The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 547 What Seal?

Chapter 547 What Seal?

"If you’re going to kill me, just do it already!"

"Fine..." Halmut sighed, finally frowning in disillusionment. "Don’t hate me for being ungrateful, Skaryn. This was your choice..."

A draconic roar echoed across the horizon as Halmut unleashed all latent energy within his body. He let his natural instincts run wild against the only man that Halmut had ever truly called his friend. The Sun God finally let go of his last remaining emotions in the pursuit of power.

Skaryn was still unfazed. He too forced every morsel of energy to emerge as he put up a defense and offense against the savage dragon.

The shockwaves grew more ferocious than ever, causing tremors for the distant island. But apart from the shockwaves, the overwhelming energies at war only proved just how one-sided the match was becoming.

Each time they stepped up their game, Halmut’s advantage grew. And now that Halmut held nothing back, the difference in attack power was far too great to ignore between Halmut and Skaryn. Though some damage was still dealt to Halmut, it was nothing compared to the cuts and burns that Skaryn was receiving.

Even the people spectating from afar began to see a disparity in strength. Both energies were beyond their comprehension but they could visibly see the dark energy attacks withering away upon impact while the holy energy lingered on Skaryn for a few seconds.

Halmut was silent now, letting his blind fury take over as he did something he didn’t want to. His attacks carved through Skaryn’s abundant energy with relative ease, only receiving resistance from the other four magic types Skaryn wielded. Since both wielded lightning, they canceled each other out. Skaryn’s water was matched with Halmut’s fire and Skaryn’s earth was matched with Halmut’s wind. Only Illusion type energy remained, which didn’t offer much resistance in the first place, though Halmut still had nature energy leftover just in case. Adding that to Halmut’s holy energy easily carving through Skaryn’s dark energy, Halmut was carving into Skaryn with each collision.

Skaryn remained focused despite being on the losing side for once. This was the one thing that annoyed Halmut. Being former companions, Halmut understood that Skaryn hadn’t given up or changed his mind in the slightest. That could only mean that Skaryn still had a plan to win.

Amidst their clash, while receiving numerous wounds, Skaryn closed the meter of distance between them in an instant.

However, Halmut didn’t like the look in Skaryn’s eyes. He knew all too well what was about to happen. Using one claw, Halmut casually struck at Skaryn while using his other claw and tail to reach behind and slash at the invisible Skaryn, yet again. His gaze focused on the blood dripping from the fresh wound on the newly-revealed Skaryn’s chest.

"Come on... You’ll have to try--" Just when Halmut was about to mock Skaryn yet again, a hand reached out and touched Halmut’s chest. At the same time, the bleeding Skaryn behind him faded away. Looking back to his front, Halmut found the real Skaryn with one hand on Halmut’s chest and with one of Halmut’s claws stabbing into his shoulder.

"Too late..."

Skaryn’s whisper reached Halmut as he backed away, out of reach from Halmut’s claws and tail.

"What did you do?" questioned Halmut, certain that Skaryn had done something drastic despite feeling no changes within his body.

"Tell me how you became immune," ordered Skaryn, drinking a potion to heal his shoulder and recover while he had a moment to do so.

Eyeing Skaryn angrily, Halmut roared, "What did you do?! Tell me, or I’ll--"

"If you kill me, then you’ll never get that seal off."

"What seal?"

"The seal I just placed on you," Skaryn stated with a confident smile. "Even with your advantage, you may not be able to finish me off. But in the case you’ve got some other means to cheat me, I’ve placed a seal within your body. It’s not my curse. No, It’s much worse than that, at least for you it is."

"Fool... I can undo your curses, so why..."

"I told you, it’s a seal, not a curse. Go ahead and search your body. I’ll give you a moment."

Trusting Skaryn’s personality, Halmut kept his eyes on the Dark God while allowing searching his body with his mana. But nothing felt wrong...

"You’ll have to look harder than that. I didn’t do anything to you physically, but I’m sure you’ll be devastated after you learn the truth," explained Skaryn, laughing to himself.

"Then explain it--"

"How are you immune?" questioned Skaryn, becoming serious yet again. "Answer me that and I’ll share the terrifying truth behind my little seal."

"... You’re bluffing!" Halmut roared in anger. "I feel no difference at all. Even your past seals were felt somewhat, so there’s no way--"

"But my past seals were used to seal bodies, mana, or limit your strength. What I’ve done to you... Let’s just say that you’ll never consider me a friend for as long as you live. Not after what I’ve just done to you."

Confused, Halmut shouted, "Then tell me--"

"Remember, we’re no longer friends. Therefore, we have no reason to share information freely. Fair exchange is all I ask," reasoned Skaryn, not budging as he enjoyed a moment to strategize.

Taking one long breath, Halmut glared heavily at Skaryn. The weight of his stair would cause lower-leveled gods to step back, but not Skaryn. The Dark God was unmoved and unperturbed by the deadly stare.

"If you don’t answer me within three seconds, then I’ll end this here and now," stated Halmut, puffing out his chest and resuming his powerful aura.

"Then you’ll just figure it out eventually, but it will be too late for you after I’m gone."


Skaryn chuckled and laughed to himself, enjoying the moment as Halmut got madder with each following number of the count.


"I’m waiting..." added Skaryn, taunting Halmut to the fullest and showing his unwillingness to bend.

"... 1..." Halmut tried to stare holes through Skaryn but failed to see any change of expression or leniency on the Dark God’s face.

"... 0!"

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