What The Luck!?

Chapter 123 - 123. What To Do

The three walked in to camp officially starting their training for the week. Asher couldn\'t shake the angry feeling from hearing about Art\'s brother and the possible corruption. Not only would it be a problem for Art if this was something bigger, but it would be a problem for everyone who received their evo shot. If more documents were falsified and a dangerous super power was not treated safely then people could die.

Jane was not in a different set of mind, she was also considering these things. She had spent the last few days trying to figure out why Art had taken such a massive turn in the opposite direction. She had first thought that he was just upset that his best friend was gone away early, but the more she poked and prodded the more it appeared to be worse than that.

The two were keeping a tough poker face to make sure that Art would be able to become stronger and decide his won path, but the nagging feeling that they would all be too weak right now was eating at them. The three were going to need to work much harder this week, more so than they had been. "What do you guys want to do first? Everyone will be searching for the egg so we could do that? I found it the days I was here so my luck may have run out. I need to talk to a councelor and get one of those night training tickets too. I want to try that out with you guys." Asher knew there were too many options.

"That egg can wait, we have the chance to just wander in to it while we do other things. I want to get some points for lunch first. That run made me tired." Jane was rubbing her stomach as if she had never eaten in her life.

"Don\'t mention food, I haven\'t been in the mood to eat and no I am way too hungry." Art had even made some meals for lunch for the weekend but had just given them to Cara since he wasn\'t feeling liek eating. Naturally, Cara was ecstatic to have them and made sure not to leave even a single crumb.

"Then we should go farm points. If you two act as my left and right hand you could easily crush the challengers that come to spoar with me? Or we can try the obstacle course, but I think it is better to do that after a good night\'s rest." Asher knew that he ahd not made it through every ibstacle and that he wanted to give his friends and him the best shot at completeing it.

"If we spar will we be able to handle the back to back matches? We will probably need to go to the nurse\'s cabin the head counclor mentioned." Art had been listening to the part about where the mani facility cabins were. The nurse\'s cabin was one he made sure to remember.

"I have a different cabin I can go to for that since I came early, but I am sure I can bring you two if I say i am treating your wounds as first aid prctice. Plus I don\'t feel like seeing Lapis and that evil chicken…" Jane and Art were still confused abut the evil chicken but since they had yet to witness it, they would stay confused.

"I wish we could take some of those classes for free or to get points." Jane wanted to test her knowledge and try and learn some new things about search and rescue operations.

"Don\'t worry about those classes. Jackson is an expert so we can just ask him to teach us. He will need some help learning combat so we can show him how to use footwork." Asher waved it off like it was an easy thing.

"Wait, that big guy has no combat ability? Like, at all?" Art couldn\'t believe that someone so big and bulky wouldn\'t have any physical prowess at all.

"Nope, he is in the gardening club. Before he got his super power he was small and scrawny apparently. It\'s crazy what we can get for a super power, right? To be honest I won\'t be surprised if he and Laura and transferred in to our class if they become more powerful. Laura could pass out if she doesn\'t eat and is crazy fast. Jackson is not used to his body yet and can cause some serious damage without training. It will be good for him to learn martial arts to become more familiar with his own body."

"I can\'t imagine needed to learn how to use my body again. It must be really hard on him." Jane felt a twinge of pity. She had a hard enough time finding her own balance in training at first, having to restart must be a huge trial.

"Laura has it hard too, she is suddenly super fast and can\'t keep up with her own body. She only uses simple straight forward movements. So she is in the same boat as Jackson. I\'m the one that stands out with the weird super power. But Garnet has been really helpful figuring out a style for my martial arts." Asher had been thinking about showing off, so heading to the sparring field would be the ideal choice.

"You have a style figured out already? I haven\'t even started to figure out mine." Jane was miffed by this and turned away from Asher. \'Why is he so cool, he even has a style.\' However, unknown to Asher her thoughts were different.

"Do you guys want to come see? I can show off a little. I am pretty sure Garnet will give you some coaching too, just don\'t mention coach Winters I\'m pretty sure they are rivals and she meets her often in tournaments." Asher had remembered the first encounter and made sure to warn his friends. With that, they headed toward the training field. They passed many students digging through the camp in search of the golden egg which was the key to the luxury cabin, unfortunately for them, they did not look to be succeeding.

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