Rise of the Undead Legion

Chapter 537: Nothin to Fear

Chapter 537: Nothin to Fear

Oxen-Head charged the city gates, little that the walls of the capital could do to withstand what was born in chaos. The gate fell unceremoniously, like a sandcastle as a child stomped through it, with utter frightening ease.

The wall exploded into debris upon contact with the giant creature. And some of the wreckage hit players and instantly sent them to limbo. Dave shouted with all he got, "Anyone below level 400, please leave the area, I\'ll be tanking the boss, everyone else, assist me from behind if you want your city to survive!"

Dave didn\'t wait for an answer from the players, this Calamity was going to break the north, especially with the absence of its leader, Zhang Shi, and the loss of many legacies due to the battle against the Ash King.

"World Boss!" Dave called, he didn\'t even waste a moment to use his strongest skill sets.


You have turned into a World Boss!

You have gained, [Abyssal Knight Glory!] For 12 in-game hours you will obtain the following effects:

All of your skills and abilities will have a damaging and effect increase of 1,000%

Your HP has been multiplied by 100!

Your defensive states have been multiplied by 10

Your Regeneration has been multiplied by 100!

You are limited to the area of the Northern Kingdom\'s Capital. Once you leave the area, you will lose your [Abyssal Knight Glory] buff.


Tiny molded into Dave and began increasing the Draugr\'s size to match Oxen-Head\'s height.

With such a large target, Oxen-Head focused on Dave, this was a battle between giants and he ignored the pesky players that were not worthy of its time.

Dave used [Zealot], [Chaos] and [Aura of the Infernal Tyrant] the three abilities surged, increased Dave\'s size, and caused massive amounts of fumes to exude out of his body. Magmatic cracks appeared on his armor, a translation of the power of chaos that was currently surging through Dave.

Dave drew Durandal and poised Ajax forward, and waited for Oxen-Head to make the first move.

The beast roared, enough that more debris flew up from the ground and crashed into other building, cracking some and destroying others entirely.

The beast charged Dave, with every step, the ground shook and shuddered, and more buildings fell, the charge grew in momentum, enough that Oxen-Head gave the feeling of a freight train, as large as a mountain coming toward Dave.

The latter didn\'t flinch even when all other players scurried away, not wanting to end up under the feet of such a monster.

Dave poised Ajax forward, a wide anticipating grin on his face.

One of the players near Ralph scoffed, "Skelly is an idiot, he didn\'t even read the notification properly, his shield is about to break."

Yet the reality of the matter was far different from what the player had spoken. The moment Oxen-Head clashed into Dave\'s shield, all of his momentum, all of his power, and all the might behind that charge were sucked into the shield. Causing the great beast to falter, unbalanced from having lost all of that weight behind the charge so suddenly.

Dave\'s sword was already held up high, with one hand, Durandal usually matched Dave\'s size, and now it was as big as the city\'s walls, it looked like an immovable mountain peak, and the sword that held the world\'s universe was about to go down.

Dave struck down upon the beast\'s head, his sword easily broke one of the creature\'s horns, tore one of his ears from its place and dug into the creature\'s shoulder.


The creature, so close to Dave, and enraged with the sudden retaliation and the loss of one of his horns, didn\'t even bother to express his anger and wrath at Dave using howls of rage, the beast clenched a fist and was about to break Dave\'s face off.

The strength of Oxen-Head was unlimited, so a single hit would undoubtedly kill Dave. Or at least send him to 1% HP, enabling him to survive only by the aid of [Unyielding Will].

Yet Dave was not going to take an attack laying down.

"REJECT!" Dave shouted, and before the beast\'s fist could even make contact, Ajax opened its jaws and rejected the absorbed power against the unsuspecting creature.

The strength that the creature had lost to the shield, he received it back, without an ounce of readiness or preparedness. While the creature was already in the middle of attacking when he was totally and completely defenseless. The best time to attack prey, was when the prey was also attacking its prey.

Oxen-Head was blasted out of Dave with enough speed that he left the perimeter of the city in the blink of an eye. He was blasted hard enough that he flew high and then crashed down, spiraling and spinning along the snowy terrains of the cold north.

A collective shout echoed through the city, the players had seen Dave in action, and he had managed to break the fear of this calamity and restore hope to the player base.

Dave called, "It\'s not dead guys, but soon it will be. I\'ll need your help in taking him down still. If you wish to help, you\'re more than welcome, if not, please leave this area, this guy is coming back with spiteful revenge."

Players began calling their friends, "Send reinforcements! We need help at the north! Skelly is fighting a calamity!" this was the general message sent through all

The news spread across Conquest like wildfire, and all the players, high and low heard of it. Players that were already doing dungeons decided to quit and go to the north, and others that were just either minding their own business or trading have also heard the news.

The first calamity to assault the world of conquest, this was going to be the even that will determine how will the following invasion, and survival of the world of Conquest was going to be. No one wanted to miss out on this battle, either fighting in it, or witnessing it. So friends called friends, and soon, the north was so busy and full of players, that it never had seen since the first day Zhang Shi and his companions had claimed it as their territory.

Wang Yi and White Ghost heard the news and headed out to the north, so did Valentine and Warlord and their companies.

Ralph was called to appear in the north, but he was already there, which gave made a lot of the higher ups frown upon him as he didn\'t inform them of what was going on sooner.

The northern teleportation gate became packed full of players, and every player, the moment they appeared from there would come out and witness Dave\'s stance upon the city\'s gate. The giant black draugr, with deathly black fumes exuding out of him due to the [Infernal Tyrant\'s Aura]. This scene reminded them of the battle of Qin. When Dave stood against the collective armies of the west north and south.

"Looks like you could use a hand," Warlord\'s voice sounded near Dave.

The latter didn\'t look at Warlord, his eyes were still focused on the incoming Oxen Head.

"I could, but a fist would do much better," Dave said.

"As you wish," Warlord thundered out the words, "God Fist!" and struck down at the ground with his armored fists.

A large rift formed over Oxen-Head, from it emerged a gauntleted fist as wide as the giant himself. The golden gauntlet was completely covered in intricate inlays of mandalas and God-runes.

The God Gauntlet struck down, where the beast held his arms up to withstand the blow, though unlimited in strength, the calamity cannot withstand the fist of a god. The blow forced the creature to first bend the knees, then forced him on his back, as his hands could no longer withstand the mighty weight, then smashed him into the icy ground.

Wrathful, the beast hollered causing the snow around him to blast away in all directions once the skill effect was off.

"Guys, don\'t get greedy, this guy can one shot kill anyone," Dave said and walked forward.

"Then why are you moving forward?" White Ghost asked, he just appeared out of nowhere.

"Because only I can survive his blows. Kalel, Singund, Dog, Bud, Spark come!" Dave called his five trusted subordinates and ordered, "Bud, use the shadows, trap and harass the beast, Singund, you\'re the only one that can survive a direct attack from a calamity and still be able to fight you\'ll lead the front with me. Kalel, you\'re strong enough to battle a dragon on your own, show the world what the hero of the People is made of. Spark, I\'ll give you a lot of fire to play with, make a symphony of flames, I wish to see these mountain tops barren out of ice. And finally, Dog, no need to hide your cards, show the world who is the original War legacy holder."

Warlord was surprised for a moment, but when he Saw the Dullahan smash a fist into the ground and calling a god fist similar to Warlord\'s, he was stunned.

This was news enough to shake the world of Conquest, two beings having the same legacy was unheard of, and especially an S class legacy.

Before Warlord could even process what was going on, the fires around Dave raged high, and forty-eight black infernal dragons\' skulls appeared in the skies of the north. The heat emanating from them was enough to increase the temperature degree by a good margin.

Spark, the fire Lich Doom Knight raised both hands and took control of Dave\'s kill, then colors began shining upon the northern kingdom, the black dragon heads took different colors, and each color was correspondent to one of Spark\'s fire quirks. Acidic flames, poison flames, corrosive flames and so on.

Kalel drew his long sword and dashed through the terrain unbothered with the ice, Dave would have sworn that if the snow was water, Kalel would have run across it like if it was solid ground.

Then came bud\'s turn, who appeared under the calamity and pulled its legs into the ground, trapping it using shadows. This gave Dog\'s fist ample opportunity and time to fall into its target, smashing it into the ground.

"Hey you guys are having all the fun," Came Ralph\'s voice, "We can here to test my legacy, right?"

Ralph drew his long sword and held it high in a kendo stance.

"Fu Temple Legacy! Second Form! Space Rend Asunder." Ralph chanted, cryingly so as Dave felt second-handed embarrassment from his friend having to call the name of his skills before using them.

Blaster struck down, even far away from the battle, a long transparent slash in space moved like wind cutter and grazed the calamity\'s hand.

The mere graze caused a spray of blue blood, enough to fill a well to splatter all over the pure white snow of the northern region. The oxen head\'s right hand was torn from the joint, cleanly and perfectly so causing the beast to screech in maddened wrath.

"Hey, you started the party without us!" a familiar voice sounded in Dave\'s ears.

"But you guys look like you\'re already on top of things, still man, you should have called us man. This looks like free Exp man, why\'d you get greedy on us Skelly and not have called?"

Dave shuddered, "Of all the people, you had to be the one to say this was easy?"

The calamity of Wrath, frustrated and wrathful at the loss of a hand stood up, forcing the shadow binds of bud to break with ease, then across its body, magmatic veins appeared, quite similar to Dave\'s chaos rune effect. After all, this was a creature that was born in chaos, so it would be strange if it couldn\'t use the very power that was currently surging through Dave\'s body.

A loud thud echoed in the fields, a tank in chrome armors had just bonked a priest on the head.

"I told you, stop yapping, you jinx," Human Fortress called. It was TNT, and with them, came Tess, Lone Arrow, and Mercy.

"Jinx or not, all the party is here, we\'re about to kick some calamitous ass right now." Flanker spoke with all confidence.

"Just get your healing ready, leave the heavy lifting to us," Tess said.

"In case you didn\'t notice, this is a one-shot boss, I\'ll be focusing all of my mana on buffs. Alright, THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR! TNT IS HERE!"

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