What The Luck!?

Chapter 327 - 327. Hooky

The morning went as expected. Asher and Caras\' mother and father woke everyone up who had fallen asleep in various places of the living room. Some of them were found curled on the floor with one of the blankest while Asher and Cara had claimed the coach as their territory since they lived there and were siblings. 

The night had been a little longer than usual but Their parents didn\'t mind since it had been a big day full of improvement and the fruits of their hard work. They knew that if they had stifled their children\'s freedom to celebrate once in a while then they would have ignored them and rebelled more often. 

Unfortunately, Louis and Sammy had gotten in to an argument leading to Louis accidentally frying his cellphone ad Sammy blowing away some of her notecards out the window. But this was written off easily since Sammy had done this multiple times and Louis had back up phones for when this happened. It was a testament to how well they were prepared to deal with their super powers and the consequences of them. 

"I have strawberry and cream cheese stuffed french toast! Get it now or never again!" Art had already hoarded pieces for himself and watched as everyone was fighting over it. The only person that was missing the food was Cara. 

"What! Nooooooo! How could you betray me like this!? I go to shower quick and I come down to you monsters eating the worlds\' greatest french toast.." Cara was crushed until Art pushed a late toward her stacked with six pieces. It was more than he had even had to eat let alone anyone else. 

"If I could eat this every day I would be in heaven." The group had discovered that Sammy\'s favorite flavor was strawberry. The french toast that Art had made as soon after he woke up was the key tp this new information and would one day lead to the mess of strawberries given to her when her birthday rolled around. 

"So, we have to go to the senior tournament and watch it now? I feel like it will be kind of lame since we don\'t know anyone and we can\'t practice and analyze things while we watch it." Laura was the one who didn\'t want to go the most. 

"You just don\'t want to face coach Winters and Garnet because they will reprimand you." Louis had a good point until Jackson spoke up. 

"You do remember that all of us left without stopping to talk to them, right? We will all get a talking to. Well, Cara might get away if she says she was too tired from her matches and was unable to properly focus so she went home." 

"I would have been stuck there anyways and you would have to explain it all back to me again when I had slept a little. Plus, I had plenty of energy to celebrate. Do I feel that way now? Nope, I\'m a little tired still. But nothing starting our vacation early can\'t help." Cara seemed to have a devilish smile starting. 

"Are you serious? Won\'t we get in trouble if we don\'t go meet them?" Jane was the one to object this time. She was afraid that they would lose out on something or even get in serious trouble. They were not required to go to the senior tournament but it was common for everyone who participated in the other to attend it. It was even more important that they go since they had won theirs or placed higher in the ranks. 

While Cara looked at Asher he realized what her plan was. "I think that is a great idea." Cara and Asher were sharing knowing looks and waiting for someone else to react. 

"Alright, we get it. You two are siblings. So what are we going to do?" Art lost his patience first out of everyone. Asher had thought it would be Laura but she was too interested in snacking on the remains of her french toast. 

"I guess Asher can tell you where we are all going." Cara left the announcement to Asher. 

After holding his breath for a moment and letting the suspense build, Asher spoke. "We are going to the amusement park and the water park. We will ride every ride and go down every water slide. My friends, we are skipping a non mandatory class so that we can celebrate even more." Asher sprinted right to his room and grabbed every swim suit he had. When he returned he found that Cara had taken the girls upstairs and that the guys were waiting for him. 

"I only have these. I don\'t think any will fit you, Jackson…" The feeling was not good. Asher really wished he could help out. 

"Oh, no problem. I have my survival bag with me. I have a pair of swim trunks." 

"What else do you have in there? The meaning of life? The entire mall? The secret to world peace?" The teasing remarks cracked everyone up. Louis couldn\'t contain himself and asked the craziest things he could get from his mind at the last minute. 

"Alright, so we need to hit the big rides first. The roller coasters. Salt and pepper shakers. The extra high water slide. Oh, and the bumper cars. They will have the longest lines and hitting them earlier in the morning is better since we would have to wait over an hour to get to the front." The intense planning was led by Jackson which was a surprise to everyone. 

"What? I have been to many amusement parks with my family. We go at least once a month. My mother is obsessed with roller coasters. She said that the ones that go upside down are best since they make it feel like the world is something or other. I don\'t know. She just likes them a lot." 

"I didn\'t take anyone in your family to be a thrill seeker, but it would explain why you have been able to keep up with all of us this whole time." This did explain a lot when it came down to everything. Jackson may have been a nice and calm person who wanted to rescue others, but he was able to handle the chaos that the group in general had. Asher easily caught on to this fact. 

"Wait, do they have a haunted house? I think I saw on television that they have a haunted house." Art was quick to start to search it up and soon found a walk through video of the entire haunted house. 

"Wow, even won an award last Halloween. I think we will need to avoid that or else we might get a heart attack." Asher was not having anything to do with it. He wasn\'t scared by he was afraid that if someone jumped out he would punch them by accident. 

"The boys are afraid of the haunted house?" Laura came down the stairs first after changing to get ready and immediately taunted them. Unfortunately, she had back up. 

"If they are afraid then they should avoid it. If they aren\'t, then they should have a little bet with us." Cara was the one to suggest it and she managed to get back up from Laura and Jane in an instant. The only one that wasn\'t pushing for it was Sammy who clearly was not a fan of the haunted house at all. 

"Oho, you think we can\'t get through it? If you can get through it faster than one of us we will buy the lunch. If we get through faster than us, you will buy the lunch!" Art and Louis came together to create their bet and held a steely gaze. 

"Deal! But when you lose make sure you have extra pants. You know, when you are scared silly from the ghosts and goblins and what ever else is in there." The intense one was Laura, which was not a surprise. However, the back up from Cara was a little surprising since Asher had not known how competitive his sister was about these things. 

"Hey, I got the passes online already. We can take the train down the block there and it only takes twenty minutes," Jackson had been quick to ignore the betting and talks of who would buy who what. He was not going to get sucked in to the big competition over something he was not fully vested in. 

"Perfect! Thanks man. We should do a last check before we leave. Cellphone? Jacket? Sunscreen? Back pack? The heart of the strong that will put us ahead of the girls!?" And Louis had joined the taunting as well. It left Jackson and Asher just shaking their heads as Cara, Laura, and Jane joined back in to the game of betting. 

By the time the group actually made it to the train they barely managed to hop in and head out. They were on the way to the water and amusement park full of thrills. Not a single one of them could say they were not excited, even if they were skipping out of the senior tournament. 

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