, and it must still obey the law of nature that rules the universe.

“The thunder and that sort of things are part of the immune system of the universe, and is subjected to the ruling of the subconscious law. Your father has no say in this. All he can do is train himself or acquire immunity through outside interferences.”

“That sounded reasonable, but I have a feeling you are just trying to dupe me. I should still gain control of your body…” Sir System hesitated.

“Give me another hour to finish my son…” Fang Ning replied hurriedly.



Damn, this idiot learned countdowns…

Fang Ning could only end his performance abruptly and wake everyone else from their indulgence.

“Everyone, please remember this.?Do good but never evil. I am leaving now.”

Fang Ning looked around after he finished before he flew away while his body glowed.

“He is a true descended Bodhisattva,” the crowd starting worshipping him.

And so, the Great Bodhisattva Fang was seized by Sir System amidst the admiration from everyone there.

“Ai, those that understood me would ask me why I’m worrying so much, yet those who don’t only asked what I’m trying to get?”

Fang Ning said with sadness while looking at the crowd, who were still worshipping him as he left.

“I don’t know what you are worried about, but I’m sure you’re not done enjoying yourself,” Sir System replied.

“Hehe, you will never understand. Why is it so hard to find a bosom friend?” Fang Ning looked like he could not pull himself away from the situation just now.

“Something’s not right. I think your mental state is unstable right now. I’ll give you a routine check,” Sir System said.

Fang Ning was shocked and quickly rejected his offer, “On what basis? I can’t be more normal than I am right now.”

“Nope. You were never like this… Well, sometimes you would overact, but you’d recover before we know and get back into your novels and video games. Right now though, you look like you can’t stop your act…”

Even though Fang Ning did not want to admit that, he chose to give up fighting with him.

He was planning to continue his act because he liked the feeling of acting superior.

How many people work till their last day after being placed in a higher position?

There were many, and the reason was the same for all of them. They could longer adapt to a quieter life after being admired for a long time.

[The System is starting to investigate the host’s mental state.]

[The System realized the host was in a hyperactive state.]

[The System decided to fix the host’s mental state.]

[The System used True Bodhi Tactics.]

[The Host is starting to procrastinate again. The Host has recovered.]

[The Host regained a normal mental state.]

Fang Ning could only say helplessly, “Thank you for your kindness, sir.”

“This is more like you. I wasn’t at all used to the gentleman look you were going about just now. I’d even thought Zhi Nan did something to you,” Sir System said.

“Hehe, he can never do that if he doesn’t know your trump card,” Fang Ning replied.

“There is no way he can figure that out, not even in a lifetime. Unless he manages to enter the System Space. We have a bunch of friendly inmates, and I would be happy to welcome him if he comes and joins them,” Sir System said.

“That’s right,” Fang Ning replied, “Plus, he’s talented in creating dungeons in video games, which is useful since the other inmates are also working on one. Besides, they can also enter his Paradise Realm since those inmates are spirits.”

“You’re right, host. Why don’t you think of a way to get him inside? We should find a greater challenge since we handled many great bosses before,” Sir System got excited.

Fang Ning replied helplessly, “Don’t get overconfident. Only think about that when your ability reaches some legendary level. That guy is not someone we can easily mess with. It will be extremely difficult without the help of the Heavenly Axiom.”

“Then we should try and gather 100 Heavenly Merit Points. Can you try and find someone familiar with this and learn how to speed this process up? Sir System asked.

Fang Ning thought about it and replied with confidence, “Jackpot, I know someone who definitely knows how to get this done.”



“Eh, why are you so certain?” Sir System was confused.

Fang Ning replied happily, “Isn’t this easy? He always looks at the sky whenever he could, plus I also learned from my report that he is a master in cloud divining. He must know how to please the Heavenly Axiom…”

“I see,” Sir System finally understood.

He continued, “Look at that, this is more like the normal way you speak. You’ve definitely recovered to your original state.”

“Hehe, is that my fixed image that has been imprinted in your mind?” Fang Ning asked.

“Yes, this is that image,” Sir System replied.

At that moment, Gu Buwei was reading the novel online on top of the volcano…

Suddenly, he felt an urge to looked at the sky.

The image of Vigilante A appeared from the clouds.

He was flying at high speed like he was on the way to catch some criminals.

He nodded. He felt that there was no need for him to look into the future since the Venerable One seemed calm.

Just when he was going to deactivate his divining skill, he realized that Vigilante A made a u-turn and started flying towards him.

He knew that he was not looking for trouble. Even though he was full of pride and unfriendly, he would never do anything evil.

Plus, all he ever did was work his way up and only defeated his opponents through his true strength, so he never needed to succumb to using dirty tactics in his battles.

With his power of divining, he never worried if anyone was trying to stab him from his back.

All he was suspecting was if Vigilante A found out the location of the Earthly Monument.

He was worried as all three monuments could not be unearthed at the same moment…

Even though his grandmaster never revealed the reason behind it, he felt that he understood his intention.

He was placed in a difficult situation. What should he do if the Venerable One pick away the Earthly Monument?

He chose to let him had his way with the Divine Monument, but not because he was afraid of the power of the Vigilante A.

It was because of the fact that he would gain some merit points as the one who protected the Divine Monument if the Divine Monument managed to complete its duty in the world.

However, his credit would be lower than the one who protected the Divine Monument until his true owner appeared, as well as lower than Vigilante A.

Unfortunately, there was nothing in the world that could be perfect.

So long as he never did something that he could not forgive himself, everything would be fine.

Just when he was thinking, Vigilante A slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of him.

“Eh, Richman. My prayers have finally responded. Look, that treasure is here,” Sir System said happily to Fang Ning.

Fang Ning saw the black lotus at the volcano entrance.

It was slowly rotating and floating above the lava like it was covering something up.

Fang Ning didn’t feel that the black lotus was a treasure as it was covered with demonic energy.

It was acting as a seal for something.

However, what was it trying to seal away? That item must be the treasure Sir System was talking about.

Gu Buwei never missed his calculation. He started to worry about the Earthly Monument ever since Vigilante A arrived…

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