Soul of Searing Steel

Chapter 935: Brainwashing with Hope

Chapter 935: Brainwashing with Hope

A galaxy yet to be named in the vast Multiverse.

An alien Abyss.

There was no fundamental difference between this place and the Abyss of the Lost Galaxy—both were dead, disintegrating worlds in the process of recycle and rebirth. There were no exceptions to that rule since similar sights occur in every galaxy. Still, compared to the Abyss of the Lost Galaxy, the alien Abyss was far wider and weaker. There were no worlds destroyed during their peak, just as there had not been much dark Chaos lurking.

If one were to say that the Lost Galaxy’s Abyss had been corrupted by the heaps of Evil God corpses and leaned towards ferocious post-apocalyptic cruelty at birth, not to mention welled with irrepressible rage, the Abyss here leaned towards rot and corruption, a nonchalance, as fighting will and spirit all diminished. However, even if it was a land of rot and corruption, the deathly Abyss that was filled with the dusk of finality still had life stubbornly surviving within it.


The Abyss of Monstrous Corpses, the 323rd Abyss of another galaxy.

The original world of the Abyss of Monstrous Corpses had a bizarre fate of ups and downs and a rather famous medium Extraordinary world. Its interior had a radius of 60,000 kilometers—not too small but not too large either, while the world itself was composed of forty-two continental-sized lands and one boundless ocean. There had been hundreds of different intelligent lifeforms living within, with civilizations interacting or colliding as they ventured into an age of voyage. Though there were trade and war in nations, it remained a bustling place.

However, such days did not last long. A calamity of unknown causes befell the realm, drowning its continent, as a super tsunami wave thousands of meters tall engulfed the entire world. Violent energies even crashed into the crust and mantle of the planet, tearing the orbicular skies and rectangular earth into four halves. There was certainly no race that survived since they were far from stepping out into the Void. Only several Extraordinary individuals who could reach into it stayed alive, by heading out to other worlds before their world was destroyed.

The origins of the Abyss of Monstrous Corpses would not have been unusual if that was all there is to it—anything from the advent of the Evil God of Calamity, a supercivilization firing their flagship’s main batteries out of boredom, or some Extraordinary individual punching a Void Behemoth would cause such destruction, since there was no lack of bored minds in the Multiverse. The Abyss of Monstrous Corpses’s history was however far more curios than of any realms’.

Amongst the Extraordinary individuals who left their homeworld was a user of the generally-defined Power of Nature—in other words, a druid, who had a six-legged lizard as his companion. Thousands of years passed, and the displaced druid died in some unknown place, while the lizard transformed into a Void Dragon that could devour planets and returned to his home that was now an Abyss.

Though severely injured, the Void Dragon had long since obtained intelligence surpassing humans before he had grown to such size, along with power eclipsing most Legends. He appeared to have battled with a certain powerful being and triumphed only bitterly. Even when he felt as if he could not hold on and would die anytime, the Void Dragon only had one thought—to bring his own remains along with the old druid’s back home.

He did it.

In his death throes, the Void Dragon reached home. The perished world accepted its wandering child amicably, and in that world of sand and dust, the behemoth closed his eyes in peace.

Thus, infinite lifeforce revived the world. His bones were mountains, his flesh and blood were lands, while his organs and energy core were the planet’s earthen fire that reignited its Flame. His great soul reformed the dried Soul Cycle, and the behemoth’s death bestowed rebirth upon his home—new life was born from the behemoth’s blood to create another prosperous and modern civilization upon that world.

Nevertheless, time was most heartless—even the reborn world leaned towards ruin, and it was unavoidable. After the sun that vanished thrice died for a final time, the world and civilization of multiple deaths and rebirths finally sank into the Abyss and eternal dusk.

And his name was the Abyss of Monstrous Corpses.

A demon.

Having lost its Flame and cycles, civilization and home, the people of the dead world survived on death’s door, reluctant to die. Their souls broken, they were wild and filled with desire for ruin, yearning for the warmth of the Flame yet unable to resist extinguishing it, their minds an equivalent to malice and Chaos at birth.

The ruler of demonic kind.

The one demon that was most ruthless, insane, powerful and cold-blooded. He would certainly have great power, an unshakable mind, a resolute will, and the determination to achieve their goals by any means. Demons would never obey him if it was not the case, for the callous destroyers would never lower their heads before a being that could not fulfill those conditions and call him Demon King.

And now, at the heart of the Monstrous Corpse and upon the dragon’s corpse that stood as tall as mountains, a Demon King sat in his throne and watched the two envoys, its vertical pupils without a hint of emotion.

The Demon King had six arms and was covered entirely in white bones, with two draconic horns protruding out of his skull and a steel tail swinging behind. There were four eyes on his head and another four on his abdomen, with blood-red light shining from within menacingly, as the creature that appeared to be either a bone demon or a draconic demon forcefully held back its instinct to attack uncomfortably while growling at the envoys.

“Leave my world!” His voice was a scraping of bones, the noise insects made when they scraped their wings or rear legs. Along with it came a nearly offensive spiritual presence—though appearing to be a powerful fighter, the demon had terrific spiritual force that surpassed his physical form.

However, the two humanoid envoys before him paid no heed to his threat. One of them had silky long hair, a seductive face, a smooth black exoskeleton, and translucent insect wings kept behind her—she was one of the transformations of the Confounder Demons, a demonic species of the Lost Galaxy that could shapeshift into an either attractive human male or female, seducing and preying on humans or any other creature by feeding on their souls, although they were not proficient in combat. Still, this particular Cofounder was so formidably that her faint energy signature distorted the form of things around her, causing electrons to shine, a distinct grandness of Demon Generals.

Behind her, a silent blonde human man clenched on his crosshammer and coolly studied the other elite or average demons that kept making noises around him. He was equipped with sturdy enchanted armor flickering in gray Holy Light that incessantly shifted the nature of things around him, his power clearly reaching Legendary tier.

Persica the Confounder Demon General and Roland the Holy Knight—a Legendary pair who certainly had no reason to fear one Legendary Demon King, and that applied even if the former was the main spokesperson and the latter simply guarding.

“Brethren, you are simply afraid.” Persica did not show any deliberate charm despite the King of Bone Demons’ threat—after all, she had no time to the study the local demons and there was hence no meaning in appearing pretty. Nonetheless, with ability being the greatest clearance, the Confounder Demon General released his presence partially, showing that they were equals. “You are afraid of change, afraid that we have come to claim your already scarce resources, to take your land and invade your home. Is that correct?”

“Nonsense. In the end, you just wish to subjugate us.” The King of Bone Demons was clearly not having it and grunted coldly, “We are the most powerful demons of the Dia Galaxy, and controlling us means controlling the all of the galaxy’s Abysses—but why should we serve you? Word of you Mycroftians’ actions have spread all over the Multiverse, that you have come to conquer and expand your territories... and then what? Your power has reached its limit, and you still have the strength to come threaten us?”

“You’re driveling too.”

Beside them, the Holy Knight could not help clenching the warhammer in his hand—clearly not having it either, bright gray Holy Light blazed around him, prompting every demon around him to flee away from the citadel. If a fight truly erupted, not a single being beneath Legends like them would walk away alive.

“Funny. We have nothing in the first place, should we fear you like those other civilizations?” The Bone Demon sneered and rose from his throne, his eight eyes unleashing blood-hued radiance while his presence raged. “If it’s a fight you want, you’ve got it!”

“Eh—No-no-no, stop! Stop! Let’s talk, let’s talk!”

Watching as the Bone Demon and Holy Knight bared fangs and were on the verge of a massive conflict, the Confounder promptly felt her head hurt. She had been commanded by Goliath to attempt subjugating demons of the other galaxies, and the demons of the Dia Galaxy were incidentally the most powerful in the nearby galaxies, whilst also possessing the longest history. Still, it was clear that the Mycroftians could not trust the demons entirely, which was Roland was sent to work with her.

Perhaps personality was infectious, and the Holy Knight was clearly infected by his best friend Count Radcliffe—that temperament of jumping to physical conflict with minimal provocation was even more demonic than demons. If words could clearly work, conflict was unnecessary—and now, Persica hastily tried to patch things up and play the role of peacekeeper.

But unlike what she had imagined, the Confounder had barely dissuaded them when both Holy Knight and Bone Demon gave up. It appeared that they were both probing each other’s bottom line and attitudes, and were not truly intent on fighting—Persica was convinced that they would otherwise not have been so vague.

“Demons will always be demons, even by a different name and species. Failures are failures, just like you and I... so why are you here?” The King of Bone Demons returned to his seat before staring at the Confounder with six eyes and the quiet Roland—whose hand was on his hammer—with two, and then spoke coldly, “As I’ve said, we demons have nothing, and you’re probably the same. It’s fine if it’s fealty for appearances’ sake, but if you are bent on using myself and my children as cannon fodder, we would die fighting.”

“Sigh. What do you mean, ‘nothing’? Aren’t you all alive?” Persica smiled dazzlingly in return, unmoved by the Bone Demon but stepping forward in passion as if to embrace his forelimbs—which was stopped by the Demon King. Still, she said nonchalantly, “Though we are of different species, we are all demons so we’re pretty much family. Don’t be that pessimistic, be positive, brother. Give us a smile, why so serious?”

Both Roland and the Bone Demon shuddered at once in response. Persica was truly a Legendary Confounder Demon General with her masterful setup, not to mention that her dark humor in trying to be lighthearted with a demon. It was art.

“Try to think about the past and the future. Think more and hope for the happiest and most beautiful day in life—” the charmingly soft voice resounded, brushing away all the absurd sensations as a mild spiritual presence wafted from Persica’s form, while both Roland and the King of Bone Demons abruptly remembered their best days.

Training with companions and running around the Holy Mountain, splashing in youthful sweat... triumphing over a superior foe and barren plains for one scrumptious meal, smoothly ascending and claiming the right to live on.... aiding troubled villagers and earning heartfelt gratitude, being gifted an amulet by a little girl, being praised by his Godfather... becoming the ruler of demons, leading the Generals to war against other Lieges, uniting the Abyss of Monstrous Corpses bit by bit...

In future, a greater Legendary tier to catch up to the Forerunners and become a pillar for the Mycroft civilization...

Future... future... future...

“Shut up!!!”

The Bone Demon jolted from the illusion that he had fallen into at some unknown point in time, his enraged bellowing shocking the Holy Knight from his beautiful fantasy of the future too. Roland could not help feeling disappointed by his carelessness for that instant, as he finally saw the genuine power of the seemingly weak Confounder Demon General—the ability to raise the most tempting desire in one’s heart or granting perfection and hope. Should the Confounder’s ability be used in a more sinister fashion, there was no doubt that Persica could easily brainwash legions of mortals and demons to build a massive and loyal faction that would never betray her at any given location. And yet, even having such strategic value, she remained ever loyal in Goliath’s service.

It appears that he and the others had still underestimated the power of the Sixth Abyss. They may have appeared to have simply sworn loyatly, but their ability was not weak.

“Tch. No hope or yearning for the future at all? What an ambitionless Demon! Knight, help me hold him down!” There was no way Persica would stay silent even if the King of Bone Demons demanded it—such was the Confounders’ strategy. As the Holy Knight burst out into a bolt and crashed into the King of Bone Demons who had leapt out as well, the Confounder Demon General rushed into battle, helping Roland in holding him back while blasting the Demon King with confounding rays to brainwash him.

“—Listen. You will be filled with hope for the future, you will think of exploring unknown places—you are a proactive, optimistic, and cheerful demon! You will lead your tribes onto the path towards the future, deciding your path in freedom!”

In remarkable tandem, the Holy Knight smashed his hammer down on the Bone Demon’s head, who crashed into the ground from the skies, splitting a huge spiderweb of rifts that spanned ten kilometers. Roland was also sent flying out of the atmosphere by a flail of his tail, although the outcome was positive—the Bone Demon’s sturdy brain juices were shaking, with him fainting briefly in a physical sense, developing extreme concussion and the sense that he had forgotten something. At the same time, the spirit of charm welled into him, meticulously filling the gaps.

“—You can choose to abandon your home and head to a new world, just as you could restore your home and lift the sun up for a fourth time. Like the ancient Void Dragon and your ancestors, whether it is freeing yourself from the shackles of the past or rebuilding your own world, come join us and awaken the hidden power in your soul that belongs to hope!”

“Don’t... nonsense... Argh!”

The Bone Demon attempted to resist the spiritual brainwashing. His spiritual ability was just as powerful and could dispel a Demon General’s influence, but the process did not go smoothly as the Holy Knight descended from the skies as gray meteor and crashed into him again. Feeling his consciousness turning vague at once alongside the Holy Light, both Legends’ direct physical collision had promptly flattened a nearby mountain, as well as beating them down to a blank state.

Meanwhile, the Confounder’s voice and mild spiritual presence was welling in through every opening possible. “You think the Abyss is a miserable, despairing place? It is certainly true, but greed—greed more! My king once told me the greatest virtue of all worlds is the greed of hope. Change, and not be like still water; stir, and become anew! We can aid you in fulfilling your wish, but in return, you must become a part of our hope for the future!”

The King of Bone Demons could barely control its own mind. It was much harder than he thought since two Legends were attacking him violently, their battle spanning over a hundred miles just after dozens of seconds, the Holy Knight-Confounder combo almost beating a hole into him... he was slowly losing control!

The King of Bone Demons could clearly feel his spirit being upended by the Confounder, becoming positive, kind, and filled with...


A yearning of immeasurable greed for hope!

What the hell?!

Beside them, the Holy Knight who was on his toes could not help but feel a quiet shock as he assisted in the physical brainwashing. He finally understood how Goliath had subjugated the other Demon Generals—the Confounder’s fealty was of chief importance next to the Demon King’s own ability! One of Mycroft’s ten great unsolved mysteries was hence solved!

Nevertheless, the Bone Demon still had fight in him—having formidable ability yet to be completely unleashed, he would have had no difficulty holding back both Holy Knight and the Confounder at once, and should the Abyssal Blessing be granted, he could take on even more Legends. Still, it was clear now that he could not use any of his strength at all, as the Confounder’s Legendary ability was forcing a change through the physical realm by manipulating electromagnetic signals, Psi, magic, spirit, and all mental capacity—hence, the ultimate confounding spell as marked entirely upon his mind.

In truth, the Bone Demon could employ its own power to dispel the Mark—though far inferior to Goliath, he was still a demon king with an Abyss’s blessing, and nullifying such bewitching was easy. But why should he?

He could, but he did not.

The conflict was subsiding and less violent—after the Holy Knights stopped fighting preemptively, the Bone Demon followed suit and lowered his four arms. All of his eight eyes closed as his mind kept rewinding to the beautiful memories of the past... although he still could not see clearly the vision of the future, that vague, joyous delight that was filled with unknown and hardship had already manifested in him... Unlike his former self who had simply united the Abyss of Monstrous Corpses and passed the time jadedly, the King of Bone Demons abruptly felt how hateful he had been in the past, idling for such a long time and yet never once thinking about changing!

What had he been doing all along?!


Opening his eyes towards afar at the Confounder Demon General which was observing if his spell worked, the King of Bone Demons snorted coldly, “Hope kills.”

“Then do you wish to die on the path of hope—”

When she heard the Bone Demon’s words, the Confounder Demon knew that she had succeeded and broke into a smile, exclaiming loudly from afar, “Or do you want to die in the bottomless depths of despair?”


“Actually, every demon is born with severe manic depression and cannot feel no joy at all, their broken souls bringing them endless confusion and anguish—their homes are destroyed and all things are dyed in grayness, just as they lived in dead, cold worlds without sunlight, along with the cruel bloodthirsty environments. All those things added to their depression and aggravated their chronic destructive tendencies, making them occasionally extremely excited and other times helpless. There’s no other way to cure that malady other than through brainwashing.”

Persica the Confounder Demon General spoke as they left the Abyss of Monstrous Corpses, but there’s no telling if the demon was muttering to herself or explaining things to Roland. “My King had recovered from his depression when he was summoned to Mycroft as a mage’s familiar centuries ago, which was why he was calmer and more rational than other demons, and could guide us forward in hope.”

As for whether brainwashing was another malady...

Beside the demon, the quiet Holy Knight shrugged.

Who cared, and rare as it may be, he acknowledged that the Confounder was right. As compared to dying at the bottomless depth without hope, anyone would rather perish upon the path of hope—and demons were no exception.


Meanwhile, in the Abyss of Monstrous Corpses, the King of Bone Demons ‘frowned’ as he and several archdemons surrounded and studied the unusual silver pillar.

“...A Mycroftian trick,” he said quietly, with utter disgust.

I would never touch that thing even if I am dying, forced, or simply desperate, the Bone Demon had intended to say, but the tools of the Mycroft people were simply too useful and the Redemption System truly convenient.

“...This Lifetree Cultivation Manual is quite interesting...” (Praiseful)

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