What The Luck!?

Chapter 342 - 342. Some Revenge

The principal had long left the group to get tp work on their packet. Luckily they did not need much help from him since Cara was able to fill the gaps of what the group couldn\'t fill out since she was already experienced in most of the quiz and test subjects. The only problem was that there were many trick questions to force them to think. 

"Why do I need a hundred and five watermelons? And if I had that many why would I give away seventeen to the power of seven!? I don\'t think that\'s even possible!" The tears that Art had begun to shed were all too real. 

"The watermelon part is to throw you off of the real math question. Just ignore it and accept that you are giving away more than you have." Jane had already heard the cries of Art four times and that was four times too much. Her tone had become dull and heartless when she replied which surprisingly seemed to focus Art again. 

"Forget the math, I have been stuck on this grammar sentence forever. It says there are four issues but I can\'t find a single one." Louis was stumped until Sammy came over and smacked her head. 

"Seriously? You have been looking at part of the instructions. The sentence is on the back of the page. Or what...maybe it\'s this one? No. that\'s all correct….Yeah, it\'s a trick question. Stupid past test." She had almost been fooled while explaining that Louis was wildly wrong but realized her mistake as she looked from another angle. 

"Hey everyone, I think the time has been up for a while. We were supposed to head home an hour ago and no one told us." Jackson had been the first to look at the clock and notice that they were already an hour over the time that they were told they would be in the classroom or even in the school. 

"Well, that\'s lame. We should have left and got snacks on the way home." The disappointment in Laura\'s voice was tangible. Her stomach always growled at her no matter what she at but luckily, she would always have a snack with her. Hence the fruit gummies she was taking out of her pocket. 

Cara\'s face began to drop as she looked at the door. She had been part of something similar when she had first gone to her advanced classes and teachings. "This is planned. Odds are they will start a siren and push us toward a challenge as soon as we open the door. Last year I was forced in to the fake mountain behind the school and made to make a camp that passed inspection before I left." The heaviness in Cara\'s voice was enough to tell everyone that she had far from enjoying the experience even if she had learned something new. 

"If we already know that it is going to happen then we are better prepared. Let\'s make sure that we have the packets well secured and head out. We already have half of it done between all of us and when we get back we have a few hours we can work on it to stay ahead before we part ways to go home." Asher\'s idea made sense to all of them as they moved tp leave. 

There was a single problem, however. The door didn\'t budge when Jane opened it. "We got locked in…" The entire group was a little lost. None of them had thought they would be locked in after hearing Cara\'s story of her past year. 

"Maybe the door just doesn\'t like you or something. Let me open it." Art wanted to hope that Jane had just been messing with them but found that it was really locked. 

"Oh. I see, the door doesn\'t like you either." The heavy sarcasm that dripped from Janes\'m voice was enough to sting Art a bit. 

"So we will be here all night until someone comes in tomorrow to free us?" Laura was not at all happy. She had not brought enough food or a vitamin pack with her. This would spell the end of times for her if she didn\'t get out. 

"I can try jumping out the window and floating down. It should work. If I can pit out the small windows." Sammy was trying to estimate how she would force herself out of the small openings in the windows. She was a small girl but the spaces in the windows were even smaller so that someone with super powers could not sneak in as easily. Not that it prevented all super powers. 

"You are not jumping out the window. That\'s crazy." Jackson pulled Sammy from the window without a single thought. He would not let anyone jump out a window unless they had fully proven that they had a super power that allowed them full flight. Sammy did not have that, she could only hover and slow her falls. 

Why don\'t I just try the lock with my super powers? I should be able… never mind. I can\'t. It\'s made of some weird alloy that is magnetized. I would burst a blood vessel trying to force that to unlock." Art could feel it with his super power. The lock was already pushing his attempts away just while he felt the situation out. Whatever technology was used on the automatic locks was insanely powerful. All of the schools\' security systems were the same way. They were meant to resist supe rpowers from troublemakers and possible threats. 

"There\'s only one last resort. Jackson, do the honors." Cara made everyone back away from the door and Jackson looked at them as if he had just been asked to end the world. The sad eyes he gave them spoke of peace instead of violence. 

"Come on, we need to get out and I am sure we can pay for the door if we need to." Asher gave the push and Jackson took a deep breath. The next moment he charged at the door lowering his shoulder. 

The resounding crack as the door flew from the wall and hinges in a shower of stone dust caused a resounding alarm to begin. What was worse were the strange figures in the halls. "Found them! They are the target! Whoever catches all of them gets the tickets to the summer training camp for free!" The figure was another student that was wandering the halls. There were two more further down the hall that responded and sprinted toward them as the group exited the room. 

"Umm, why are we being targeted." Jane ducked as a small fireball was thrown toward them. The boy who had yelled was manipulating fire and trying to hit them. 

"We are the freaking bait for a training exercise. Those monsters are getting revenge!" Cara realized this and clapped her hands together. The sound that resounded was in a single direction and caused the three students to cover their ears in pain. "Follow me!" Cara led the group toward the exit but stopped everyone at the stairs. "There are students guarding the doors." 

The group was stuck because there were footsteps behind them and students in front of them. Louis looked down and smirked, "they are also holding on to the METAL railings." He looked less like a hero while he placed his hand on the railing and tightened his grip. The reaction was instant. The students guarding the doors that had been holding and leaning on the railing fell to the ground in spasms. 

"The human stun gun strikes again!" Sammy chuckled while jumping down the stairs and racing down first to get a good look at the first floor. "Bad news...there are more. A lot more." She saw twenty students all in the lobby. 

"Those are the other people from past years that gained the same benefits as us. Well. mostly. They must have come later and been told about this as a test." Cara was increasingly annoyed that they were used in this way. However, she had no one to blame but themselves since they had decided to skip out on the meeting.

"We just need to sneak through the back or side doors then. I will head to scout it out." Laura sped off the opposite way and was back in the blink of an eye. "Huh, these guards are really knocked out. Nice job Louis." She had almost bumped in to one but saw that the students that had been guarding were out cold. "Anyway, there are like five people towards the back and three to the left by the side door. But I think there are more outside the side door so we should head out the back." 

"Back door it is then. But Asher has to take the lead. We could use some luck against five students whose super powers we don\'t know." The entire group looked toward Asher as the impromptu leader.. It made sense but he could feel the pressure of their eyes. 

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