48 Hours a Day

Chapter 1000 - Surprise Move

Chapter 1000: Surprise Move

When Maitreya apologized to Zhang Heng, two more police cars stopped in front of the amusement park’s gate. Other than the two federal police with guns, there were three more people that dressed exactly like the people under the Ferris wheel. Needless to say, they were also members of the emergency response team.

After seeing those three entering the amusement park, Maitreya breathed a sigh of relief.

The responsibility that laid on his shoulders wasn’t light tonight. He needed to use Zhang Heng to draw the response team away from the station so the goods could be safely transported back to the first level. In order to ensure the plan’s success, another courier made the sacrifice. Maitreya received the news twenty minutes ago. The other courier tried to enter the station by blending himself into the crowd. Unfortunately, the emergency response team spotted him, and he was killed instantly.

Once the courier at the station was killed, he and Zhang Heng were the only couriers left to transport the goods back to the first level. Logically speaking, the emergency response team would assign almost all of their members to bring them down.

The nine fakes and one real courier were just lies told by Mr. G. Among the ten couriers, Maitreya was the one responsible for meeting up with the seller and completing the transaction. However, he was only responsible for completing the transaction. Once he completed his task, the goods were no longer with him. In other words, all the ten couriers were just bait, sacrificial lambs for the mission. There was, however, another mysterious person that delivered the goods back to the first level.

Maitreya’s final task was to pave the way for this mysterious person.

“I’m sorry, my friend,” Maitreya apologized to Zhang Heng again. “What happened tonight was not what Mr. G and I intended. Unfortunately, the situation forced our hands. Shengtang Morgan Group has too much power in New Shanghai 0297. Only fearless sacrifice and courage can get us the light of hope. Although we have not been together for long, I can feel that you are a good person. We may not be friends, but at least we are fighting the same enemies together. No one will remember our names when the world becomes better. However, whatever we do today will be passed down for generations!”

“You are too optimistic.”

When Maitreya gave his passionate speech, Zhang Heng received a message from Feng Zi, the latter sending him only one sentence.

[It has started.]

After that, Zhang Heng connected his handheld computer to the amusement park’s surveillance system. And at the same time, he turned off Maitreya’s viewing rights. He then said, “Do you really think that are the only ones that can pull such a trick?”

“What do you mean?” Maitreya was puzzled.

“What I mean is that after you watched my previous battle with those three people, you automatically assumed that the three who came afterward were from the emergency response team. Don’t you think that you were too sloppy?”

“Of course we are not. Our people near the station noticed that the emergency response team left.” Maitreya suddenly paused, and he thought of something else. Immediately, the expression on his face changed. After that, Zhang Heng heard him attempting to send an email.

“You better not contact your allies at the station because they probably won’t have time to reply to your email now,” Zhang Heng reminded in kind.

Long before Zhang Heng went to the pharmacy to see Maitreya, he had already contacted 0, the captain of the emergency response team, informing him that Mr. G might have other armed forces hiding at the second level. The two then even came up with a plan to work with each other. An entire show put together by Zhang Heng and the emergency response team made Mr. G’s men think that the response team had already left the station. By doing that, they managed to draw out the real deliveryman.

The response team had no reason to refuse the cooperation. Most of their members were still guarding the station, and Zhang Heng’s proposal didn’t change their defensive plan either. All Zhang Heng did was ask three of their members to pretend to leave the station.

At the same time, Zhang Heng realized that 0 might have figured out his plan. However, he did not think that Zhang Heng could achieve his crazy goal.

“Hey, kid.” Zhang Heng picked up Barrett and said to Maitreya, “Anyway, you have to contact Mr. G to report on the new emergency situation here. Help pass on my words to him.”

“Did he get my permission to change the world?” Zhang Heng asked casually after a pause.


Both Zhang Heng and the emergency response team knew that the cooperation between the two parties was only temporary. As long as they drew out the armed force hiding at the second level, their collaboration would cease to exist. In other words, the three people under the Ferris wheel, the federal police team, and the three newly arrived plainclothes were here to kill Zhang Heng and Maitreya.

Earlier, 0 had pondered a long time about how many team members he should send to the amusement park. The best outcome was to eliminate Mr. G’s hidden armed forces, locate the goods, and kill Zhang Heng, who killed and kidnapped his team members.

In the past, he did not need to face such a difficult circumstance because the entire emergency response team was elites. It was almost impossible for them to lose in a one-on-one battle. Unfortunately, they were facing Zhang Heng this time, and he had already caused the team to lose two of their members. Hence, 0 was having a hard time dealing with the situation.

If Zhang Heng sent too few people to the amusement park, he could surely kill all of them, but on the other hand, if he sent too many, the ones left at the station might not be enough to stop Mr. G’s men.

In the end, 0 decided to place his focus on the station. His team’s goal tonight was to find the goods, after all, so he sent three team members and two teams of federal police to deal with Zhang Heng. In his opinion, the people he sent to deal with Zhang Heng should be more than enough. Logically, they should have higher chances of winning as well. When Mr. G’s men appeared at the station, 0 couldn’t help but be thankful that he left enough men to guard the station.

When the fight broke out at the station, the battle at the amusement park kicked off as well.

After Zhang Heng said the last sentence, he cut off the connection with Maitreya and entered the giant castle at the amusement park. He chose this spot because the buildings were strong enough to withstand the impact of the explosion. In addition, the building itself was built on higher ground, second only to the Ferris wheel and the space shuttle. It also held the perfect vantage point for a sniper to kill his enemies.

Zhang Heng’s Barretta, made of Lego bricks, had only five bullets left in the magazine. Once empty, he wouldn’t be able to reload it. Thus, he had to make sure that he wouldn’t waste those precious bullets. Hence, when Zhang Heng dealt with ordinary enemies, he chose to use other weapons.

He then turned on Feng Zi’s homemade smoke generator and slowly filled the castle with white smoke. After that, he took out the Filter Lens and put it on.

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