Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society

Chapter 170. What Is Not Allowed for Her (1)

“You’re already a father, Son.”

“Show of hands. Who wants to go?”

I ignored father and asked everyone whether they wanted to participate. There was no need to explain anything. As it was an Event Raid in the dungeon, we wouldn’t actually die. As such, it could only be beneficial. I assumed other guilds and explorers thought the same way. I didn’t know whether that would be of benefit or loss for us, but we didn’t need to avoid people just because we didn’t know them.

“I’ll stay out. I’m not strong enough. Maybe when I advance to the Second Dungeon...”

“I’ll stay out too, Shin-nim... My defense ability probably won’t be useful versus the giant basilisk.”

Walker and Shuna were the first to decline. Ye-Eun also raised her hand.

“I can’t go either, Shin. Until I learn the technique Master taught me, I’ll have trouble with monsters that have large bodies. I’ll only damage my pride if I go.”

Everyone else was quiet. In other words, Hwaya, father, Ludia, Sumire, Ina, and I would be going. I asked Ina.

“Ina, will you be okay?”

“Un! I got even stronger!”

Now that she was a dungeon explorer, she was undoubtedly stronger than before. The amount of mana she had even rivaled Hwaya’s. Regarding mana, Ina was most likely the strongest amongst Earth’s Awakened. It was also why she couldn’t control her ability for such a long time...

“Un? You’re crying, Daddy? Don’t cry!”

“N-No, why would Daddy cry.”

I patted Ina’s head and smiled. Then, I turned to Ludia and asked.

“Will you be okay, Ludia?”

“My ability is supportive, so it’ll be okay. I’ll focus on supporting you and father.”

“Haha, thanks.”

“Ludia, don’t make Yungoong ajusshi your father on your own. You better support me too.”

“Huhu, I’ll be expecting your support as well, Palludia.”

I didn’t need to ask Hwaya and Sumire. Hwaya was the strongest one in the guild besides me, and with her god’s true name, Sumire was stronger than Shuna. Plus, with Sumire’s unnaturally fast pace, I had the feeling she would cross over to the First Dungeon soon. Although Shuna was working hard with Ludia... Eh?

“By the way, Ludia, do you still party with Ellos?”

“No, I haven’t been able to contact him recently. We were also gone for two months, so we’re climbing separately. Shuna and I are strong enough on our own now.”

... It seemed that clearing Event Dungeons for two months successfully strengthened everyone. With a wry smile, I looked at everyone. Everyone appeared to have made up their minds.

“Alright, then the six of us should go.”

“This is the first time I’m seeing the First Dungeon’s explorers. I wonder how strong they are...”

“Wait a moment. Let me check if Lotte can come with us.”

I messaged Lotte, but she didn’t say anything after replying, ‘I trust Hero.’ It seemed she was still busily training. No choice. If I had to fly, I would just have to use Sharana’s ability or take the mana consumption to ride on Peika.

“Let’s go then.”

Seeing that everyone gathered around me, I clicked the ‘participate’ button on the window. Then, just like when we entered Event Dungeons or teleported, the surrounding instantly changed.

We found ourselves on a rocky hill.

[The Event Raid communication channel has opened!]

[3 minutes to go! The raid will begin in 3 minutes!]

[Tsk, that’s not enough time! Why doesn’t the Lord give us more time!?]

[Be content stopping him for 10 minutes, Ralph.]

A communication channel opened the moment we arrived, and voices of explorers flooded us. I first checked the terrain. We were at high altitude, on a hilltop about 3 kilometers in diameter. I could see the cliffs around the edges. Including us, there were about a hundred or so people.

“Eh? There are some new faces!”

“What, is it a new guild? Why are there so few of them for a D rank guild?”

“Oi! What are your ranks!?”

“Everyone’s Gold!”

I shouted back at the man wearing an armor and a cape. Although Ina and Ludia are still Silver ranks, Ina was incredibly strong, and Ludia’s ability didn’t lose to anyone either.

The man’s cape had a yellowish brown scorpion. I could immediately tell that he was a member of Desert Scorpion, the guild leading the raid.

“Gold!? Gold ranks are participating in an SS+ rank raid? Hey, don’t you know your ranks? You should at least be level 80 for SS+ rank raids! You have to be Platinum, understand?”

“We won’t blame you if we die, so don’t worry about that.”

“Tsk, these newbies...”

“Ralph, stop trash talking and help with straightening up the terrain!”

“I’m going! Ptui.”

Ooh, how unpleasant. He spat at us and headed back to the direction of his guild. Father laughed as he took out his spear, but I stopped him.

“What’s wrong, Son? I’m just trying to educate someone on basic manners kindly.”

“Father, what floor are you on?”

“64th floor.”

“You’ll catch up soon, right? You can pick up your spear then. They’re the raid’s host and have the strength to back up their arrogance. Unless we’re definitely above them in strength, we can’t respond justly to their rudeness.”

“Haa... Fine. Since you’re our leader, father will listen to you.”

“Thanks, Father.”

“Kuhum, now that you’re a father, I can feel the sincerity in your words.”

“That has nothing to do with it!”

Was everyone here Platinum ranked? Indeed, I could feel each of them emanating powerful energies. We weren’t inferior regarding stats, but the spirit they were emitting had entirely different qualities. The difference in the league created by levels. With Soul Guard raising my soul’s league, I could more easily feel the difference. It was a complicated feeling that was hard to describe.


“Wow, look at Shin’s expression. He looks like he’s about to die from anticipation.”

“But unni’s expression says unni’s about to die from loving Shin-nim too much...”

With the female member’s looks, we were only getting more and more attention as time went on. Even so, no one openly made a move. It seemed they understood the importance of the upcoming raid.

“Oi, since you won’t be able to deal decent damage, try to survive. We were stupid for thinking anyone from the First Dungeon would be dumb enough to join an SS+ rank dungeon without a plan. I’m going to say it clearly. Don’t blame us if you die.”

“Thanks for worrying about us.”

I responded with a smile to the man, Ralph, who talked to us before. He raised his hand as if to say something else, but he soon clicked his tongue and walked away. Meanwhile, Revival’s members were talking excitedly. They were forming a plan without me having to say anything!

“The Flame Drake was only a 100-man raid, but he was so powerful. I wonder how strong the Power Basilisk is.”

“Don’t push yourself too much, Daughter. We’re here to get stats. There’s no need to overdo it and get ourselves in danger.”

“Just call me Hwaya, Ajusshi... Unless you want me to call you Father?”

“Hwaya Eleni Mastiford...!”

“Grandpa, you can call me Ina!”

“Oooh, that has an excellent ring to it. Call me again, Ina.”


Hey, you guys talking like a harmonious family! Why are you doing that now!? You had all the chance to do it before!

“Let’s at least form a basic plan. I can somewhat guess what kind of attacks the basilisk will make.”

“Basilisks are known for their ability to turn people into stone. I hear their breaths also have a petrifying ability.”

“You don’t have to worry about petrification. With the power of the earth, I can neutralize even the basilisk’s petrification.”

Ludia declared confidently. I already began to think it was an excellent idea to bring Ludia along.

“It’s probably going to be huge...”

“Hwaya and Ina should stay back and attack from a safe distance.”

“Un! I’m stronger when I’m with Mommy!”

“Of course, huhu. Mommy is also strong with Ina.”

“Father, Sumire, and I will be in the front as usual. Sumire, there’s no need to use Athena’s power unless you absolutely need to.”

“Yes, I’ll focus on defense, Shin-nim!”

When I was about to say something father, the earth suddenly began to tremble.

[The Event Raid begins. The Power Basilisk makes its appearance!]

With pounding hearts, we all waited for the Power Basilisk to appear. We took out our weapons, and I also summoned my three elementals. At the same time, I grabbed a Mana Potion. I was ready to drink the Mana Potion and explode with Peruta Circuit at any moment!

It slowly appeared. We couldn’t hide our shock. Its body was over 300 meters long. Not only was it bigger than any monsters I’ve seen before, but it also emitted petrification energy just by opening its enormous mouth. I could see the surrounding turning into stone.

More importantly, its entire body was...!

“A suit!? What are you, the Iron Man?”

“So that’s why it’s called ‘power’!”

Hwaya made an exclamation of surprise as I yelled angrily. It was covered in a strange armor. Across it was several hundred meters long armor with geometric symbols which emanated powerful mana. It was as if it was wearing a power suit.

[Attack! If that mana seal fully activates, we’re screwed!]

“I don’t know what’s happening, but let’s first attack!”

Along with the shout from a member of Desert Scorpion, we also used our strongest attacks. Ludia struck the ground with her staff, making needle-like rocks shoot up and hurl toward the basilisk, while I created and threw a huge ice spear with Ruyue’s power. Everyone in the raid seemed to have some long-ranged attacks, but only twenty or so had exceptionally powerful long-ranged attacks. The basilisk’s armor easily blocked most attacks.


Then, Hwaya created an enormous white fireball in the air and hurled it toward the basilisk. It landed on the basilisk’s head, which was also covered in an armored mask, heating it up greatly. At the same time, Ina playfully waved her hand, freezing the mask with extreme freezing energy and shattering it easily. This daughter and mother combo... Amazing!

However, after being hit, the basilisk realized the attack had come from our guild, as it turned to our direction and shot a breath with a furious roar!

“O Earth!”

Ludia quickly transmuted the rock needles into an earthen shield, while Sumire stood behind the shield as the second in defense. Once exposed to the breath, Sumire’s shield and arms began to petrify slowly. However, just like she said, Ludia could easily cure Sumire. The other explorers, who also skillfully dodged the petrifying breath, cheered after seeing the basilisk’s bare face behind its broken mask.

[Bravo! We got its mask off with the first wave of attacks!]

[Amazing! Who did that!?]

[It was that Gold rank.]

[A Gold rank did that?]


[Shit, it’s charging! It’s going to use its tail to attack afterward!]

The ground began to tremble once again. Seeing that we were unaffected by its breath, the basilisk was charging toward us! Damn, we took its aggro too much! Despite how massive it was, or perhaps precisely because it was so massive, it shortened the distance between us quickly.

“Scatter! Everyone scatter! Hwaya and Ina, go with Ludia far behind the tanks! Everyone else, separate and attack whenever you see the chance!”

Hwaya hugged Ludia from the back and flew into the air. Ina also flew back with Hwaya. Father forcefully kicked off the ground to get away. As for Sumire...

“Sumire, sorry!”

“Shin-nim, i-it’s my pleas...!”

With her heavy armor and large shield, Sumire wasn’t as mobile as the others. I held her in my arm and flew up with Sharana’s power.

Most of the people in the basilisk’s path dodged, but there seemed to be slow people even among Platinum ranked explorers, as some could not avoid in time. The basilisk’s weight crushed them, instantly making their vitality hit zero. The basilisk was strong enough to one-hit K.O. Platinum ranked explorers. I could only imagine how much it would hurt if it hit me.

“Thank you, Shin-nim. Uu, I don’t think I can block it with my shield.”

“You just have to dodge its charges, cheer up.”

“... Yes! If Shin-nim says so, I’m sure I can do it!”

... Before I noticed, this child’s belief in me had almost turned into a religious fanaticism.

After putting Sumire down, I flew back up. Including me, about thirty people were flying in the air. Platinum ranks were certainly different than others.

[Start from the right leg! Right leg, got it!?]

[Oi, long-ranged attackers, go for its left eye first! Its mask is off, so obviously you should go for its head!]

[Ah, I’ve been curious for a while, but who’s the epic witch controlling that fire? I’d like to hire you as my secretary.]

[I guarantee you’re going to die in this raid, you shithead.]

The explorers simultaneously began to assault its right leg. The basilisk ignored the dozens of long-ranged attacks hurling toward its eye and breathed its petrifying breath at the close-range attackers closing in on its leg.

Half of the explorers shook off the breath with their high resistance and pierced their swords, spears, axes, and hammers at the basilisk’s foot. On the other hand, the remaining half became partially petrified and had to fall back. Of course, with my abnormally high resistance, I quickly overcame the petrification and set its foot on fire with chaos flame. Although the power suit... or rather, carapace blocked the flame; it began to burn up. However, the flame then got smaller. It seemed its carapace had the ability absorb chaos flame’s mana to extinguish it.


[Healers, move! If damage dealers go below half health, it’s over!]

[Isn’t the blonde girl in the priestess robe the famous crown princess from Luka continent? She was alive!]

[Focus on the basilisk, retard!]

Then, an explorer suddenly shot up into the air. It was a man wearing a blue armor and carrying a large sword. His cape also had the emblem of Desert Scorpion guild. There was only one reason why I paid any attention to him. It was because the amount of mana he was emitting was making me shake.

The Basilisk also discovered him and opened his mouth.


“Ice Crash!”

After arriving at the basilisk’s right leg in an instant, he slashed down with his sword. He accurately hit the part of the carapace weakened by chaos flame, which then exploded with a crackling noise. Shockingly, his attack didn’t end with just that as it froze most of its right leg. Right, froze. The ice he creates seemed incapable of melting, as it weakened the energy being emitted by the basilisk. I instinctively realized that his ice was of similar nature to my chaos flame.

When I raised my head, I saw him grinning at me. It was as if he was saying, ‘Your flame got extinguished half-way, but my ice froze him wonderfully!’ Sly bastard! If you froze him first, my flame would’ve broken its carapace and burned its leg!

I just wanted to take the bonus stats from the raid without going all out, but a switch turned on inside me. I didn’t want to lose to that bastard even if I died.

Difference in levels? Eat shit! My weapon isn’t my level, but this... I’ll make you regret provoking me!

Author’s note:

Hehehe, aren’t we all used to having longer chapters now? ... T.T

Actually, there was a place I could’ve ended the chapter, but it lacked the impact. As a result, 8500 characters... cough.

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