What The Luck!?

Chapter 226 - 226. Proof

The two boys didn\'t want to pry too much since they knew it could anger Jane so they just went on in to their training. Meanwhile, Jane was having her own mental freak out about who would be coming to visit her at camp. 

\'If it is mom everything will be fine. She might even try and get Asher to become a member of the family. But if dad comes then he might throw Asher in tom a volcano. He hates when boys get close to me.\' These fears and thoughts echoed in her head and jane was soon mumbling under her breath that she had hope it would be her mother visiting her. 

"Is Jane cheering herself on? Do you think that will really help us train harder"\' Art was wondering if this was a new way to push past her limits and if it would be worth him and Asher trying. 

"No idea, but if it works then I will go for it." Before Jane knew it Asher and Art were both cheering themselves on to lift heavier things and to punch one more time. Anyone who saw this would be laughing too hard to realize that the three were actually pushing themselves farther than normal. The mental block that said they were too tired had been shattered through their mental strength by doing this. 

The hours passed by as they trained much faster than usual. Before they knew it they had pushed themselves to the limit their bodies could take. 

"I think my arms and legs had become noodles. I feel like if I try and stand up again I will fall right back over." Asher had already said this before but was saying it again after trying to do another ten squats and failing. 

"I think I am lucky to be able to breathe. My abs are on fire and every time I take a deep breath it is like I have been hit in the stomach." Jane had just finished another ab circuit and realized that she may never be able to laugh freely again. 

"At least your brain isn\'t melting out your ears. I am pretty sure that is what is going on with mine. I can\'t even sense the metal in the room or else I will pass out." Art was convinced that he had done some serious damage to his brain due to the developing headache from constantly manipulating the metal beads. 

"I guess it is time to hit the camp store then. We should be able to finish off the points we have then spend the rest of the night resting and studying." Jane wanted to see if Jim was in the camp store again. She wanted to prove to at least Art that he existed for a fact. 

"Nooo, you can\'t make me get up ever" Asher tried to fight it but was easily pulled off the ground by Art and Jane together. His shaky steps only went to show how much training they had all done in the entire day. 

Once they had left the cabin and were walking the path Art couldn\'t help but find the entire camp silent. "This is a little creepy. No sounds and only the basic lights to show us the way…" he was constantly checking behind them for fear that there might be some machete wielding maniac behind them. 

"I think it is peaceful. There is only the calmness of the forest and the soft crunch of the leaves under our feet." Jane was the exact opposite she was enjoying the quiet of nature compared to the area they lived in. 

"No, you are both a little wrong. The piano in the background of the night is better." He looked at Jane who smiled wide. 

"Jim!" They both said together and used the last of the energy to run off to the camp store. Art trailed behind not realizing why the piano tune and the staff member they had idolized was related. 

"You two really make a habit of coming here late, huh?" Jim was sitting behind the counter fiddling with the radio to make it come out smoother. "And you brought a friend this time. Nice to meet you, I am Jim a friendly staff member." Jim laughed a little while he adjusted the radio to a perfectly clear sound. 

Art started to wrack his brain for facts about this man since he had heard he was a retired hero. But in all his research he had nothing that would connect the staff members\' face to a hero. "I was told you were a retired hero but I can\'t put the face to the hero name…" 

"Oh, that\'s because I wore a mask. I didn\'t want some nasty villains trying to come after me, you know?" This made perfect sense and many heroes followed the logic. "I am sure you didn\'t come here just to meet a washed up hero. What can I help you kids with?" Jim placed his head in his hands and looked at the three before him.

"We want to spend all of our points on the vitamin packs to bring home with ut. If we can save them for the hardest training days we will recover much better and be able to grow faster." Asher didn\'t even think of lying to Jim. He knew that Jim might even have a better idea and share it with them. 

"That is a wise choice. I can give you all as many as possible and even set them up in a box. Sound good?" Jim watched as all three nodded. "Then I will get to it." He set them all up in a line in the counter filling them with the vitamin packs then closing and taping them shut. "This one is for Art, here is yours Asher, and for the lovely Jane I threw in a package of the adrenaline protein powder."

"Thank you Jim. You are the best!" Jane grabbed her package.

"Wait, but how did he know my name?" Art had not introduced himself and was caught up on this. 

"Just don\'t worry about it." Asher brushed off Art\'s worry, "I hope we can see you again in the future. Good night I hope you get time to go see your daughter in concert!" Asher waved to Jim on their way out leaving him with a happy expression. 

"I will never get to the day when I don\'t like seeing the future generation grow. So much potential." Jim started to close up the camp store after the three had left. He decided it was a good night to call it early for a good rest. 

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