MMO: Pierce Heaven Til' It Breaks

Chapter 532 - Savage Lil Chili

Chapter 532: Savage Lil Chili

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


The Powered-up Arrow whistled past Ouyang Qian’s ear, striking the huge boulder behind her.

Li Yi grinned, “I was only testing you. I did not intend to kill you for even a second.”

Ouyang Qian stared at him, wide-eyed. She was momentarily stunned.

Ouyang Qian loved to prank her friends in a similar fashion to what Li Yi had just done. It was for this reason that she felt a strange feeling in her gut.

“Ouyang Qian the pupil, let us meet again in the future.”

Li Yi smiled as he summoned Onyxia and prepared to take off.

“Hold up!”

Ouyang Qian stopped in his tracks.

“Is there anything you wish to talk about?”

Ouyang Qian asked suspiciously, “You didn’t come here on purpose?”

“What do you think?” Li Yi waved the Random Teleportation Scroll in his hand.

“I’m friends with Jiaojiao, you know this right?”

Li Yi smirked, “I’m not too sure.”

Ouyang Qian beamed in return. “She told me that you’re a pretty good person, albeit a little perverted. She even warned me to be vigilant around you.”

“I heard from Jiaojiao that you girls were something like .... pen pals?”

Ouyang Qian turned beet-red and nodded her head.

“I’ve known Jiaojiao for a long time, but I’ve only recently met her in-game. I never would’ve thought that the Savage Lil Chili from the forums was actually the Queen of the Invincible Continent. Hehe, it’ll definitely cause a stir if I spread this news.”

‘Savage Lil Chili? Why does this name sound so familiar?’

Li Yi was startled. He had seen Jiaojiao’s pen name somewhere before.

“Let’s add each other as friends.”

Ouyang Qian sent a friend request to Li Yi on her own accord.

Li Yi clicked accept. With that, their friendship was established.

“I heard you came to the Southern Continent to conduct sieges?”

“Yeah, I’ve already demolished eleven major cities.”

“Hoho, amazing indeed.”

“What about you? What’s your level now?”

“I’m about to reach Level 91.”

Li Yi let out an “Oh”. Following that, he brought out his EXP Pearl and tossed it to Ouyang Qian.

“What’s this?”

“It increases EXP gained from killing monsters by 10%. I’ve already reached the level cap, so it’s currently useless to me. I’ll lend it to you for now.”

“Lend it? So, what you’re saying is that I’ll need to return this thing in the future?”

Li Yi nodded. “Why of course. The EXP Pearl is extremely precious, and by my estimates, there’s less than ten of them within King of Pantheon.”

“Hoho, thank you then.”

Ouyang Qian tucked in the EXP Pearl properly, and she looked at Li Yi as if she had something else to talk about.

“Anything else? I’m going to leave if there isn’t.”

“I actually need your assistance for a matter. It’s regarding my Class Quest...”

Ouyang Qian had been leveling up in Land of Fire for quite some time now. However, she came here not because the monsters gave plenty of EXP. Instead, her true purpose was to complete her Class Quest.

Similar to Li Yi’s Orange Quality Bow’s quest, Ouyang Qian only needed to complete one more task and the Orange Quality Staff would be hers.

Completing the Orange Quality Staff quest was insanely difficult. Ouyang Qian had been there for a long time and during that duration, she had called in plenty of help, including Big Boy, Lil Girl and anyone she could have thought of. Despite that, they were still unable to beat the gatekeeper boss, Firelord, in order to complete the quest.

“This quest only allows you to bring along one party member. I’ve tried asking Big Boy, Lil Girl, and even your Queen Jiaojiao to help me. Alas, we’ve never managed to beat it...” Ouyang Qian was crestfallen.

“So, you want me to help you beat Firelord?”

“Only if you wish to do so. Otherwise, I’ve got no way to force you.”



They both erupted in silly laughter.

“Tis a simple matter. You can count on my help.”

Li Yi had been brainstorming for a method to improve their relationship, but now that Qian’er had taken the initiative to ask for his aid, how could he refuse?


After giving her thanks, Ouyang Qian gripped her staff and stayed silent.

“What’s the matter?”

“My Guild Master’s messaging me.”


“How did you know?” Ouyang Qian was astonished.

Li YI gave a faint smile without offering an explanation. Of course, he knew the first Guild that Qian’er ever joined was ‘Arthur’s Empire’, and she left it due to Arthur’s harassment. She then joined the guild, Pantheon, and very quickly made it to the upper levels. She was only a step away from becoming the Southern Continent’s Queen.

“He wants me to return to the capital to kill you.”

“Why didn’t you tell him that I’m right beside you?”

Ouyang Qian grinned without answering.

Located within Land of Fire was a Special Instance Dungeon. Only those who were doing their Class Quests were allowed to enter. There were no monsterlings within it; only the boss, Firelord.

Ouyang Qian brought Li Yi into the Special Instance Dungeon, and their surrounding temperature shot up.

The massive Firelord who was cloaked in flames was standing at the center of a pool of lava. It bellowed from time to time as if exerting its dominance.

“This is the monster I need to beat in my quest. A Level 100 Legendary-level Boss, the Firelord, Ragnaros. It has 90,000,000 HP, and possesses plenty of absurd skills such as Regeneration, Fire Shield, Damage Reflect, Sinister Fire Seeds, Melt, the ability to summon flame pillars, and etcetera.”

While pointing at Firelord, Ouyang Qian could feel a headache creeping up. She had attempted it numerous times before this, and all of them ended the same way, with her brutal demise.

The Firelord, Ragnaros was part of the top four Ancient Elemental Lords, and its strength was brutal. Land of Fire was its nest, but since its power was sealed, it would not respawn like regular bosses. The only time it would reveal its strength was when players were attempting their Class Quests.

Li Yi smirked, “I’ve never even fought a Legendary-level Boss when I was unlocking my Orange Quality Bow.”

Ouyang Qian replied, “The Fire Wizards have the highest damage. Correspondingly, their quest is also insanely difficult. I’ve been fighting it from Level 70 all the way till Level 91 and I haven’t even come close to beating it. These losses are starting to crush my confidence.”

“Let’s give it a try!”

Li Yi summoned Violent Bear King and added a few conventional buffs to himself.

Ouyang Qian initiated the battle. She did not use fire magic and opted for the skill that was shared by three Wizard paths, the Blizzard Spell instead. The spells all landed onto the Firelord, Ragnaros’ body.




The Blizzard Spell rained down continuously, and Ragnaros’ HP continued to diminish. It was now crying in rage.

It slammed the Flaming Giant Hammer in its hand onto magma, causing it to splash. The first skill it used was an all-out attack.



Ouyang Qian and Li Yi were struck at the same time, and a huge chunk of their HP was instantly taken out.

Li Yi used Violent Bear’s Protection, whereas Ouyang Qian drank a bottle of Divine Essence to replenish their lost HP.

The battle had begun in earnest. The Legendary-level monster’s abilities were indeed absurd. Not a single one of its skills were single-target, and they were all multi-target attacks.

While Firelord continued to howl, Li Yi and Ouyang Qian’s equipment Durability began to plummet. That was Firelord’s signature move, Melt, which increased the corrosion rate of the players’ equipment.

Li Yi’s Orange Quality Bow no longer had a Durability value, so it was unaffected. However, the other equipment on him were not spared. Their durability drastically dropped, and within a short span of three minutes, their Durability was halved.

“How dare you interrupt the Lord of Fire’s rest! Die, sinners!”

Firelord swung down his Flaming Giant Hammer and unleashed Sinister Fire Seeds.


Li Yi and Ouyang Qian’s bodies began to flicker. The Sinister Fire Seeds had been planted, one of which was positively charged and the other negatively charged. They attracted one another, and the closer the players were, the stronger the effects of the Fire Seeds, which in turn, would cause the HP of the players to drop...

“You go left, and I’ll go right! Increase the distance between us!”, yelled Qian’er loudly.

Li Yi dashed towards the left whereas Ouyang Qian dashed towards the right. After putting a distance of ten meters between themselves, the effects of the Sinister Fire Seeds vanished, and the HP reduction debuff was dispelled.


Before they managed to counterattack, a change occurred in the charges of the Sinister Fire Seeds. The positively charged one was now negatively charged, and the negatively charged one was now positively charged. Their original state of attraction was now inverted to a state of repulsion.

The further the players were from one another, the higher the damage the seeds dealt. The only way to dispel the effect was by closing the gap between them!

The effects of the Sinister Fire Seeds disappeared once both of them ran back to each other.

As the Lord of the Fire Element, Firelord was not just immune to all types of fire magic, and it could even utilize fire magic to recover its HP. In other words, using fire magic against it would not just deal zero damage, it would recover its HP as well.

Thus, Ouyang Qian was forced to slowly wear it down with Blizzard Spell as not a single spell from the mighty Fire Magics could be used. On the flip side, Li Yi’s Frost Arrow was highly effective against Firelord. Since they were opposing elements, Li Yi’s damage against it was raised by around 30%.

Firelord smashed his hammer into the lava again. Ouyang Qian was at low HP and even activating her shield did her no good. With that, she collapsed pitifully.

Li Yi still had plenty of HP, and after enduring the lava, he still had around 70,000 HP left. He drank a bottle of Divine Essence, and his HP was fully recovered.

At that instant, the Sinister Fire Seeds were activated once again...

Since there was no ‘negative’ Fire Seed, the sole charge on Li Yi burned aggressively. The damage it dealt increased with each passing moment, and in the end, he was unable to hold out and perished tragically...

Team wiped...

Both of them corpse ran and resurrected. After exchanging glances, they shook their heads and sighed.

“My bad, I’ve dragged you down.”

Li Yi did not utter a single word. He was sifting through his memories in an attempt to remember how Qian’er beat it in his past life.

Firelord was insanely powerful. Although the battle did not require a main tank, without a healer on the field, their HP would not hold up. Relying solely on potions was definitely not sustainable as they had a cooldown time, which prevented them from being used continuously.

Li Yi asked, “Have you tried looking for healers?”

“I did, but it’s useless. I can’t use my fire magic, so my damage output is low. The healers are even worse, they can’t deal any damage, and after we halved the boss’ HP, Firelord went berserk.”

“A two-man battle huh... This is going to be tough.”

Li Yi stood up and summoned his Multipurpose Robot.

“Let’s fix up our equipment first.”

Due to the effects of Firelord’s ‘Melt’, the equipment on Li Yi and Ouyang Qian were tattered and in shambles. They looked like they were about to snap off.

Once they were done repairing their equipment, they did not immediately re-attempt the battle. Instead, they sat together and discussed a combat strategy in detail.

Attempting without a plan would always yield the same results, only by discovering a breakthrough point would they stand a chance in beating it.

“We can’t do this without a healer.”

That was the conclusion Li Yi came to after their long period of research.

He finally remembered. Back in the past life, Qian’er managed to defeat Firelord and received the Orange Quality Sceptre only when she had reached Level 150.

“Having a healer isn’t enough, the party only allows two players, we can’t bring in a third one.”

“I’ll pull some players over to test it out...”

Li Yi ran out of the dungeon, brought out his friend summoning tool and began to pull players over...

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