What The Luck!?

Chapter 299 - 299. Two Headed

Art wasn\'t really sure how to answer. He had already mentioned that he had played the video game and learned some kicks but it was clear she had not believed him. "Umm, I played the game. Memorized all the attack patterns and combos. I also learned the kicks." Art demonstrated the high kick even though he couldn\'t execute it perfectly. 

When he copied the combos of kicks he had seen and even her few punches the woman was just speechless. The medics were holding her up while healing the minor injuries and making sure that there was no major damage from the hold Art had had her in. 

"I even looked up some footage of you and the other characters in the game fighting in real life. It really helped my friends and I learn how to use the moves and adapt our styles." Art had started to realize that it sounded like he was some form of martial arts fanatic. 

"You really learned it all from the game? I need to sue that game company." The woman looked like she had just been robbed. She knew that anyone could have looked up her past matches and tournament appearances. It would have been easy for a real pro to have seen her videos and prepared if they knew they would face her. But this kid had just said he memorized a video game and gotten lucky to face her. 

"Well, good luck in suing the game company. But I think they won\'t give up anything since your style can still evolve and change. What if you added some body locks and more advanced leg sweeps?" Art wanted to try and be uplifting since he felt like he had just rained on his opponents\' parade.

"Ha! Maybe I\'ll do that. Come help me up. I have never been countered so easily like that. You sure are something kid." Art helped his opponent up and the announcer lost it as the two shook hands and conversed more. 

"Oh wait, let me do something before we head off the ring for the others to fight for the other spot in the finals." Art turned and looked right at the judges\' platform. "One more and I get to come for you!" He turned back promptly and continued to a set of benches while the medics rushed after the two. 

"You really have something against that brother of yours huh?" The woman was very confused but respected Art\'s privacy. 

"You know how family drama is. But I will finish it after the finals. My friends should be in the finals right now. I wish there was a television out here so I could watch them win." Art frowned as he waited for the other two opponents to fight and the final match to be decided. 

Jane found herself standing on the center ring face to face to face with a man with two heads wearing only a pair of pants that was much too large for him. 

"Sorry if we look a bit odd. We get a little bigger when we shift. Please forgive us." The two heads spoke in unison causing Jane to shiver slightly. The odd synchronized voices put her on edge. 

"Please prepare yourselves. The match will begin shortly." The referee was looking to the judges and the cameras which were set up to capture every angle of the final match. 

"Don\'t think you can freeze us in place. Two heads are better than one." The cliche phrase made too much sense. Jane knew that she could stop one head in its\' tracks while the other controlled the body and attacked with its\' eyes closed. This became more evident as the man began to shift. 

The necks elongated and the body became green and large. His hands fell in to claws and so did the feet becoming hind legs. The faces twisted in to sharp pointed snouts with teeth and green scales. Harns protruded from the heads of the once man. Now the two had become the closest to a fairy tale two headed dragon Jane had ever seen. It wasn\'t quite perfect but it was very close. 

Jane couldn\'t help but feel intimidated. It wasn\'t that the dragon shifter towered over her but more so the heat that radiated from the double headed dragon shifters\' body. There was smoke pouring from one head while the other appeared to be breathing in constantly. 

"I guess it\'s my turn," Jane smirked and removed her sunglasses while popping an adrenalin tablet in her mouth. "I am going all out. It will be nice not to hold back." The dragon shifter could only hiss in response after the shift. The bodily change was too great. 

Feeling her heart speed up, Jane began to watch the scales spread on her own arms. Her nails grew in to sharper claws and her hair started to move wildly. Her eyes became piercing causing many in the audience who met her gaze to fell victim to the slowing effect they had after being frozen for a moment. Jane even noticed her teeth had become sharper which was more than it had when she had shifted in the past. 

With the growth of her body and the strength she was gaining every day, Jane knew that there were aspects of her shifted form that she had yet to fully unlock. But that would all come in time. Now she felt the familiar buzz of adrenalin and could hear the shock of the crowd that believed she was already in her shifted form. 

"What a surprise ladies and gentleman. Of all the things to happen, we find that Medusa has been hiding her true strength. Even the audience is finding themselves frozen in place if they meet her eyes. I can feel the shivers as the dragons prepared to fight the one who turns their enemies to stone!" The audience jumped in to a full on wave as they cheered for their favorite participant. 

Jane and the dragon shifter heard the whistle blow and all Jane could do to didge the wall of flames that came at her was jumping as far to the side as possible. Her roll was barely enough to skirt the flames and lock eyes with the dragon head that had just breathed it. However, the smoke wasn\'t stopping. The other head controlled the body and a heavy slash came towards her. 

Jane was not afraid though, she knew her scales had toughened with her shift. She used her crossed arms to deflect the dragon shifter\'s claws and all that was left was a small scratch on the surface. It wasn\'t even enough to draw blood. 

"You scratch me! I scratch you!" Jane used the chance to rush and scrape her sharp nails along the dragon shifters\' side. The perks of his size growing made him able to attack with more force. Bit the negatives were that the dragon shifter was a bigger target. This let Jane carve four scratches in to his side causing more damage than he had just done with his claws. 

Jane felt as if the scales were plastic wrapping over a cardboard box. She was able to scrape it away and make a decent dent but not cut all the way through. However, the dragon shifter reared up in pain and stomped down at Jane. 

The speed she had honed paid off and Jane managed to dodge again and again as the attacks repeated. When they stopped another wall of flames came at her. However, they were slow and the head spewing them at her was not able to follow her movement. 

The head breathing in air was worried since it did not expect this, however, Jane had caught on to how the dragon shifter worked. One head was pulling in the oxygen for the fire inside of it and the other could breathe out the flames. That was why she had only seen the one breath in without breathing out at all. 

Jane locked eyes with the one breathing in and saw that the panic in both of the dragon heads\' eyes became exponentially more. They both could tell there was not enough oxygen and thair fire would go out. The smoke coming from the one dragon\'s head became dark and slow. The flame was being snuffed out slowly. 

Using this chance Jane continued to lock eyes with the one head while the other head tried its best to slowly move the body and even snap its\' teeth at her. However, Jane had used her vision on it and it was still suffering the consequences of slower movements and a foggy mind. 

While she watched the eyes become bloodshot she knew that the dragon shifter was running out of oxygen. The fire was consuming what was left in its\' body and to demonstrate this the dragon shifter stumbled. Jane rushed in losing the locked eyes and proceeded to unleash a fury of swipes. The follow up was a series of punches and kicks to the legs until the entire dragon shifter collapsed only able to look up at Jane weekly. 

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