Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 599 - The Internal Disorder Of Earth Dragon Base

Chapter 599: The Internal Disorder Of Earth Dragon Base

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

That man was Xia Yushen, a level-six green-power possessor. As Long Yubai died and the base fell into chaos, his people stood out and gathered together.

On the square before the Administrative Building, the three groups of people were standing in three different directions.

“Jian Shengtong, don’t be stubborn! This base might still have a chance to survive if we give it to Hidden Cloud City Base. Otherwise, we’ll all be in trouble. As you’ve seen, Chief Long is dead, and Lin Ruifeng and Ye Hao are missing. They might have died too. Now, we only have three level-six members. We’re no match for Hidden Cloud City Base or Sky Fire Base!” Lan Qijie said to Jian Shengtong loudly.

“Lan Qijie, you traitor! Shut up!” Before Jian Shengtong responded, Xia Yushen had already burst in angry shouts.

About ten-thousand people were standing behind Xia Yushen. That was not a big number, but most of them had superpowers. That force was only half as powerful as the force under Jian Shengtong’s command, yet it was a strong armed force which should not be underestimated.

“Lan Qijie, since you’ve already chosen to follow Hidden Cloud City Base, you may as well stop talking. We will not give our base to any other base. If you disagree, you can try to kill us all, like what you did to Hades Base. Anyway, do not expect us to yield,” Jian Shengtong looked at Lan Qijie coldly.

All the three groups of people were armed to the teeth, with their weapons pointing at the others.

Xia Yushen and his people were only an independent zombie hunting troop, but at that moment, they were on the same side as Jian Shengtong. Clearly, they would never agree to give their base to Hidden Cloud City Base.

“In fact, I had achieved an agreement with Long Yubai about this long ago. Even if he didn’t die, he might have still given your base to us in a short while. I think you should stop fighting back. It’ll be good for all of us, right?” Lu Zhuofeng made a step forward and said to Jian Shengtong.

What he said was not true. He only said that to disrupt Jian Shengtong’s thoughts and to find out where his mind was.

“Even if Long Yubai had promised you that, it doesn’t mean that we all agree. Besides, he never mentioned that to us. He’d never give the base to you without our agreement. So, please stop thinking that we’re all stupid!” Jian Shengtong responded coldly.

He clearly pointed out that Long Yubai was not able to make that kind of decision alone. It would require the agreement of all administrators of the base.

“I was trying to be nice to you, but you refused my kindness. Now, there’re only two or three hundred thousand people left in your base. What power do you people have to keep guarding this base?” Lu Zhuofeng sneered.

Earth Dragon Base had nearly five hundred thousand people at first. After the war against Hades Base, about a hundred thousand of them fell. The rest three hundred thousand people won nothing but some supplies and captives from Hades Base. If they didn’t need to share those supplies with Hidden Cloud City Base and Sky Fire Base, it could be counted as a victory.

However, Long Yubai didn’t care about that. All he cared was to destroy Hades Base, and nothing else.

He knew about the secret purpose of Hidden Cloud City Base. However, back when they attacked Hades Base, Hidden Cloud City Base wasn’t as strong as now, and there was a balance between it and Sky Fire Base. Therefore, Long Yubai thought that they wouldn’t make any move so soon, and that he would have enough time to cooperate with Sky Fire Base to hold Hidden Cloud City Base at bay.

He didn’t expect a level-eight powerful being to emerge in Hidden Cloud City Base so soon. Once Lu Zhuofeng entered level-eight, the balance between the three bases was broken.

Lan Qijie only had thousands of reliable subordinates, and the armed force under his command wasn’t strong enough. He, of course, was no match for Jian Shengtong and Xia Yushen. But now, he had Lu Zhuofeng’s support. Lu Zhuofeng was a level-eight being. By simply swinging a hand, he could kill tens of soldiers.

But even so, Jan Shengtong and Xia Yushen were still not willing to give in.

Lin Qiao spent a while watching the show from the roof, then lost interest in it. She had one more thing to do. She decided to do that first, then come back to see how those people would solve the problem.

Standing on the roof, she sniffed around, then finally located the three granaries in the base.

She was going to steal the food!

Before, she knew that Earth Dragon Base had three granaries, but never found out their exact locations. Now, with her zombie nose, she clearly sensed each granary.

She headed toward one of them and found a building in a couple of minutes.

That building seemed nothing special, like a normal factory building. However, it was strictly guarded. There was a signboard on the door, saying—’Important area, admittance of staff only’.

Lin Qiao landed on the square near the building, then glanced around at those people who had been guarding that place. That place was indeed thickly guarded, and many guards had superpowers.

Of course, an important place like that needed to be guarded by the superpowered ones.

However, none of those soldiers or superpowered guards discovered a trace of Lin Qiao.

She sniffed around and found that the scent of food only came from the first floor. The second and third floor seemed to be empty.

She headed toward the first floor of the building. The entrance of the building was guarded by armed soldiers, and the door was remolded with metal, added with a complicated fingerprint lock.

She circled around the building and then found out that there was not even one window on the first floor. She had found quite a few air vents though.

She glanced around again. At that moment, she suddenly heard some noises from that fingerprint lock. She hurriedly moved over, standing by the door and waiting.

In about one minute, a beep was heard from the door, and then it opened. Next, a few people walked out of it. Lin Qiao grasped the opportunity and flashed into the building before the door closed automatically.

‘What a great chance! They were actually going out!’?Lin Qiao thought.

Behind the door was a metal path, over ten meters long. She walked to the other end of the path and found a door, which had buttons like that in an elevator.

She walked closer to the door and looked around. Instead of reaching out her hand to press a button, she raised her head to look upward.

The elevator lock came with a security system. When those people exited the building, that system should have been turned on. For that reason, she didn’t touch those buttons, but searched for another entrance.

However, she saw nothing but the walls around her.

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