Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 368 - The Tour Group in the Dragon Palace

Mrs. Lin, Mr. Lin, and Zeng Tian arrive together. Li Xi’er also takes Cui Wanlu’s family here. Lin Luodong is shocked at the vast amount of more than a dozen people. He now has a feeling that his sister Lin Luoran is a big boss at the Dragon Palace and these excited people are going to fight with her...

Wang Miao’e always regards Lin Luodong as her son-in-law. Her method of expressing her closeness is to pinch his face as soon as she meets him. After all, Lin Luodong is just a 19-year-old boy and he blushes immediately.

The age gap between Wang Miao’e and Mrs. Lin is not large and now they are all going to be fifty. However, the “Skin Beauty Bolus” has helped their bodies to get rid of toxins in the early years. Wang Miao’e always eats and drinks the best as the Lin family so she always looks like a woman in her late thirties or early forties with unique charm. Mrs. Lin and her are now all noble ladies who don’t show their ages.

Lin Luodong has given Ma Ming a clue to send Tong Ya back home by plane. Now Ma Ming sees that the Lin family is all here. His shrewd little brain knows something good is about to happen.

He got a mysterious jade plate last time. What is the good thing this time?

Ma Ming is anxious as a cat is scratching his heart. However, everyone is very tight-lipped and refuses to tell him in advance.

At this time, there are still a lot of pilgrims in Mount Jun so these people have to wait patiently. It has become a tradition for people who come to Yueyang to climb the “Yueyang Tower” and overlook Dongting Lake. They are so bored that they also buy the tickets.

Waters of Dongting Lake have been greatly improved. The lake is clean and people can see the rolling transparent waves again. Lins’ Pharmaceutical Factory also invests a lot of money to beautify the lake bank so more and more people are here to visit Dongting. In addition to the investment of Lins, the economy here has developed while the fiscal revenue has not decreased. The local government now realizes there are only pros but no cons if those chemical plants are closed and rectified. Therefore, it finally feels at ease.

“Actually, I seem to have bought a cruise ship last time...” Zeng Tian remembers he has a cruise ship when they are up in the Yueyang Tower.

His upstart temperament wins him much contempt. Everyone has paid for the tickets but still has to follow him down.

It is good to climb the tower and watch the waves, but rowing on the lake is the best.

Well, this cruise ship is unexpectedly big.

Are all cultivators’ families so rich? This is the common question of Ma Ming and Wei Xue because the cruise ship in front is too big. The cruise ship often represents wealth but its high price is not the only reason. It’s not used much each year but the maintenance costs are very high. In this way, it is not cost-effective at all... Except for Zeng Tian, probably no one will do something like this to waste money.

The gentle lake breeze is blowing. Ma Ming is interrogating Lin Luodong on the deck and Wei Xue also doesn’t feel good about the money stuff.

The chef is using a lot of materials to fry Dongting’s famous crayfish for everyone. That smell entwines with the scent of fried lamb chops, which is a combination of Chinese and Western elements.

Watching Lin Luodong, Wei Xue and Ma Ming whispering, Cui Wanlu is sitting on the bar and pulling the lace of her princess dress. Huang Weijian feels amused and steps forward.

“Why don’t you join them?”

Cui Wanlu gives him a look showing “are you an idiot”, “Brother Weijian, do you know how long cultivators can live?”

Huang Weijian is stunned. Cui Wanlu is precocious and her topic changes so fast that Huang Weijian can’t even catch up with her as an adult. Cui Wanlu smiles complacently, “Grandmaster said that brother Luodong and I are the best-talented geniuses of one single nature among all her apprentices or even in the whole personal ability world. Do you know what this means?”

Huang Weijian suddenly has a feeling that he is defeated in IQ. He can only frankly shake his head.

Cui Wanlu reaches out and draws a line. “If our personal ability enhancement goes well, brother Weijian, you can live this long.” She then draws a longer line, “But brother Ruodong and I can live this long.”

Huang Weijian stares at Cui Wanlu. She raises a finger and lowers her voice, “What about sister Wei Xue? She doesn’t have the Taoist root and can only live this short... Since I can live much longer than her, does it matter if I concede now? ”

Is she only ten years old?!

Huang Weijian’s hands holding the Spirit Wine are shaking. He even cannot keep his poker face as usual and his lips are twitching. He flees immediately.

Cui Wanlu purses her lips and puts a small cake in her mouth. It tastes really good but unfortunately, it’s sweet food. Mom said that girls will gain weight if they eat too many sweets. She likes her father very much but Brother Luodong won’t like a big fatty like her father—Cui Wanlu swallows and jumps off the high stools at the bar. Her determination to resist sweets is really clear.

Funny time passes quickly. The aroma of lamb chops is still lingering on and the night has arrived.

Zeng Tian is directing the cruise ship to Mount Jun Island while a shout comes from the deck.

He steps forward and also imitates others to lean against the bar for a closer look. In the moonlight, the originally sparkling lake surface is very lively at this moment.

The lobster army doing gymnastics, the water snake team doing the yangko dance, and the group of fish performing synchronized swimming... are they welcoming them?

Yuan Ye starts to sprinkle his medicinal powder again and the crew on the cruise ship all fall asleep.

Fishes in the water finish the welcome dance and the lake suddenly separates a waterway. One end of the blue wave stair is connected to the cruise ship deck while the other end is extended to the bottom of the lake. All stairs are glowing splendidly in the moonlight.

“These are...” Fatty Ma Ming’s eyes are bulging more than ever.

Fatty Cui who is about the same size as Ma Ming pats him, “Stupid boy, they are obviously here to pick us up.”

Ma Ming is submissive now but he really wants to know where they are leading them to. Dark water bottom in the deep night... Doesn’t the whole thing seem like a ghost story?

Yuan Ye knows everything well. Among a bunch of people, Cui Wanlu is the most daring one who asks the question first.

“Big school brother, can we go down to the Dragon Palace on these stairs?”

Yuan Ye nods. Ma Ming feels very dizzy. Is “the Dragon Palace” what he just heard? Looking at Lin Luodong and Huang Weijian again, he finally understands why they asked him to send Tong Ya back first. It’s the Dragon Palace, an imaginary place in an online novel! He, Ma Ming, finally gets the chance to be a hero of the story!

Cui Wanlu takes the lead and steps on a water stair. It is smooth but not slippery.

She giggles and runs down all the way.

Wang Miao’e feels she has a headache for her daughter and pulls Fatty Cui to follow. Everyone finally reacts when hearing the conversation of this family and seeing the faint image at the bottom of the water.

“Can’t you guys come down?” Lin Luoran’s voice is distorted through the lake.

Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin look at each other and smile. Then they walk down the stairs hand in hand.

Wei Xue also steps on these stairs carefully. After all, she is just a timid girl knowing little about the world of cultivators. Lin Luodong sees her trembling and just holds her hand without a second thought. Wei Xue blushes. She looks like a big apple in the moonlight. Lin Luodong doesn’t even notice it but evil Ma Ming winks at Huang Weijian.

Fatty is so boring. Huang Weijian pushes him a little and lets him hurry down.

Zeng Tian goes before his big school brother and hurries down himself.

Yuan Ye is a little behind. “Xi’er, can I discuss something with you?”

Li Xi’er stamps her feet, “What Xi’er? I’m not really familiar with you. Can you call me school aunt Li?”

Calling her school aunt is fine. Yuan Ye feels helpless and tells his story again. He spreads his palms, “This flying magic weapon is useless for me. Why don’t we exchange?”

Li Xi’er is very tempted by the transparent and delicate wings like dragonflies.

She puts a little Wakan in it and the wings become very gorgeous. This pair of wings clasp her waist and shoulders and it is going to fly up with just a single movement. She wants it. But unfortunately, this thing belongs to Yuan Ye. Perhaps her chance is very small to get a better magic weapon than this. Li Xi’er thinks it is such a pity but she still wants to say no. However, Yuan Ye suddenly stabs her palm with a needle and her blood drops on the flying magic weapon— has already recognized her as its owner?

Doesn’t he just force her to take it? Li Xi’er is furious and kicks Yuan Ye for several times. She then flaps the wings and goes along the water stairs.

Yuan Ye smirks and follows her.

The stairs disappear when he disappears in the water. The moon hangs high in the night sky and only the gorgeous cruise ship is left on the Dongting Lake. The chef and staff have all entered a sweet dreamland.

Lin Luoran is now a tour guide waiting for them outside the hall.

She explains everything all the way. Cultivators are all strong-willed. But as an ordinary person, fatty Cui only wants to take those sacred pearls down to see if they are real.

“Is this throne made of real gold?” Ma Ming asks Huang Weijian and the latter gives him a big rolling eye as the answer.

After all, this is the place where the dragon nationality once lived and both the palace and the gate are built tall. The Dragon Palace is not crowded but looks more magnificent when the Lin family walks in it.

Li Xi’er takes Wei Xue and Cui Wanlu to explore around. After a while, they return from a side hall and Li Xi’er gets something special in her hands. It is pink organza. According to Li Xi’er, it is like a bednet removed from a large bed.

“Even if it is just a decorative bednet, maybe the Dragon Girl once used it. You can just keep it.”

The Dragon Palace is extensive and the palaces are endless. Lin Luoran stays here most of the time for self-cultivation so she has never totally explored it.

Li Xi’er always doesn’t act out of normal behavior, “Even a needle found here doesn’t belong to me. Just take it, school sister Lin!”

She puts the organza in Lin Luoran’s arms and runs away with Wei Xue and Cui Wanlu again.

Li Xi’er always has her own plans. Lin Luoran is helpless and just continues to take everyone to visit around. The Sea-view Pavilion and the garden she managed are the most popular places.

Mrs. Lin and Wang Miao’e stroll around the garden. They are so surprised when they see the huge mussel shell which Lin Luoran has picked up pearls out of. Fatty Cui is instigating Mr. Lin to make two of the outrageously big fishes and shrimps in the pool into food.

As for Zeng Tian, he is rushing to try the Sea-view Pavilion with a few other people like Lin Luodong.

Lin Luoran is left with her chief apprentice Yuan Ye who is not new to these things. Yuan Ye coughs, “Grandmaster, it seems that they have no intention of choosing gifts.”

Gifts? what gifts? Everyone’s attention is attracted here.

Lin Luoran is exactly standing at the place where the weird and somewhat ugly tree grows.

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