The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1211 - Attack Indiscriminately

Chapter 1211: Attack Indiscriminately

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

There were six other Level 5 grand masters that came after Bai Shien had howled louder than a train in the sky. Including Xiaohou Shangyan and Bai Shien himself, Jiang Fei would have a total of eight backups. Including the other four girls with him, Jiang Fei had a squadron of twelve Level 5 Metahumans fighting alongside him. To be honest, he was liking the odds.

“Excuse me, if you would, the rest is up to you now. We are yours to command.” Xiaohou Shangyuan smiled and said. On the one hand, he was only being so polite to Jiang Fei because he had accepted something from Jiang Fei. On the other, he was a little terrified of what he was capable of, especially after Sylphy and Isabella had made such a dramatic entrance.

“True. You have a better understanding of our enemies as they are machines. We would be better following you,” Zhuge Qinlong agreed.

“Looks like you’re at the center stage now, my friend. Lead the way, conduct the orchestra!” Bai Shien chimed in. Since he had gathered everyone, it was best if he made the communal decision.

“I thank all of you for trusting this one. I will do my best to live up to your expectations!” Jiang Fei humbly said. Even if they did not intend to listen to Jiang Fei, he was going to make them listen. Their objective was the base of the Unknowns. Armed with powerful Namekian weaponry, the base would be impregnable if they were raided by regular humans. There was still a chance that this group of Level 5 grand masters would be defeated.

He came to the center of everyone and projected a small image on the ground.

“This is the rough schematics of the enemy base. Fellow grand masters, you will teleport here, at this spot. Kill all threats there and wait for my signal before proceeding.”

Jiang Fei continued to explain the variety of threats that they would face.

“Enough with this. We understand the enemy but traps and scientific crap are harder to grasp. Either way, just give the word on who and where we will attack,” Bai Shien represented the entire group and said. Although they had lived for so long and had experienced things no other man had, understanding advanced technology was beyond their capability. Even though they were proud of their powers, they understood the threat they would be facing.

“Alright then, if you would excuse me,” said Jiang Fei before turning to Isabella and the girls. “Shall we depart?”

As soon as Jiang Fei gave the green light, Isabella and Sylphy gathered with all the grand masters and teleported away. As soon as they landed, the other grand masters were quickly attacked by the Unknowns. The attacking forces were nothing but armies of guards. They were not heavily armed and were quickly dispatched. A buffer zone was created by eliminating all enemies within a certain range. Even though the enemy had powerful large-scale weaponry, the area Jiang Fei had chosen as a buffer zone was considered to be a blind spot for the said weapons. They could not be targeted by the weapons and could only be dealt with by sending in more soldiers. Unfortunately, these were Level 5 grand masters, the epitome of martial artists of their respective sects. Clearing a few scraps were as easy as wiping dust off a table.

“We are clear. I repeat, we are clear!” Sylphy reported.

“Copy that,” Jiang Fei replied through a communicator. He turned to Ariel and gave a simple nod.

Although Ariel was only a pseudo-Level 5, she was the best in spacetime teleportation. Besides Jiang Fei, Ariel was also teleporting fifteen other New Saint’s Guard girls. These girls were armed and equipped with powerful weapons and armors. They had also brought along various instruments, the same kind that Akatziris had once used to disperse the light prison that could be trouble for the Level 5 grand masters.

This instrument was only one of the plethora of equipment that Jiang Fei had raided from the previous attack. Even though Akatziris had betrayed Jiang Fei by taking all the Energy Crystals for herself, Jiang Fei was still able to get something out of the raid.

It was only because he was in possession of these equipment that Jiang Fei dared to launch an all-out attack on the Unknowns. Without the light dispersion machine, he might have to work with Akatziris once more.

“Please hold. Secure the perimeter as I disable the base’s defensive system,” said Jiang Fei. Instead of sending in the Level 5 grand masters, Jiang Fei’s first move was to disable the enemy’s defenses. The weapons they used were so strong that not even a grand master would survive taking a full blast of Antimatter beam to the face.

“Captain, enemy’s firewall has been upgraded. ETA until system disable: 15 minutes,” 0543 reported.

“Mhm, this is troubling news,” said Jiang Fei to himself.

Miluya’s incredible hacking capability had destroyed the main computer during the previous attack. The Unknowns were forced to switch to using their back-up system to get everything working again. As such, their firewall capability was so weak that 0543 was able to hack in easily. This time, they were careful enough to upgrade their system. Even so, they could only do so much. 0543 was obviously too strong for them!

Time ticked away slowly and the wait seemed to be an eternity later. Jiang Fei grew anxious. He was there to steal Energy Crystals, and even though he was there to raid, he was hoping that he could avoid a fight before the Unknowns could react to him stealing their stash. The last thing he wanted was for them to realize his purpose and move the Energy Crystals somewhere else.

“Little Fei, what are we waiting for? Are there reinforcements coming?” Bai Shien prompted. The grand masters had zero understanding as to what was hacking and disabling security systems, much less of what Jiang Fei had originally planned. All they were hoping for was to crush metal skulls and break steel bones.

“Give me a few more minutes. I am almost ready,” Jiang Fei replied calmly. He was anxious and it would be bad if the rest were too.

“Captain, I have successfully infiltrated into the system. However, if I proceed to disable the enemy’s defense system, they will be alerted to my presence,” 0543 reported. 0543’s previous hacking went smoothly. She went in and out like a ghost. Now, if 0543 were to proceed deeper into the system, she would be detected by the enemy’s support system.

“How long before you could disable everything?” Jiang Fei asked.

“2 minutes.”

“Make it happen!” Jiang Fei bit down and made his decision.

Literally the next second, alarms blared off. Red flashes of light went off like a disco in the entire base. In that instant, 0543 entered the system core and broke the enemy’s support system. Unfortunately, they had doubled their security protocol. 0543’s act of breaking the enemy’s support system had caused an unstoppable warning system to go off, alerting the entire base that they were under attack!

“Ladies and gentlemen, you are all cordially invited to attack!” said Jiang Fei invitingly.

Two minutes was not long in the grand scheme of things but Jiang Fei could not wait any longer. Be it the enemy or the Level 5 grand masters, both sides had skills to teleport. If he delayed the attack any longer, the enemy would either bring in more reinforcements or disappear entirely with all the Energy Crystals.

Right now, the security system had not been fully disabled but it had been interrupted by 0543. The Antimatter cannons could not focus their beams onto one target, causing them to be weakened ever so slightly. Even so, it was good enough that the grand masters would still have their faces instead of getting them blown off by the cannons.

“I say, my little friend. You are being too cautious. Just so you know, we are grand masters. What sort of fortress can we not destroy?” said Lee Shi, laughing arrogantly. Like a spring, the man charged himself with energy before launching off deeper into the enemy base.

“Be careful!” said Zhang Shan before he flashed toward Lee Shi to support him. The rest of the grand masters followed, as did Isabella and Sylphy.

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