Rise of the Undead Legion

Chapter 532: Training Montage With A God

Chapter 532: Training Montage With A God

"Greetings, Draugr." Fujin\'s voice boomed like the howls of a storm. Dave had to squint due to the loudness of the wind god\'s voice.

Raijin also nodded and said, "You\'ve grown mightier," and his own voice was no less imposing, it was the sound of lightning crackling and the booms of thunder.

"Nick said that you wanted to talk to me."

"Yes, me especially," Fujin said. "My brother here, he has little to teach you, you are far too unique to be imparted shared knowledge."

Dave looked at Fujin dumbly, he had no idea what he was saying.

"Basically, my brother means that I\'m a lightning user, and you\'re a fire user we are not compatible."

"Huh, true, but I also don\'t use wind. So how come?" Dave asked.

"Martial Arts, you showed great talent in our battle, but your technique, is lacking. It needs a lot of improving, and what better mentor than a god of martial arts that is willing to teach you?" Fujin said.

"Thank you, I don\'t know if I can afford your fees though." Dave joked.

"Nonsense, you have given us freedom."

"But you repaired it when you killed the Ash King, so we should be good." Dave replied.

Fujin shook his head, "Our freedom costs much more than a single favor repaid. We have been trapped in the lower realm for far too long, hoping to be freed. We have been young when we were imprisoned, and only a few have come to our cause, among them the god of Undeath who didn\'t wish us to stay in the lower world."

"So you\'re basically repaying him a favor."

"In part yes, but primarily, you, for having spared us and freed us. We would have been unable to ascend, we would have remained trapped in that world, cut off of our divinity and power. Forever trapped in a mortal husk. Let me be your teacher. You shall benefit much more than you can imagine."

"I won\'t be polite then, please teach me."

"Good, but there is a single problem, you\'re too small." Fujin said.

"Hey, never say that to a man, we all have our insecurities."

Raijin crackled a booming laugh, "Undead, you really are something. But he speaks of your current size, grow the same as you did when we battled."

"Yeah, I know I\'m just messing with him. Right, Tiny, your time is up," Dave called and the small slime came out of Dave\'s side bag.

Once the Grave Lord saw the two gods, it buffed, barred its teeth, it had remembered the beating it took when it helped Dave battle the two, and it was not happy about a second encounter.

"Don\'t worry small one, this time we\'ll be sparing, and not battling to the death, the strain on you won\' be the same as last time." Fujin said.

And to his words, thought not sure and uncertain, Tiny nodded and began engulfing Dave.

"World Boss!" Dave activated his Abyssal Knight\'s powers.


You have turned into a World Boss!

You have gained, [Abyssal Knight Glory!] For 12 in-game hours you will obtain the following effects:

All of your skills and abilities will have a damaging and effect increase of 1,000%

Your HP has been multiplied by 100!

Your defensive states have been multiplied by 10

Your Regeneration has been multiplied by 100!

You are limited to the area of: Undeath God Nicholas\'s Training Dominion. Once you leave the area, you will lose your [Abyssal Knight Glory] buff.


Dave\'s form began growing to match that of Fujin and once the two were head to head, Dave Drew Durandal and Ajax.

Fujin shook his head, and Raijin answered Dave\'s bewilderment at the wind god\'s behavior.

"Brother here wants to teach you how to use your fists, your sword skill is good enough to slay gods. But your fists lack the might of a god to use. Use your Gauntlets and fight him."

"Oh, right," Dave unequipped his sword and shield and used the gauntlets.

"Don\'t use any of your abilities, this will be a fist battle."


"Good, here I come!" Fujin charged Dave.


Hours later, Dave left Nickolas\'s domain.

"How was it?" Nick asked.

"Brutal," Dave said, his eyes were wide opened as if he had seen a terrifying nightmare.

"And it is how it should be, you\'re facing a god on his own terms and using what he excels at. You\'re bound to get a beating."

"I honestly believe I got lucky the last time we fought."

"No, you got to use your skills and my power. This time you were limited, but did you learn anything?"

"Honestly, quite a lot. He taught me the proper stance, and how to use my body to exert the most strength possible out of every punch and kick. I even learned a new martial art skill."

"Good, and this was just the first time. He asked me to keep bringing you back there."

"Why are you all doing this?" Dave asked.

"Who do you mean by you all?" Nick replied in question.

"Well, the gods. You\'re all helping me."

"The calamities are nigh, and when they come, we\'ll need everything, and I\'m betting a lot on you so you better not disappoint."

"Good enough for me. At least, I think I can bring the skills that Fujin had taught me to the real world."

"Well, you\'re not good enough to contend against the professionals, don\'t get haughty just because you had gotten a single sparring session with a god. You\'ll need plenty more to become better."

"Right, right. Ah I need to get my armor repaired, It had gotten damaged when that stupid Lashmir spat his acid breath on me."

"Ah, you\'ve seen the dragon of the end." Nicholas replied.

"Famous much?"

"Yeah, he was annoying, almost calamity level. And frankly, quite more powerful than some of them, but it was a dragon and not categorized among the fabled race. He was trapped in hell tanks to the sacrifice of one of this world\'s forgotten heroes."

"Yeah, I read the lore, that guy was pretty selfless."

"If I was awakened by that time, I would have seen that he would have gotten some help. To do such good and die unrewarded, is not fair for any man."

"You said die, shouldn\'t he be in hell right now? I mean I doubt that asshat Asmodeus would ever let him leave."

"Nah, an Asshat he may be, but he works by the rules. He can\'t trap a man that had done good. Especially something that was the reason for many of the lives in this world to be spared. He was elevated, knighted an angle by Demiurge."

"I doubt that\'s much of a change, I mean you\'ve seen that guy and how he treats everything."

"Gotta say I agree with you on this point. Demicup isn\'t the best patron; he is too lazy. But still, being an angle would mean freedom, though limited it is still much better than what some of the people on this world would get."

"Yeah, well, to each their own. I\'ll be heading out to check on Andre."

"Go ahead, once you\'re done. Come meet me."

"Another calamity I bet," Dave said.

"No, this time it\'s personal. Ashkar had made a move."

"Oh, I better hurry up then." Dave replied.

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