What The Luck!?

Chapter 346 - 346. A Little Workout

"No way we are actually going to fall in line under him, right?" Laura was not having any of it. The group was taking the long route to walk back to Asher and Caras\' house. They needed to talk about everything before they got to the house to begin to work on their papers. 

"He said that we didn\'t need to fall in line though. He wanted us to be the group that stands out." Sammy had started to believe that James had seen their positive traits and was willing to bet on them.

"Yes, we would sand out. That\'s the point. If one of the groups failed then we would get blames because we stand out. We are scapegoats." Art had already been fooled by his own brother. Letting another person fool him was not part of his plan. 

"He might not be trying to use us. He just wants the same as us. The best hero group." Jackson was thinking the same way as Sa,y. they both wanted toe best to happen in the end. But they were not considering the bad at the moment. 

"When did he actually say that though? It felt that he was trying to hide behind screens and just act like a puppet master here. It sounded like we would be disposable soldiers no matter what he preached." Louis was not on the positive side of things. Something was rubbing him the wrong way about the entire group falling under the orders of someone else. He could only think about the loss of individuality and creative thinking. After so many years of following orders, they would lose their ability to think creatively and by themselves. It would be a degradation of who they were. 

Asher looked at his sister to see what she thought. The face she was making was a mix of annoyed and angry. "I don\'t want to fall in line with him. I want to be in my own group or go solo if that has to be done. He has always been ahead in class and I hate it. He is arrogant about it yet he always uses sneaky means to get where he needs to be. If I am out fighting crime and natural disasters then I want my team with me. My whole team and not one of them behind a screen when their super power could be helping save lives." 

The morals that Cara had developed led her to this train of thought. But she had also personally experienced the school activities where Jame had worked the situation to win. He always had control and it was unnerving. There was no way for her to accept that as her way of life. 

This left everyone looking at Asher. He had heard their thoughts and seen their faces. His mind was already made up but he was willing to bend to the will of the group after they had all spoken their feelings on the matter. 

"Asher, what do you think? Do you want to stick with the way things are?" Jane had a glint of hope in her eyes. This was obviously her desire as well. "Or should we become his followers?" She even looked pained saying this out in the open. 

"I think he could offer us a lot of brainpower that we might need. But he is aiming very high and very controlled. We are not a controlled group and to be honest it feels like we would end up being manipulated to do what he wants even if we did not think we were. When it comes to resources, Art can help us get what we need. Brainpower can be learned as we all train together. And when it comes to teams? Well, more people can make things harder in certain situations. I think we are fine the way we are now. He didn\'t require an answer right away anyways. We can always look at a partnership later in life." 

The entire group seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Sammy and Jackson may have thought that James was coming from a good place but they did not think that it was the very best move for the group. It was worth considering nut not enough to completely change the dynamic the group had gotten used to and that drove them to become better every single day. 

"That\'s that then, let\'s go get the papers done and then sleep." Jane rushed off ahead starting a small race to Asher and Caras\' house. The rest of the evening passed them by without much of a worry. 

In the morning Cara, Jackson, and Asher started the jog around to everyones\' house. By the time they made it to school, they found that the school was slightly different. There were the same students all around from the previous day but they were working out. 

"Finally. You are all always a little late. Well, on time, but late. Being early is better." Coach Winters had a stack of cards in her hands as she walked towards them. "Get changed and come here with work out clothing on and ready. I expect today to be a break your limits kind of day!" Her shout was unusual but motivating. Everyone within hearing range began to work a little harder at what they were doing. 

By the time they all returned it appeared that the students around had rotated to a different group. "Here are your cards. Each has a different rotation of work out numbers. The entire school is full of posted flyers that relate to those numbers. You have until the end of the day to complete every single one then meet in the gym. I will be waiting there." She was gone just like that. The cards had barely been in the groups\' hands. 

"She said earlier that she had always wanted to do this but was never allowed until now. The work outs are insane." One of the students working out whispered to them as he did squats. The paper in front of him on the wall read three hundred basic squats. It was mist certainly a large task that was only a small part of the overall work out. 

"I guess we will see you in a while, Laura." Asher knew that with Lauras\' speed she would be the first to finish. After she heard this she stuck her tongue out and rushed off. 

"I need to go look for station eight. See you later." 

"I have the squats right here. Lucky me." 

"I get to fine twenty three." 

The group shared their numbers and headed off to search. The lucky one was Jackson who was left at the squats. However, this didn\'t seem to be the ideal since he was going to have to run around sore from the squats the entire rest of the workout. That was if he actually felt sore at all due to his body being tougher than a normal human\'s. 

Asher had his own kind of luck. He was starting with work out station number one. He had conveniently noticed the poster at the front entrance when they had gotten to school and was heading there now. 

When he arrived he found that he was completely alone. "Hm, I guess everyone else is on higher numbers in the school." He couldn\'t help noticing that the higher numbers seemed to be on the higher floors of the school and directing them towards the gym. He may have gotten the best card in the long run because when he reached the last station he could already be at the gym. Or at least that was his theory. 

While Asher was starting the heel raises that were at his first station Jane was in a different world altogether. She had fund number twenty three in the nurses\' office. It was fairly populated and understandably so. "Well, You look pretty familiar. Maybe because you\'re the girl that helped knock me out yesterday." The large boy that Jane had frozen in place was there already doing ab work outs with a group of six other students.

"That would be me. Have any issues with it?" Jane half expected a fight to ensure and crouched slightly so she would be able to retaliate properly. 

"Ha, you think I can even get up off the ground? We have to do four hundred curl ups here." The boy found it hysterical. "Besides. You take those sunglasses off and I am stuck again. I can\'t even use my super power properly as it is." The large boy was holding back some laughter since he knew that he would hurt himself laughing due to the muscles in his sides being worked on so much. 

"Then I guess I will join you." Jane found that most of the students were nowhere near the good shape she or the group was in.. She was even able to talk a little while working out. This stunned the others and brought the question, what kind of monster is Jane?

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