Ending Maker

Chapter 212: Ultimate One (2)

Chapter 212: Ultimate One (2)

Terms used in this episode:

One’s eyes are covered with bean pods – This is the 4th time that this idiom has been mentioned, but I’ll say it again to those who forgot, it means that you only see good things in someone that you’ve fallen in love with. Jude was the first to use this idiom, but this time, it’s Cordelia who used it herself.

Black Dragon Malekith had several subordinates besides the Dragonflights, who were its children.

Gamorr Khan.

He was the boss of the Black Hand Mercenaries and one of the notorious Five Evils of the South. He was big and close to 2 meters, but this was just an average height among the Vorgs.

At this moment, there were a dozen of his men that were bigger than him.

Being big naturally wasn’t a good thing, but it was quite strange when one considered the culture of the Vorgs, wherein the biggest one generally became the leader.

He had stiff brown fur, a black mane, red eyes, and sharp fangs that protruded from his mouth.

On his neck was a gold necklace with a purple gem in the middle. The man then frowned and said.

“Pink… Bomb?”

“Yes, here.”

Jacques, an aide of the mercenary group, held out a piece of paper that was a little smaller than Gamorr’s palm.

It was big enough for Jacques, a human being, but it was too small for Vorg standards, so Gamorr Khan gestured with his eyes instead of accepting it.

He was telling the other to read it.

“This afternoon, I will take the Ultimate Five – the Shield Sword, Grand Order. Signed, Rogue Master Pink Bomb.”

It was the Rogue Master’s notice.

Gamorr Khan lived in the south, but that didn’t mean he knew nothing about the events in the royal capital.

Moreover, Jacques was originally a former bandit, so he had a lot of interest in the Rogue Master.

“It’s true that a Rogue Master named Pink Bomb appeared in the royal capital.”

“Is this for real?”

“Yes, she’s a real Rogue Master. She has the Moon Crystal, and it seems like she also have a few more treasures. At this point, we should consider this as genuine. It was said that she had openly robbed a place where more than a hundred guards were set up. So it’s true. She’s-”

Jacques was quite enthusiastic when he talked about the Rogue Master.

But Gamorr Khan still spoke with a frown.

“I mean, is her name really Pink Bomb?”

What kind of Rogue Master would name themselves as Pink Bomb?

Is this some penalty game?

At Gamorr Khan’s reasonable question, Jacques replied while being embarrassed even though this wasn’t about him.

“Well…yes. It really is her name.”

“That woman must be thick-skinned.”

Just how shameless and brazen is that woman to use a name like that?

“Anyway, do you think this is real?”

“I think so.”

Jacques had never been to the royal capital, so he didn’t know what Pink Bomb’s signature looked like, but still, he didn’t think that this notice was fake.

“Because there’s no one else she could send this to.”

He was right.

Few people were so bold as to joke around sending such fake letters to Gamorr Khan, the boss of the notorious Black Hand Mercenaries, and most of it were just some rough words that were nonsense.

On the other hand, if she was the real Pink Bomb, she had enough reason to send a notice.

“Because the boss’ weapon is real.”

Ultimate Five.

Shield Sword – Grand Order.

The ancient dwarves’ treasure that raised Gamorr Khan’s name to a level similar to that of the Ten Great Swordmasters.

“What should we do?”

“First of all, I think it would be better to prepare for it since it wouldn’t do us any harm if we tried.”

They would gather his wandering subordinates around him in order to tighten their defense.

If the purpose of Pink Bomb was the Grand Order, she had to show up in front of Gamorr Khan whether if she liked it or not, so it was easier for them to do gather their scattered troops rather than trying to search the surrounding area.

“Hmm, that’s not bad.”

Gamorr Khan quietly touched his chin and nodded before saying.

“Gather our men. We’ll go on full defensive.”

“Yes, boss.”

Gamorr Khan and Jacques didn’t know, but their countermeasure was almost the same as the countermeasure that the Black Moon’s guild master, Karma Bonn, had put in place to stop Pink Bomb.

And, very sadly, the results were the same too.


“Good, they fell for it.”

Jude looked around as he hid himself in a tree overlooking a large rock tomb, and he spoke in a low voice.

Because the Vorgs of the Black Hand Mercenaries who were scattered around Mount Damos and were searching had now gathered at the center of the main camp set up by Gamorr Khan.


“Uuuh… my ears feel itchy.”

Why does it feel like someone’s speaking ill of me?

Strictly speaking, this was actually Jude’s fault and not Cordelia’s, but Jude was unaffected perhaps because his shamelessness was on a different level.

“Anyway, let’s go.”


They used the notice to gather the people scattered around Mount Damos and stop the search.

And while the other side waited for Pink Bomb, the two would get Ultimate One.

‘After all, he is Gamorr Khan.’

Technically, Gamorr Khan was one step below the Ten Great Swordmasters, but even so, he was immensely powerful.

It was no exaggeration to say that he was like a moving steel castle if one considered the strong physical abilities unique to the Vorgs, and the tremendous defensive power of the Shield Sword, Grand Order.

Moreover, he had a lot of subordinates, so even if Jude and Cordelia teamed up, a head-on match would not guarantee them victory.

‘At our current level.’

They needed to get Ultimate One and increase their power to become victorious.

‘Of course, that’s not all.’

Jude grinned with an evil smile, and Cordelia stared at him, feeling troubled as her lips twitched.

‘Why does he look more handsome than usual when he has an evil expression?’

Is this what they meant by one’s eyes being covered with bean pods?

In any case, what mattered was the fact that the Vorgs of the Black Hand Mercenaries had disappeared from their sight.

Jude spread his superhuman senses and confirmed that all the Vorgs were gone before he silently jumped down and approached the rock tomb.

“Is this the place?”

“Yes, it is.”

Jude responded to Cordelia’s question before he put his hand on the large rock and recited the spell. He then pressed on the corners of the rock in a certain order.

A yellow magic circle then appeared across the rock, and a huge door was formed on the rock’s surface that had nothing earlier.


When Cordelia applauded and admired the seal, Jude shrugged and immediately entered through the door.

Unlike the Black Hand Mercenaries who searched Mount Damos without any knowledge, Jude and Cordelia had JudeWiki.


The small light from Cordelia’s spell lit up the surrounding darkness, and words of awe flowed out from the mouths of the two again.


Cordelia spoke without realizing it, and Jude nodded his head.

The unfortunate city that could no longer be visited again.

An underground city spread before them, though it was much smaller than Endymion.

“It’s the Black Horn Guild’s residence.”

At Jude’s explanation, Cordelia nodded and pointed to a large building in the center of the city.

“Is it over there?”


What the two were talking about was not Ultimate One.

They knew that Ultimate One was definitely in this place though.

“Let’s hurry up.”


The underground city with the dwarves’ delicate touch was very beautiful, but Jude and Cordelia had already gone through Frost Anvil and Endymion.

The two ran straight to the central building without looking away, and they were able to find their target without much difficulty.

Because the closer they got, the stronger the ‘signal’ they felt.

“As expected, it’s here.”

There were a lot of magic tools in the large room on the right side of the central building’s entrance.

Most of it were broken and destroyed by the passage of time, but one of the tools was still working.

“Monster Attractor.”

Commonly known as the Aggro Generator.

It was a machine that attracted monsters by emitting a special magic signal, and it was a product developed by the dwarves of Frost Anvil, basing it from the Sunflower’s effect of attracting monsters.

“They used this to defend the city, right?”

“Yes, if they covered Mount Damos with monsters, it creates a natural shield.”

Obviously, the signal had weakened after a thousand years, so it was not as strong as before, but monsters were still scattered around Mount Damos.

Cordelia gazed at the 3-meter-tall cylindrical machine that was much bigger than a human, and she suddenly smiled.

“So this is the first thing we do as lords? For our residents?”

“Of course. We are their lords.”

They would wipe out the monsters on Mount Damos.

How would they do it?

By using the Black Hand Mercenaries who were steadily preparing themselves to defend themselves from ‘monsters.’

In order to do that, they obviously needed to manipulate the Aggro Generator.

But it was normally impossible.

Even if they were Jude and Cordelia, it was impossible for them to completely control the magic tools the ancient dwarves made with the help of Endymion’s high elves.

“There is someone who can do it.”

Jude and Cordelia looked at each other and had evil smiles, and they cheerfully stood in front of the device. Jude handed to Cordelia the item he took out of his bag.

“Here it is.”

“Shall we do it together then?”

“All right.”

The two shared evil smiles again and held the Moonlight together and brought it to the terminal located in a corner of the machine.

Both the Moonlight and the machine were compatible to some extent because they were made by the high elves of Magellan, the magic kingdom.

And there was someone who was sleeping inside Moonlight, and could possibly manipulate the machine too.


An artificial spirit created by the high elves of Magellan, the magic kingdom, for facility management.

She then responded to the call of the two.


“Fight back! Rip them to pieces!”

At Gamorr Khan’s cry, the Vorgs of the Black Hand Mercenaries roared and charged.

They had a dense formation, so it was better to keep their position, but once the battle began, they couldn’t do as planned, though it was natural for it to happen since they were Vorgs.

But Gamorr Khan didn’t pay it much attention.

Monsters suddenly came in groups and went wild, but the Vorg mercenaries numbered thirty. Even if Gamorr Khan wasn’t present, they could easily trample the dozens of monsters like the Kobolds and Fury Wolves.

“Hmph, they’re just weaklings.”

Gamorr Khan snorted and spat before he looked around again.

He wondered what kind of monsters there were in the not-so-big mountain and why there were so many, but he was more worried about Pink Bomb.

Because of the monsters’ attack, his subordinates were scattered again.

Moreover, this was a perfect time for a surprise attack because they were in the midst of confusion.

Therefore, Gamorr Khan kept his position and sharpened his senses instead of participating in the battle.

And that was why he was the first to discover it.

‘Ground tremors?’

This wasn’t normal. Even if there were many monsters, they wouldn’t cause this kind of tremor.

“Boss! It’s coming again!”

Jacques turned to the side and shouted loudly, and Gamorr Khan looked at the side too. And as they expected, they saw dozens of monsters coming with bloodshot eyes.

But that wasn’t all.

What Gamorr Khan felt was more than that.


The shaking ground made Jacques fall on his butt, and Gamorr Khan was finally able to tell why. He unconsciously shouted.

“Rock Troll!”

Giant monsters that had more than half of their skin made up of rocks.

As if responding to Gamorr Khan’s shout, the Rock Trolls that appeared on the ridge roared at once.

The 6-7 meters high monsters leapt and rushed.

The ground shook.

It was no exaggeration to say that it was similar to an earthquake now.


Gamorr Khan cursed and picked up the Grand Order.


At the time when blood was being shed above ground.

Cordelia was flustered in front of Moonlight that was attached to the Aggro Generator.

“So it’s not… I really didn’t forget you…”

[No, it’s all right. I’m just a mere AR.TI.FI.CIAL SPI.RIT. I have no such thing as human rights, so it’s okay for me to be left unattended like trash.]

“No, it’s not that…”

Why are you saying such bitter words?

Why are you stressing the words ‘artificial spirit?’

[It’s all right because I’ve never expected you to talk to me. Because even if I want it, I don’t have a heart that goes thump-thump. From now on, I’ll never expect to go on an adventure with you.]

Cordelia groaned even more at Melissa’s words.

Because unlike the shameless Jude, Cordelia still had a conscience.

“Aaah. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. It’s my fault. I’m sorry, okay?”

She said with a tearful face, and Melissa spoke in a very small voice.

[Say that with… a little more spirit.]

“I was wrong! I was really wrong!”

[…Will you talk to me often in the future?]

“Yes! I will! Definitely!”

[Ahem, then…]

It was at that moment when Melissa who was a bit annoyed was about to forgive her.

“Cordelia! Hurry up! I’m opening it now!”

“Eh?! Yeeees!”

Cordelia heard the voice of Jude from beyond the door, and she lowered her head in front of the Moonlight and quickly said.

“Melissa, I’ll be back soon, okay? It’ll be quick!”

[W-wait a minute!]

“I’m sorry!”

Cordelia loudly shouted and left the room as she ran hard towards the direction where she heard Jude’s voice.

A huge anvil located in the middle of the central building.

Standing in front of the symbol instead of the real anvil, Jude infused his mana into the Key Sword to bring out its true form.


Cordelia stopped right next to Jude and gazed at the Key Sword with sparkling eyes.

Like its name ‘Key Sword,’ the sword turning into a real key was quite fascinating.

“Is it okay to open it now?”

“Yes, we have the Key Sword, so the guardians will stay still.”

Jude smiled and looked around the giant statues around them, and he held out the Key Sword towards Cordelia.

“Shall we open it together?”


The two held the Key Sword together and inserted the Key Sword into the keyhole in the center of the huge anvil.

If Scarlet had been there, she would have commented that they were like cutting a wedding cake, but unfortunately, there was the only the two of them in this place.

“Let’s turn it. Turn right? Or left?”

Cordelia stamped on her feet in her excitement, and eventually used her strength to turn the Key Sword to the right, and at that moment, numerous lines appeared on the huge anvil.

Lines of white light were drawn on the black iron anvil.

The shape of the anvil began to transform with a mechanical sound as it made Cordelia’s heart pound.

“Ultimate One…”

Jude said in a whisper, and Cordelia swallowed hard.

With sparkling eyes, the two looked at the treasure hidden inside the anvil, and the fantasy weapon slowly began to appear.

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