Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 415 - Living in the New Era

In 2031, Huaxia took the lead to carry out the plan of remaking the Moon. With initial results achieved in 2047, mankind finally had a second habitable planet in the solar system.

In 2050, the moon immigration program was launched and there were five million people moving to the moon from the earth.

In 2051, the earth received an interstellar signal and people all over the world were in an uproar. Two weeks later, the radio wave was translated–“the Alpha Alliance will officially take over the earth. Don’t struggle uselessly and just cooperate.”

All policymakers in various countries were shocked and sent envoys to the moon to negotiate.

On September 1, 2051 AD, the negotiations were officially declared a failure as the Alpha Alliance spacecraft launched energy cannon to blow up the world-famous Paris. All envoys were killed. There were some memorable heroes like Colonel General Mu Tianqing and Major General Pei Jinfeng from the State of Huaxia, Abakum from Russia...

The state of Huaxia, together with the major powers of the world, organized to defend against the Alpha Alliance warships and mecha troops.

During the war, the State of Huaxia provided many magical weapons and united many countries. Four Alpha Alliance starships were destroyed at that time. In 2053, the earth once won a counterattack.

In October 2053, the ozone layer which had protected the earth for thousands of years was completely destroyed because of wars. A large amount of unknown substances in the universe poured in and many creatures on earth evolved.

In 2058, the Alpha Alliance sent more warships to the earth. Creatures other than humans on Earth have evolved with terrifying strength. The air was polluted and the water was not potable... Most importantly, the land was almost mutated and the crops could not grow there. There was a crisis both at home and abroad and the global situation was in a critical moment.

At the end of 2058, the Alpha Alliance occupied 60% of the world’s land and the encirclement circle was tightened around Huaxia.

In the same year, Huaxia cultivators infiltrated Iraqi behind the Alpha Alliance and opened the legendary Tower of Babel in the ancient Babylon. The ultimate defense of the earth, the Shelter of Gods, was launched.

The Alpha Alliance’s interstellar army and almost half of the earth’s mutant creatures were annihilated. All cultivators around the world disappeared after the Shelter of Gods was launched.

In 2059, the Alpha Alliance announced that it would end its aggression against the earth. There were less than 100 million human beings on the earth and they could finally take a breath. The national borders totally disappeared and the earth established a federal co-governance. The time when the former test flight of Huaxia manned spacecraft was regarded as Year One of the new era, which means humans on the earth entered the interstellar age from then on.

In May of the same year, the earth joined the Alpha Alliance and became a Rank One member star of the Alliance.

The war lasting for eight years to defend the Earth finally ended.

In 2062, due to difficulties in reconstruction, the Alpha Alliance helped the earth and sent peacekeeping troops to Himalayas on the Earth. In August of the same year, the Alpha Alliance provided high-priced genetic evolution fluids for humans.

Human genetic evolution made a major breakthrough from then on...


As the administrative center of the Earth Federation, Dongting City is almost a paradise in the world.

With the successful reconstruction of the moon in 2208, Pluto had also been developed with the assistance of the Alpha Alliance. More and more humans migrated and then left the earth. However, from the perspective of humans on the earth or not, the Dongting City has always been a major center for so many years.

Compared with artificial planets, the waters of Dongting preserve the last fertile soil for the earth’s nature, which is pleased by the richest and noblest people.

There are drinkable lake water here. Fields with fertile soil are beside the lake. Only in Dongting City can you eat food that really grows in the soil after a long growth cycle, rather than being ripened by organic nutrients. As long as you have enough crystal coins, you can also taste Dongting mitten crabs in the black market which has been banned long ago—people who have not tasted them can never know how delicious they are just from the description.

For the sake of air quality, the bus and subway in all directions have been built in this paradise. In addition to the vehicles of government, army and necessary transportation for residents’ lives, private vehicles are prohibited from entering here. The rules have become looser and looser in two hundred years but every federal citizens still take pride in being able to apply for a residence of Dongting city.

Crystal Coins are actually a kind of virtual credit line. Every federal citizen will be bound by a personal computer. The personal computer replaces the ID card and bank card before the new era. As for how to get crystal coins, in addition to doing odd jobs in the city, hunting out of the city and killing mutant monsters is the fastest way to get them.

Crystals inside mutant monsters are a source of energy for city operation and the fur can be made into clothes. The meat is even the main food for mankind on the earth.

The difficulties in food and clothing are just temporary. When humans gradually recover from disasters, they discover that the lack of civilization is far more terrible than the lack of food and clothing.

As science and technology advanced earlier, paper books were called to stop because they were not environmentally friendly. However, the electronic database was almost destroyed in the war. When people fought with the Alpha Alliance and mutant monsters on the earth, they would not care about yellowing paper books.

Civilization almost collapses... If there had not been a huge database as backup in Huaxia, perhaps people on the earth would have had to pass on knowledge by word of mouth again. Because of this, books become very important today in the new era of 301.

On the afternoon of July 9, 301, in the Dongting Library, the most splendid building in Dongting City, there are some small electronic reading rooms. A beautiful woman takes off the reading glasses and says thanks to a blushed teenager beside her.

“I really have to thank you. There is something wrong with my personal computer and I can’t use crystal coins. Without your kind help, I can’t find the information today as I wish.”

The teenager’s face becomes redder. The young woman in front of him is not extremely beautiful. Her appearance is not top-notch compared to the humans in the new era of evolution. However, her eyes flicker brightly, lighting up some of her soft and beautiful facial features.

More importantly, he always feels that this young woman looks familiar, which makes him feel at ease.

The young woman checks how much it costs on the crystal screen. She is a little embarrassed for the one hundred crystal coins. It is really expensive to read books at this era. She thinks about it and takes out a mutant monster bolus to give it to the teenager.

There is a touch of bright blue in the gray in this bolus. The teenager feels really curious. His personal computer has a function of checking inner boluses. He scans it and almost drops the bolus because of the stunning number.

The full value is 100 and the value of this thing is 81 which means this is the inner bolus of a Rank Eight mutant monster. The official price is 10,000 crystal coins, not to mention the black market price.

It’s just reading for less than half an hour and it doesn’t take so much money. The teenager looks up and wants to return the inner bolus to the young woman. However, he finds that he is the only one left in the single small reading room.

The teenager feels a little lost. For the first time he knows what rich means. It is really exciting.

He remembers her sister is now 14 years old but she has not injected the gene evolution fluid. This Rank Eight inner bolus means more money than that he has saved in these years. The teenager suddenly feels happy about how generous this woman is.

The teenager holds this valuable inner bolus in his hand. He can’t focus on reading so he just walks out of the Dongting Library. Leaving this landmark 100-storey building, he waits for five minutes before the maglev bus comes. The young boy jumps on the bus swiftly.

On the halfway, he holds the bolus tightly in his hand and he feels the young woman is more and more familiar.

Well, where has he seen her?

He looks out of the window and sees the lake near green willows. He is stunned suddenly.

Ah, she looks like Mortal Heart Fairy!

The teenager freezes and can’t help crying out. He sees some inquiring eyes from other passengers in the bus and he quickly lowers his head. Maybe she just looks like her? After all, the fairy who has not appeared for so many years is more like a legend of the old era.

The teenager can’t help thinking of the history textbooks he read when he was spoon-fed.

As recorded, after the Earth Defense War, human beings were in desperation and there were heroes from all parts of the world and Huaxia. Even without mentioning active cultivators or big event like turning on the Shelter of Gods, Mount Jun itself was very mysterious.

It’s said that in addition to the Mortal Heart Fairy on Mount Jun, the two ancient Xiaoxiang concubines also showed themselves.

He has never witnessed those legends with his own eyes. Similarly, although Mortal Heart Fairy didn’t show up in the past, she has sheltered the 800-mile Dongting, leaving the world available fresh water and arable land. Believers also prove that when fighting with mutant monsters, there would be a warm flow in their body to support them escape from death in the critical moment.

More and more Huaxia people who survived believe in the existence of Mortal Heart Fairy. In the era when faith almost collapsed, their faith supported them through the most difficult war and reconstruction years.

However, two or three hundred years have passed and the Mortal Heart Fairy has not appeared even once. In his generation, there are fewer and fewer devout believers—human beings have entered the interstellar age. It’s really hard to make the younger generation superstitious.

The teenager stops looking at the lake and dazzling cruise ships are parking on it. Aren’t fishing and hunting prohibited? When humans are temporarily safe, corrupt privileged people always appear in time. He conceals the sarcasm on his face and clenches the inner bolus in his hands.

In a world where faith is collapsing, maybe only living for martial arts enhancement is the only way to success.

The teenager can feel the temperature of inner bolus in his hand. Thinking of his younger sister who is young but outstanding and potential, he thinks life is not too bad in general.


In the splendid Dragon Palace, Lin Luoran closes her eyes and digests the information she has read this afternoon. She then opens her eyes.

Based on the information alone, what she knows is superficial. The history is always written by the winners. Without more accurate information, she cannot infer what happened in the past.

However, the turning on of the Tower of Babel in 2058 and the so-called Shelter of Gods has provided some clues about where the Lin family is.

She herself has known how mysterious the Tower of Babel is and she has a deep understanding of the time and space nodes. If all cultivators disappeared at that moment, Lin Luoran has a bold guess. Maybe they were sent to other planets or a different period of time.

If the Lin family did not collapse in the Earth Defense War and they improve their personal ability to the Bearing Essence period, they would have a lifespan of 500 years with enough spirit herbs and elixirs. In this case, maybe they are still alive. She subconsciously ignores Mrs. Lin. After three hundred years, she feels everything just happened yesterday.

To find the whereabouts of her family, she must go to the Tower of Babel. However, she also has to know how to survive in this world. Baojia is also a problem. Since the crazy Taoist has guaranteed the power of “Yin-Yang-Mote Circle”, it is unreasonable that it was easily broken by the alien technology. Those mutant monsters which are very powerful in the eyes of ordinary people are nothing for cultivators with magic weapons. Of course, they can’t break the circle neither.

It is very likely that Baojia was awake herself.

She just doesn’t know when Baojia woke up and if she also disappeared together with cultivators.

Is there no cultivator on the earth today?

On the earth, the crazy Taoist and the female monsters like Yang Lisha are very powerful. It is possible that there may be some other powerful characters hidden behind. Lin Luoran thinks of this and feels surer and surer that the Lin family has a good chance of being alive.

She clarifies her thoughts and she now has a goal to fight for again. As White Fairy says, she seems to be relived and she is not lifeless anymore.

“So what are you going to do now?”

White Fairy fiddles with the fish in the Dragon Palace pond and turns her head to ask.

Lin Luoran tells her that she wants to stay on the earth for clues exploration temporarily. White Fairy agrees with her.

Lin Luoran knows it without even asking White Fairy. Now the earth is full of scars. As a female cultivator who has been dead for more than a thousand years, White Fairy also doesn’t want to abandon this planet where she was born and grew up—People only know they should cherish things after they losing them. At that time, White Fairy who was high in the air never cared about the ground under her feet. When it is no longer how it was, she finally feels nostalgic deeply.

Lin Luoran hates the Alpha Alliance which destroys her home and then acts like a savior to make the earth part of it.

She has already known a lot of common sense of the new era. The so-called Rank One member star is only at the bottom which is for trade dumping and unequal mineral predation.

If the Interplanetary Law had not severely suppressed the development of colonial stars in recent years, the Alpha Alliance would have not been so nice to give the earth the title of “Rank One member star”.

As soon as Lin Luoran thinks of this, she can’t help feeling a little irritable.

She feels she can’t ignore the fact that her birthplace is becoming a colony. However, she has no clue on what to do at this moment—she is not that arrogant and thinks she can fight with the endless warships and mecha troops of the Alpha Alliance only relying on her personal ability of the late Bearing Essence period.

Living alone in the huge Dragon Palace, she feels really deserted. Lin Luoran decides to get the identity of an ordinary person first.

Perhaps the law of the universe itself contains the dark side. Lin Luoran uses the spiritual mind to find the location of the exchange market. It is where Zhuzhou was before the new era and is now a radiation zone of Dongting City. It takes only one hour to take the high-speed aerotrain. Lin Luoran does not have a personal computer so she casts a Mini World to help her secretly get into the train.

Getting along with ordinary people can make her integrate into the current world faster. Therefore, she doesn’t want to fly to Zhuzhou.

After exact one hour, the train stops precisely at the Zhuzhou platform. Skyscrapers here are more than those in Yueyang District near Mount Jun. When she gets off the train, she faintly sees the teenager she met in the library yesterday.

It is just like destined. Seeing that the young man is in a hurry, she doesn’t greet him. She goes to the exchange market as how she got in the train earlier.

There are people selling meat, eggs, weapons, and vegetables. Lin Luoran looks around for a while and almost knows the prices of this era. It turns out that people also sell weapons.

Picking up a so-called magical pistol, Lin Luoran feels somewhat disappointed. It is just a simple energy conversion weapon. It’s not the pistol that she and Liu Zheng designed together which can directly absorb the five elements Reiki.

Well, since cultivators disappeared, who can incept in spirit for real magical weapons?

Even there are real magical weapons now, they must be made in the early years.

Lin Luoran puts down the magical weapon in disappointment. A sneaky businessman has noticed that Lin Luoran’s clothes are real silk rather than synthetic fiber. He swallows and thinks he may get rich today.

He takes the initiative to ask Lin Luoran what she needs.

Lin Luoran casually says a few words and he is more certain that this is a big customer. The businessman actively invites Lin Luoran to a cold drink shop in the market—After the ozone layer disappeared, the earth’s temperature has been rising unreasonably. Even in the Dongting City protected by the energy shield, it only stops the ultraviolet rays. Summer almost becomes the only season here. Therefore, cold drinks have become a habit for everyone and cold drink shops are everywhere in Dongting City.

“My surname is Zheng. Lady, what’s the proper way to address you?”

Lin Luoran looks at the mango ice which Boss Zheng treats her. At first bite, she feels the mango taste is very faint. She can’t stand the expression of “this is very expensive” on the face of the businessman named Zheng so she just goes directly into the topic.

“I need a new PC.”

Businessman Zheng freezes for a moment and squeezes a little smile, “Miss, are you kidding? If you want to change your personal computer, you have to go to the city hall.”

He unnaturally rubs his watch-like personal computer and smiles uneasily.

Lin Luoran says nothing but takes out an inner bolus of a mutant monster and places it on the table.

Merchant Zheng picks up the inner bolus and scans it. He is excited seeing the value approaching 80 but he still says it is a difficult job.

Lin Luoran takes out another one. This time it is eighty-five.

Seeing the greed in the eyes of businessman Zheng, Lin Luoran sneers and reaches out to poke the alloy table of the cold drink shop. A half-finger long pit appears and Zheng is not greedy but shocked.

“Boss Zheng, I hunt these two inner boluses myself.”

Strength always speaks the loudest. The businessman finally decides to stop squeezing out more profits. He collects the two boluses and hands Lin Luoran a business paper card which is rarely seen now.

“According to your needs, your personal computer will be ready this time tomorrow. You can come to this address to get it. I am an honest businessman with integrity.”

Lin Luoran nods. She has attached her spiritual mind to him so she can catch him even if he runs to the moon. She doesn’t worry about boss Zheng playing tricks.

After checking out, they walk out of the cold drink shop together. As soon as the elevator door opens, one man rushes in.

He says sorry. Before he looks up, Lin Luoran has laughed.

It is still the teenager who lent her the personal computer to read a book in the library yesterday. She meets him three times in two days. It is really fate.

The teenager also recognizes her. After being stunned for a moment, he hears the footsteps from the corridor and his look changes. He disappears after closing the elevator.

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