Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 276

Although it was a well-known fact that the relationship between girls would never be as straightforward as the relationship between the guys, Zhao Youyue treated them all as one and the same. She only had to treat everyone with sincerity.

She looked like a pretty flower that everyone could pluck at and exploit. This had actually worked to her advantage, and other girls would do their best to defend the purity of this flower, having fallen thrall to her charming personality.

As things were, people would always see her as the one being picked on, all the time. Little did they know that she was actually using her well-placed “baits,” in exchange of “payment,” the form of which would be up to her discretion.

At times, someone would stand up for her. For instance, Shen Menglian, who was now so protective of Zhao Youyue, would look out for Zhao Youyue’s welfare against those vile opportunists. Of course, in truth, she was just trying to protect her own welfare.

Let’s take those snacks, as an example. If Zhao Youyue gives too much of it to others, Shen Menglian would only be left with the embers, which was not an acceptable outcome.

Zhao Youyue had yet to realize that she had the potential of a leader. She had grown accustomed to controlling others. Her methods never involved strength or force, though. Her constant, manipulative whispers were so subtle that the girls would be willing to bend to her will and protect her.

If Zhao Youyue was studying in a fictional girl’s school in the Two Dimensional world, she would be the legendary “Elderly Sister [1]” often escorted by an all-female entourage.

Zhao Youyue definitely had the potential to become one. She was the most beautiful girl in sight, with the best results in her class, while also possessing skills that others did not have. Also, she is no longer being mistaken by other people as a poor student, under the propaganda of the self-absorbed Shen Menglian. Everyone now knew that her background was no less than Bai Yunshan’s.

Under such circumstances, one could imagine that it would be difficult for Bai Yunshan to find a witness for her cause

“Qiu Ya, tell us, did you witness Zhao Youyue breaking the school’s rules by playing her cell phone and handheld game consoles during recess?” Bai Yunshan asked her deskmate with confidence.

In the eyes of Bai Yunshan, Qiu Ya was an extremely dutiful student. She seldom spoke, and always buried herself in books. She was a serious and thoughtful person. Her study notes showed it!

She assumed that she had a good relationship with Qiu Ya. Qiu Ya would surely help her, by standing on the right side! The side of justice!

Qiu Ya cast her eyes downward, unable to speak a word.

Then, she heard the gentle and soothing voice of Zhao Youyue, saying, “Just tell it as it is. I believe in you.”

After hearing it, Qiu Ya said softly, “I was busy with my revision during recess, and I did not notice if Zhao Youyue did anything against the school’s rules.”

Zhao Youyue laughed and praised her, “Qiu Ya is indeed a hard working and good student.”

Then, she turned to Bai Yunshan. She raised her eyebrows and said, “Class monitor, you were observing me, instead of paying attention to your own notes during recess. Don’t you think that you’re going above the call of duty?”

Bai Yunshan was disappointed in Qiu Ya. Was she one of them too, another deceptive liar?

“You talk about my priorities. What about yours? Why were you meddling about, instead of studying during recess?” Bai Yunshan asked in reply.

“I was studying, but by methods of my own. If not, how could I maintain my results? Your accusation of me playing my cell phone and handheld game consoles are all ridiculous. You must have imagined it” said Zhao Youyue with her characteristically gentle smile.

Finally, Bai Yunshan realized that a top student would practically be invincible. This entity would be given free reign over its devices, as long as the teacher remains unaware. This was a result-orientated school, where any problems could be covered up by good results.

Hence, Bai Yunshan failed to find any witnesses, just as she was unable to find the magazines that were in her drawer

Where were the magazines?

Zhao Youyue had distributed them to her female classmates. Accepting those magazines would instantly turn them into her partners-in-crime.

She could always buy more magazines.

This was how capricious Lady Zhao truly was.

Even if the teacher confiscates her possessions on rightful grounds, she could easily replace them. Cell phones, gaming consoles, you name it.

Naturally, it would earn the ire of the teacher, and she would be asked to write a letter of apology in turn, which came as a struggle for her.

She had to maintain her image as a perfect top student in the eyes of the teacher.

After all, Zhao Youyue was a woman of many faces.

On the other hand, Bai Yunshan had been completely isolated by her classmates due to her action. However, this did not upset her. She firmly believed that she was in the right, and that the truth would always prevail.

At this point, Bai Yunshan would already have been impeached, if the classroom worked in the form of a democracy. Her position would be replaced by Zhao Youyue, who was always oh so thoughtful and righteous. Of course, the class would become a mess if Zhao Youyue ever becomes the class monitor. It was a scene too horrible to imagine

Zhao Youyue would still maintain her good results, but, it would be a different story for her classmates.

Anyway, Bai Yunshan was still in Yang Liqun’s good graces. He comforted, “Don’t mess with Zhao Youyue again. You will be more influential in the class if your results surpass hers. The responsibility of a student is to study well, and the only form of benchmark for a student’s passion would be their academic achievement.”

Truthfully, he wanted to make her into a person with a flexible mindset, but he did not do so as she would not be the real Bai Yunshan.

“Does it mean that one can do anything as she pleases in this school, by getting good results?”

Yang Liqun wanted to apologize to her, as this was how an exam orientated education worked. The school only focused on cultivating the robots of examination. Those who achieved excellent results would stand above all else!

If it was not because of Zhao Youyue consistently surpassing Bai Yunshan’s results, their roles would have been switched.

Unfortunately, Zhao Youyue is a rare case. She was now ranked the No. 1 among the art classes of the school.

Therefore, she could do anything she pleased.

“Of course not! No one is allowed to do as she pleases. Everyone should obey the school’s rules. The world is fair, so is our school,” Yang Liqun said sternly.

It was precisely this “fairness” that Zhao Youyue loved the most!

She never held anything against Bai Yunshan who had snitched on her. Their classmates were now isolating that girl. Ironically, this only made Lady Zhao feel more inclined to know her better. She saw Bai Yunshan as a figure of righteousness. She would like to be her righteous partner! Please don’t look at me, like I’m the dark horse

Bai Yunshan treated her indifferently, but, they became closer without her being aware of it. Well, no one would approach her anyway, as they worried that she might tell on themno one except for Zhao Youyue.

This was quite an interesting outcome.

As if things could not get any better, the “Two Dimensional Gate” sprung to life once again! What new world would it take her to?

Translation Note

[1] Elderly Sister the common trope you see in all sorts of media, but mostly anime, where a single female student would act as a queen bee, going wherever she pleases while being accompanied by a full entourage, complete with maids who serve her tea in saucer cups.

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