The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 416 Jack Vs Pestro

Chapter 416 Jack Vs Pestro

"The name’s Jack, but his ugliness would better know me as the Legend of Trodar, or as the neutral champion."

Pestro squinted and snarled, "Neutral champion... They got the Legend of Trodar as their champion?! How?! There’s no way!"

"Say whatever you want but that doesn’t change my identity as the Legend of Trodar or your identity as the most unattractive god at the butt of everyone’s jokes," Jack laughed, riling up Pestro. "What’s so hard to believe?"

Still snarling, Pestro tried to keep calm enough to not kill Jack where he stood. "How are you here now?"

"Simple, I was summoned to this time. If a mortal can summon an ancient hero, why can’t Daruun? It would only make sense, right?" reasoned Jack.

"Why are you here in Drulgen?" questioned Pestro.


Confused, Pestro asked, "’Nunya’ what?"

"None-ya business!" joked Jack. "Why should I tell you about the business of the neutral faction? Give me one good reason."

Popped his knuckles, Pestro’s clenched fists grew tighter and tighter. "Reply or die!"

"Ohhh, dear! What are you going to do to me? Scare me to death with your ugly mug? Or torture me with your rank breath?" Jack fake cried, mocking Pestro every chance he could.


"Come on, Pestro. Do you really think I’m scared of you? The scariest part about you is your face, so I’ll be fine so long as I don’t have to see it every day," stated Jack. "Wow... I just realized how horrible your life must be, being terrified of your own reflection... I wouldn’t be able to handle that."

The god’s snarls grew more violent. A long, black halberd appeared in Pestro’s hand, emitting a demonic aura. "Give me a reason not to kill you right now..."

"Hmm... Because killing me for being handsome will only hurt your self-esteem even more?" Jack joked, shrugging at the furious god. "But are you sure you can kill me? Unlike your champion, I already have experience fighting gods. I’ve even tussled with you long ago in the past. Don’t you remember that?"

Pestro’s snarls were more like growls as the Demon God ground his teeth together.

Jack continued, "It would be too embarrassing for you after you fail to kill me, especially in such favorable circumstances as you’re in... Are you sure you want to be that embarrassed?"


Lunging forward with the swing of his halberd, Pestro attacked in rage! Despite his size, the Demon God was quick on his feet and fast to strike. The black demonic energy gushed out of the halberd and arched downward toward Jack.

But before the halberd or that deadly energy could reach Jack, the hero disappeared in a small flash of white light.

"Not even close..."

Grunting through his teeth, Pestro turned around to find Jack leaning against a tree ten meters away. The god’s fury and rage only grew as Jack proved trickier to kill than expected.

"Coward!" yelled the god.

"So? You’re a god, why should I fight by your rules?" Jack chuckled.

While eyeing Jack, Pestro reevaluated Jack. That’s when he noticed something that earlier was hidden behind his rage.

"What spell is this?"

"Not telling..." Wagging his finger side to side, Jack made himself comfortable while leaning against the tree.

Pestro didn’t ask again. Instead, the Demon God recognized the spell as a space type spell. He felt his body moving slightly slower, but only slightly. His brute force was more than enough to plow through Jack’s weak spell.

"Is that the best you’ve got? If you’re the Legend of Trodar, then prove it to me!"

Charging with a clearer mind, Pestro swung his halberd one hundred and eighty degrees horizontally. The wave of demonic energy carved through all the crooked trees within one hundred meters of Pestro’s attack.

But, again, Jack vanished in a tiny burst of light, completely evading the attack.

"You’ll have to try harder than that!"

Pestro turned around again, only to find Jack lounging comfortably in the high branches of a twisted tree. Clenching his halberd even tighter, Pestro started to emit more and more demonic energy. He didn’t become demonized, as he would feel embarrassed to need that to beat a mortal, but the energy around the halberd was getting darker and visibly denser with every insult that Pestro felt.


Abruptly, the Demon God yelled from the deepest depths of his lungs. His shout echoed through the mountain range, creating enough force to blow back all trees within two hundred meters of him, as well as Jack.

"Now you’re mine!" Pestro charged at Jack while the hero was being blown back.

The look on Jack’s face wasn’t painful, albeit that his internal organs had been rattled violently by Pestro’s shout. However, the hero kept playing the part, refusing to show his true strength which was even lower than Pestro had "underestimated".

"That the best you can do?" Jack mocked the raging god as he again teleported away. "I guess your looks really are your most deadly weapon..."

Pestro heard Jack’s last remark, tipping his fury further over the edge. The Demon God quickly spotted Jack four hundred meters away, knowing full well that Jack wasn’t trying to hide with his loud, snarky comments.

"You dare?!" roared Pestro. "I slay you here and now and wear your hide as my trophy!"

"Oh, so now you’re hunting me for my handsomeness? I guess you’ve finally accepted how truly hideous you are."

Not wanting to give Jack more fuel for insults, Pestro barreled toward Jack with an upward swing. Such an attack wouldn’t make sense to most people, as their weapon would be dragged through the ground. But that didn’t matter to Pestro. The Demon God effortlessly sliced through the ground below as he readied his upward slash at Jack, also charging through each tree that dared stand in his path.

"Is that all you can do? How can you hit me like that, let alone touch me?"

Similar to before, the devastating attack carved through the earth to create a deep crevice five hundred meters long. But Jack was nowhere to be found near the crevice.

"I’m over here," stated Jack, tapping Pestro on the back.

And as expected, Pestro furiously reached back to grab Jack only to grasp at the fading light left behind by Jack’s teleportation. "COWARD!!"

"Tell me, Pestro, why should I fight you? What do I have to gain at this moment? Nothing, as far as I see it," Jack reasoned, standing fifty meters away and looking back at Pestro with a wry smile. "At the moment, killing you would be too difficult on my own and I have my own agenda right now. I don’t have time for a dragged out battle to slowly chip away at your life."

"Shut up! You dared belittle me, now face the consequences!"

Not backing down in the slightest, Pestro readied his halberd for another strike, still not taking Jack seriously. How could the berserk Demon God take an enemy seriously that only ran away from each encounter?

Darting forward at full speed, Pestro streaked through the air faster than ever.

Jack didn’t show it but he was startled to see Pestro’s chunky frame move so quickly, even though it made sense for a god that specialized in physical combat.

Not taking any chances, Jack immediately cast Lesser Teleportation, narrowly avoiding another fatal blow.

"Fight, coward! Fight or die!" Pestro’s shouting was growing louder and louder, echoing till the nearby goblin settlements could hear him.

"Well, as much as I’d hat to admit it, I think you’ve got bigger problems now," Jack started laughing, only glancing at Pestro from the corner of his eye.

"What?! All I need is to kill--"

"Oh... Rikko no like smell... How Pestro wear this?"

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