Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 418 - The Poor Giant Snake

Chapter 418: The Poor Giant Snake

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Geeee…” The mutated snaked suddenly gave a weird scream. Its scream wasn’t loud, but was very shrill. In the meantime, its body twisted because of the pain.

Lin Qiao moved away from it once her attack worked.

“Roarrrr…” The zombie dog didn’t let go of the king cobra. It had bitten into the snake’s body, but failed to tear off a piece. On the contrary, it got coiled by the snake pretty tightly when the latter struggled in pain.

Lin Qiao looked at the zombie dog which was disabled from moving in just the first round.

‘You’re a level-five zombie dog. How can you lose the fight so quickly? Don’t you know how to hide? Was your brain damaged when you turned into a zombie dog from a dead dog??‘ she thought.

Just when she thought that the zombie dog would be distorted by the king cobra, she suddenly saw a red light sparkle in the dog’s mouth. As the red light grew brighter and brighter, the king cobra quickly relaxed its grip on the dog and moved away, as if it got burned.

Lin Qiao looked closely, then figured out what happened. Just now, the king cobra exposed its wounds to the zombie dog when it tried to coil the latter tightly. As a result, the zombie dog opened its mouth to release a fire, and gave it a greater pain that made it quickly uncoil itself from the dog.

‘The dog is a strong fighter?,’ Lin Qiao thought.

Realizing that the dog was able to fight the snake for a while, Lin Qiao stood aside and watched without doing anything else.

The dog had a couple of rib bones squeezed broken by the king cobra, but it didn’t really mind, as those broken ribs could hardly affect it.

It immediately followed the king cobra and pounced on it.

The zombie dog was aware that the king cobra could barely hurt it, so it began attacking it crazily without putting up any defense.

Lin Qiao stood beside the pit, watching the dog chase and bite the snake. The dog was occasionally sent flying away by the snake’s tail, but it soon sprung up and charged again.

After being bitten by a few times, the snake was frightened of the dog.

Those bite wounds weren’t lethal to the snake, but they hurt like hell. The snake started trying to get out of the pit. It didn’t dare to go back into those holes, as Lin Qiao’s black mist still lingered in there.

Earlier on when it wasn’t wounded, its scales were corroded by the dark mist. But now, as it was covered in wounds, the black mist would directly drill its wounds and burn its blood and flesh.

The snake didn’t know about all that clearly, but it was subconsciously aware that going in those holes would be even more dangerous.

Therefore, it chose to run toward the outside.

However, the zombie dog followed closely behind. The dog bit on its tail and back to drag it down, and never gave it one chance to run. The zombie dog was swift and nimble. It hopped around to chase the king cobra without missing any chance to give it a bite.

So, the king cobra was suffering pain, itch, panic, and helplessness. It darted all over the pit; it tried to get out, but ended up being dragged back down; it turned back to bite the zombie dog, yet the latter dodged. Its attack failed to even land on the dog’s body.

Soon, the king cobra was exhausted. It couldn’t even crawl as quickly as it used to, and it was no longer able to dodge nimbly. However, the zombie dog was still attacking it energetically.

After standing by the pit and watching for half an hour, Lin Qiao finally witnessed the end of this fight.

The giant snake lay weakly in the pit, curled up. It exposed its back which was the strongest part of its body in the air, with its head and stomach buried inside. No matter how violently the zombie dog attacked, it wouldn’t fight back. It had given up on resisting.

Lin Qiao jumped into the pit and gave the zombie dog which wouldn’t relax its bite on the snake a gentle kick.

“Alright, get up. Don’t you see that it’s already too weak to fight back?”

“Roar…” The zombie dog released the snake reluctantly, then sat down and raised its head to look at Lin Qiao.

‘I didn’t get to eat any meat yet!’

Its teeth were sharp enough to pierce through the snake’s scales, but it didn’t manage to tear off a single piece of snake meat. That made it a little upset.

Lin Qiao popped her claws and said, “Do you want some?”

The zombie dog’s claws and teeth couldn’t cut the snake open, but Lin Qiao’s claws could.

Seeing her claws, the zombie dog’s ink-dark eyes glowed, fixed on her with anticipation.

Lin Qiao took two small steps backward, then raised her claws and prepared to swing her arm at the giant snake. But suddenly, she saw the snake’s eyes through a small slit between its coiled body.

Despair, sadness, fear, anger… A mixed emotion was expressed from those eyes.

Lin Qiao was stunned slightly, and her arm froze in the air.

Those eyes told her that the snake did nothing wrong. Why would she kill it? It was staying in its underground nest without offending anyone. Why would it be killed.


Lin Qiao was surprised. Earlier, the snake confronted her calmly without showing any emotion; but now, she suddenly found out that it actually had feelings.

It understood that it was going to die. It wasn’t frenzied by despair, but curled up to try and protect itself with its last strength.

The snake that Lin Qiao caught the last time was frenzied in the beginning.

Seeing the snake’s sad and despairing eyes, Lin Qiao couldn’t help but get soft-hearted.

She dropped her arm and walked to the snake, then reached out a hand and pressed her palm on the giant snake’s broken skin.

The snake flinched, but didn’t try to dodge.

Once Lin Qiao touched its body, she was overwhelmed by sadness. She stayed silent for five or six seconds, then took her hand back.

Why did she fell that she was bullying a weak being? Why was she suffering that guilt now? Was it because this snake knew how to act pitifully?

She took two steps backward. The zombie dog looked at her confusedly.

‘Aren’t you going to cut the meat??‘ it wondered.

Lin Qiao lowered her head and said to the zombie dog, “We’re not going to eat it. It’s already a poor thing, as we suddenly injured it so badly. If we ate it, it’d be even more pitiful.”

‘What does pitiful mean??’ The zombie dog looked at her with confusion.

Lin Qiao felt quite speechless about the fact that she was talking to a dead dog about that. She thought for a second, then picked up the vine to drag the dog out of the pit. Meanwhile, she reached an arm backward.

The black mist which had been lingering in those small holes was taken back by her. Streams of mist flowed out of those small holes and into Lin Qiao’s palm.

Seeing Lin Qiao step back, the snake’s rhombic eyes showed confusion as well.

Lin Qiao gave up on killing the snake, but the zombie dog refused to accept it as a result.

“Awooo…” It quickly stood up and lowered its head while uttering deep growls toward the snake. Meanwhile, it kicked its limbs backward, sending the sand and earth behind.

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