Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 239

Chu Luoxun was still explaining her determination to undergo surgery with a smile on her face. However, her mother could not help crying. The scene was somber.

Han Leng had received the lash back of Chu Luoxun’s firm bid for survival. Therefore, his mind had been set in stone. He will make the surgery successful, no matter what. After all, this was her last wish. It would be too inhumane not to realize it.

Han Leng would never be able to reject Chu Luoxun. Just as it is in reality, he would never disobey any commands from Lady Zhao.

There was a scene. It was exactly the reason why Chu Luoxun’s max-level strong will characteristic was deeply carved into the readers’ mind.

To keep her promise of ‘one more ensemble,’ Chu Luoxun put all her effort into her rehabilitation. Her legs were often too weak for her to walk, but right now, she was currently in the hospital’s rehabilitation room.

Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue had to bear witness to a disturbing scene.

“Step forward slowly just like this. Place your left foot...” said the doctor.

Chu Luoxun was holding on the railing with both hands, stepping forward with all her might. She did not want to let her muscles waste away. She wanted to return to the stage to perform with her violin!

She kept on walking, and suddenly fell to the ground.It was truly a heartwrenching scene.

“Let’s have some rest. That’s enough for today’s training.” said the doctor, unable to watch her struggle any more.

“It’s alright. I’m a performer. I have good stamina!” said Chu Luoxun with a smiley face. She was not forcing herself to smile. It was a smile that was truly filled with hope towards the future. She felt grateful within her heart towards Lin Meiyue for agreeing to have her perform with Gu Yuan once more.

When Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue saw Chu Luoxun’s smile, there was a sense of shock within their heart!

Right at this moment, Lin Meiyue felt that she was the most shallow-minded person ever. Chu Luoxun’s concentration and devotion towards music were all beyond her understanding.

Lin Meiyue thought that her love towards Gu Yuan could surpass everything. However, it seemed like a joke when compared to Chu Luoxun’s love towards music.

Gu Yuan had gained Chu Luoxun’s favor, just because of his peerless talent in music.

Lin Meiyue suddenly realized that Gu Yuan was not the only one who had gained Chu Luoxun’s preference. She had also earned the goddess’ favor! Even more so than Gu Yuan...

No matter how she acted pettily towards Chu Luoxun, intending to compete with her in music, Chu Luoxun would always respond with the loving smile of a happy teacher, and shower her with more praises

Chu Luoxun had even given all her original songs to Lin Meiyue. Nobody would ever guess that such a musical genius was now struggling to stand on her own two feet, somewhere in the world

But she would also be remembered forever, because her music would remain forever within the world, even if she has no signature to offer.

However, Chu Luoxun did not care about any of these matters at all. The moment she displays her style, one not aimed for fame and gain, but only to bring happiness to everyone, such a choice would come as no surprise.

Chu Luoxun stuck to her rehabilitation with zeal. She fell, she stood, she repeated it all. Throughout the process, her face remained hopeful and radiant.

When this was published, many readers instantly cried as they read. The awakening heroine Lin Meiyue, and the male protagonist Gu Yuan were harshly criticized. Chu Luoxun was the only person who exploded in popularity. Her radiance illuminated from the novel to the whole world!

Many readers thought that Master Leng Zi would not write Chu Luoxun to death anymore. She had been so strong, she was putting up such a ridiculous fight, how could she possibly die?

Even Han Leng himself thought that he would not write like so. He must be out of his mind if he writes Chu Luoxun to death. He wanted her to come back once more!

He wanted to see the gorgeous, dazzling goddess Chu appearing on stage again!

The plot continued. Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue went to the hospital to visit Chu Luoxun again. They saw a shocking, heartbreaking scene.

Chu Luoxun’s condition had deteriorated once more. Many nurses rushed towards the scene. She was lying on the hospital bed, her back arched in pain. Her hands which were clutching the edges of the bedside lost their grip and slipped lifelessly.

Right at that moment, Zhao Youyue even felt herself truly dying. But she could not let that happen. She still had an ensemble to complete, and she would do it as a spirit if she has to!

Then, Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue heard the reason why Chu Luoxun’s condition had deteriorated was because she had pushed herself too much. Resting should have been the right choice.

Chu Luoxun was wheeled to the ICU. Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue were left dumbfounded.

Lin Meiyue was wracked with guilt. She broke into tears and said, “I really did not know that her sickness...would be so serious.”

Gu Yuan could only comfort her. His heart felt empty. Once again, he remembered his mother. Darkness threatened to overwhelm his soul again.

In the end, Lin Meiyue could never admit that all her ‘original’ songs actually belonged to Chu Luoxun.

On their way home, Gu Yuan and Lin Meiyue saw a kitten getting involved in a road accident. It was the very kitten that Chu Luoxun had once fed.

They immediately sent the kitten to the veterinary clinic. However, it was too late.

Gu Yuan relapsed into his broken state. He no longer had any mood to participate in the most important music contest of his life in December!

To be honest, Chu Luoxun was never his lover. She was his best friend. She was also the girl that saved him from the abyss. No matter how hard Lin Meiyue tried, she could never replace Chu Luoxun’s help towards him on music.

He suffered with Chu Luoxun, but he could only share his happiness with Lin Meiyue.

Lin Meiyue found herself being totally useless during this period. Her music could not save him at all!

Fortunately, they managed to stabilize Chu Luoxun’s condition. Lin Meiyue went to meet Chu Luoxun alone. She knelt in front of Chu Luoxun and begged her humbly, hoping to save Gu Yuan once more. He now detested music, and was blaming music for everything!

Music had taken his mother away, and is now going to take his best friend away...

Lin Meiyue cared too much about Gu Yuan. She truly hoped that Gu Yuan’s music journey would never end like this. However, she could do nothing about it.

Muscling her way up to a sitting position, Chu Luoxun reached out and gave her a weak hug. Even when barely conscious, she still smiled and agreed to Lin Meiyue’s request. How would she ever refuse her?

Actually...Lin Meiyue was the person she was concerned about the most. Even though she did not have Gu Yuan’s talent, Chu Luoxun’s cared for Lin Meiyue far more than she did Gu Yuan.

Unfortunately, Gu Yuan was the only person Lin Meiyue loved.

Lin Meiyue was treating Chu Luoxun that way for Gu Yuan’s sake.

However, Chu Luoxun did not mind. She only giggled.

No matter what happens, she would put all her effort into saving Gu Yuan once more, making Lin Meiyue and him happy.

Even if it costs her life.

Lovers get married, what a happy ending it will be.

She would always remain a third wheel.

I chose to face suffering and frustration with hope and optimism.

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