The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 470 Cause of Zurans Growth

Chapter 470 Cause of Zuran“s Growth


The order rang out over the entire battlefield. With superior numbers and with their enemies tired and battered, those over the Zuran forces ordered a hasty retreat. They were focused on the long term war and not the battle, keeping their priorities straight.

"Push forward!" King Leodoro gave the order into his contact crystal, passing the command onto all the captains and military officials of Reinolt.

Karronteel was the largest factor contributing to the retreat. His attacks and newly evolved body was practically invulnerable to anyone below his level. This made him the army’s worst nightmare.

However, when the retreat began, Reinolt forces rushed toward the dragon as well.

Unable to change that fact, Karronteel took to the air and rethought his strategy. That’s when he spotted those on the hill and determined that they were the ones over the Zuran army. The Spectral Dragon unleashed a ferocious roar and zoomed toward them with malice and killing intent.

Those on the hill were unfazed, though. Seeing the dragon rush towards them was of little to no consequence.

When Karronteel arrived at his prey, one of those men leaped into the air. He drew a sheathed sword and swatted at Karronteel’s claws. The collision sent Karronteel back to the ground, fall atop many Reinolt forces chasing the Zuran army.

Leaving the dragon with a baffled and raging expression, the man dropped back to the hill. Together with all those generals and higher-ups, the man fled the scene.

While the army pursued the retreating enemy, most were shocked by the sight of a human man swatting a giant dragon so casually. Rydel, Maynard, and Trax were thrown for a loop, now understanding what Eedaj had meant earlier about being unable to hold out forever.

Karronteel took little to no damage physically, but his pride was torn to pieces with that trade of blows.

’Calm down,’ Eedaj’s voice filled the heads of Karronteel, Rydel, Maynard, and Trax. ’There’s no shame in being pushed back, as that was no mortal who swatted Karronteel away.’

’What?!’ Karronteel shouted within his mind. ’Then who was it?!’

Eedaj answered, ’That was Tyres, the Sword God. You don’t have to worry about facing him. That will be Jin’s long-awaited duel. But he only swatted you aside as a warning, most likely. This war has only just begun. Don’t think a war is won in a single battle.’

Taking that to heart, Karronteel flew up and returned to the others in the party. There he found two others standing and talking.

"You’re Karronteel, right?!" Tridon shouted, eagerness oozing out of his stare.

"Yes, that’s who I am. And you?" the dragon asked, startling the king.

"I’m Tridon and it’s a pleasure to meet you! I thought I had studied all dragons but I’ve never seen record or heard of any dragon like you. What species are you?"

"I’m one of two proud Spectral Dragons remaining," stated Karronteel. "I was sealed away for a time but I’m told that my people were attacked before a period you call Ancient Kartonia."

"Before... you’re a prehistoric race?!" Feeling like a kid in a candy store, Tridon didn’t know what to ask next about the Dragon.

"Cool down, Tridon. You can talk with him later. For now, we need to discuss what’s happening next. What we’re up against... What we’ve got at hand... Those questions and a couple of others," Rydel commented, eyeing Leodoro.

"Right... we’ll talk while we follow the battle," replied the king. "They should stop and reform the front line at the border."

"It’s faster to travel by air." Rydel patted Ayden, who had grown much larger after reaching lv. 50 in the last battle. Though he would only evolve once, it still greatly increased his size to accommodate more passengers.

Everyone climbed on as the roc took to the air alongside the dragon. Compared to those on the ground, they were traveling incredibly fast but it was only casual for the two strong beasts.

King Leodoro sighed and began his explanation, "There’s not much to say about a cause. They invaded us just as they occasionally do, only they showed up with far more forces than we had ever planned to receive."

"But do you know why they have so many forces?" Rydel asked.


"Don’t tell me ya don’t have any capable spies after losing Rydel?" Maynard joked but didn’t smile.

"We’ve heard a few rumors but nothing more," Leodoro added, looking away out of reflex.

"Rumors? What rumors?" Tridon asked, shocked to be out of the loop.

"There’s... Supposedly, a god showed up in Zuran," Leodoro admitted.

Rydel added, "Tyres, right?"

"Right..." Seeing that Rydel and the party were already informed, Leodoro no longer hid the information from Tridon. "Tyres returned to Zuran and declared that the empire should become whole again. Only, they didn’t tell those of Reinolt, wanting to use us as an example for the other nations that broke off of the empire."

"So, because Reinolt was the most influential cause of the rebellion years ago, Zuran is using you as an example?" Rydel deduced, keeping it simple yet clear.


Furious, Tridon shouted, "And you decided not to tell me! You’re ridiculous!"

"Can you blame him, Tridon?" Rydel shrugged. "If you knew about that, would you have agreed to go to war and defend Reinolt?"

"... No..."

"So he only hid the information to keep his life in check. Does that not make sense?"

"It makes sense, but he still could’ve told me!" Tridon resumed his shouting. "There’s no reason to die a useless death! If what he said is true, then those extra forces weren’t just the armies that Zuran used to defend their other borders. They also have the forces from the other revel nations! There’s no way for us to take on that many people!"

"Yes, there is," Leodoro spoke up. "With them and this powerful dragon, we can--"

"Shut up." Rydel wasn’t going to stand for receiving any sort of orders. "We’re here because we thought we could help. But clearly, that’s not all you need, is it? The only hope of Reinolt surviving is to overtake the whole of the Zuran Empire. Until that happens, Reinolt can only exist as Zuran’s punching bag."

"But can’t you--"

"That dragon has a name," Maynard stated, defending their case. "Ya have no right to order him around. If he wanted, he could eat ya right now and none of us could do anything to stop him. He’s only here for two things. One, because he’s Jack’s companion and came to protect us. Two, because he’s hungry for EXP, not to save ya or your country."

Hearing them loud and clear, Leodoro struggled to stomach that information. "But... Then what will you do now?"

"There’s something that Jack wanted to offer you, but he’s busy so we came instead," stated Rydel. "Trodar’s borders are about to expand. If you want, you’ll be allowed to rebuild your country under Trodar’s flag as a Trodan territory."

"But that would be the same as submitting to Zuran!" yelled Leodoro.

"Is it?" Tridon asked, thinking more deeply. "Wouldn’t being under Trodar be much better than Zuran? At least we can trust Trodar, but can we trust Zuran?"

"Don’t tell me you’re--"

"I’m fine with relocating to Trodar," Tridon admitted. "What’s the point of fighting a pointless war?! Why should my men and their beasts sacrifice themselves in a fight that will never end till they’re overrun?!"

As Leodoro was unable to answer his questions, Tridon continued, turning to Rydel, "Is there a way for us to go to Trodar with you? Since you traveled here so quickly, doesn’t that mean you can get us there just as quickly?"

"That’s possible. We can arrange for you and your Beast Corp to join us. Jack wanted to ask if you’d like your Beast Corps to become a branch of the Leisure Guild," added the hunter.

"Really?! You’ve got yourself a deal!"

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