Five Frozen Centuries

Chapter 267: Players

Chapter 267: Players

Unknowingly, Wei Huo’s strength had increased again. Besides, his presence affected the surrounding plants. Wherever he walked, plants would mutate. If animals ate the leaves or fruits of these plants, they would mutate as well.

However, no one knew what these mutations would bring. Perhaps this was Wei Huo’s plan.

Wei Huo’s team kept moving forward. After walking for over 10 days, they finally saw a tall stone wall.

They had reached a city surrounded by stone walls. Behind the city was an arched mountain wall. The mountain wall was very tall and almost vertical. It was a natural barrier.

Led by Greenland, they finally approached the huge castle. Fortunately, the Dragon soldiers of the Black Dragon had not attacked this place yet. The reason should be that the Black Dragon’s main force had suddenly gone south, so the city had been spared.

Even so, the soldiers in the city still had to deal with the Crawling Dragons that appeared occasionally.

Greenland led Wei Huo and the others up to the castle. They walked up a hillside and soon arrived at the entrance of the castle. There were a few soldiers guarding the place. Every soldier’s eyes were like the eyes of an eagle. They were very nervous and often looked up to see if there were flying dragons passing by.

After Greenland took out the letter, the soldiers made way for them. Wei Huo and the others continued walking. Soon, they saw reserve soldiers training on the field. Rather than saying they were soldiers, one should say that they were more like children. They came in different sizes, and the oldest was only 16 years old, while the youngest was only 8 or 9 years old. Children who were 8 or 9 years old were only learning. They were too young to become qualified soldiers immediately.

However, based on this scene, one could tell how tense the situation in the castle was. They really did not have many troops!

What was important was that the weapons used by the soldiers in the castle were very special. A group of patrolling soldiers had just passed by, and their weapons had been engraved with weird runes. The weapons were nothing special, but the runes revealed special abilities that made people very concerned.

Wei Huo and the others stayed in the field for the time being, while Greenland went to meet the commander. Soon, the commander arrived at the field himself.

He was a man in his fifties, his body was strong and solid, and he had the demeanor of a soldier. His hair was white, and he had a beard. He also had a sword, and there was a pipe at his waist.

The sword was a rapier, and the hilt was also carved with runes. The runes emitted energy and were stronger than the runes on the soldiers’ weapons.

The commander observed Wei Huo and the others carefully. In the end, he removed his military cap and expressed his gratitude to Wei Huo and the others. “Thank you for saving my messenger. He brought me important information. This concerns the survival of our army!”

The commander said a few words and handed over three daggers. He then said, “This is your reward for rescuing the messenger. Please accept it. If you are willing to help me, I will give you an even better reward.”

The commander seemed like he was issuing a quest, as Wei Huo and company had been traveling the Western Continent as players. After all, without a player’s identity, they would not be able to enjoy translation services.

Wei Huo said, “I’ll be integrated into the Western Continent as a player this time.”

Wei Huo then walked forward and accepted the dagger. There was a notification about the dagger.

“Courage Dagger: Only Warriors can use it. Due to the runes on it, the person who uses it will obtain an Agility bonus.”

Zhou Song took a closer look at the dagger. “This is really a game.”

Wei Huo asked, “What do you need us to do for you?”

The commander said, “A group of Crawling Dragons has occupied the northwest path. An Epic-ranked Wyvern built a nest there. I hope you can destroy the nest and kill the Wyvern. If you succeed, I will reward you with the rank of a second lieutenant and the title of a Knight.”

Wei Huo and the others all received this quest. An explanation was provided by the quest menu. Although the rank and title were just empty, there were benefits to this. Just the rank of a second lieutenant would give one the right to order a certain number of soldiers to follow them in battle. As for the title of a Knight, that was even rarer. An ordinary soldier might not be able to obtain the title of a Knight in their lifetime. One could only advance with this title.

Wei Huo and the others left the castle again. This time, Greenland did not follow them because he had a new quest. Wei Huo gave him an aura of nirvanic extermination as protection and told him to go east. His goal was to take a letter to the people of the Northern Continent from the east.

In fact, Wei Huo could have used a faster and more convenient method to deliver the letter. However, the people of the Northern Continent still needed a guide to lead them into the Western Continent.

After walking out of the castle, Zhou Song said, “If we were not players, killing a Wyvern would have been enough to make us heros. In the end, we only obtained the rank of a second lieutenant and the title of a Knight.”

Wei Huo asked System Number Two, “Do you think the Black Dragon Apocalypse was triggered by the players?”

System Number Two was silent for a long time before saying, “A Black Dragon Apocalypse in the Western Continent can only happen for one reason—the Black Dragon Nidhogg has appeared. This is a Mythical event. It’s impossible to trigger it with the current players’ standards.”

Xiao Bin made a guess. “Could the Zerg broodmother’s body have triggered this? The Zerg broodmother’s body eats and kills everything. It’s basically exterminating the enemy and strengthening itself. Perhaps this provoked the Black Dragon.”

Everyone thought back to that scene. The Zerg broodmother had descended from the sky and happened to bump into the Black Dragon’s nest. The Black Dragon had been furious. It had exterminated the Zerg broodmother and appeared early to lead the dragon race and sweep the Western Continent.

Zhou Song asked, “A Mythical event? Are you saying that Black Dragon Nidhogg is a Mythical creature?”

System Number Two said, “Of course, a Nidhogg is a Mythical creature. It’s actually very easy to distinguish them, isn’t it? In China, aren’t there myths about Pangu splitting open the sky and Nüwa creating humans? If they are born, they will naturally be Mythical creatures. In Northern European myths, the Gods, the World Tree, the Nibelungs, and the Nidhogg are naturally Mythical creatures.”

Wei Huo and the others started walking northwest of the castle. Before long, they saw a man-made path. However, many Crawling Dragons were patrolling the path. On a huge mountain in the distance, the roars of Western dragons could be heard frequently.

Apart from the Western dragons’ roars, explosions and collisions could be heard from time to time. It seemed like someone was fighting with the Wyvern.

“It’s a player!” Zhou Song blurted out.

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