The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 271 Discussion Before Breaking the News

Chapter 271 Discussion Before Breaking the News

With Appa flying at full speed, there was no one nearby that could keep up. And for anyone that saw the massive bird rocketing through the sky, they were too busy with the white-hot forest fire.

The party flew for an entire day, continuing through dusk. They were too preoccupied with worry to bother changing out of their tattered, bloodied clothes.

Eventually, Rydel had stopped trying to dowse his emotions in alcohol. Dirk stopped with the first bottle while Rydel managed to go through most of his personal stash. Eliza stayed vigilant with Jack resting on her lap, waiting for the moment he opened his eyes.

Beside Eliza laid Bowzer, who now appeared to be sleeping soundly in place of lying unconscious. Eliza occasionally ran her fingers through his fur, always amazed by how soft it was considering it was able to burst into flames but was never dry or rough.

Entering the second day of travel, the three party members were all caught up in what to do next.

Dirk was the first to voice a question, "So... What happens next? We’re not heading for Trodar, so where are we going?"

"Prachten," answered Rydel, hungover and grumpy. "We’re joining our other party members in Prachten and... we’ll be cutting off their supply lines from Churstin."

"Supply lines? Churstin’s aiding Prachten?"

"It’s within the grey area of the war pact, so if they’re found out it’s... not exactly condemning," Rydel stammered in his uncaring state. "Also, it should be easier than dealing with your presto of a general... and that pervert Trank."

"That’s good, I guess." Dirk took a moment to think before touching a more sensitive topic. "So... When are we going to bury the--"

"We’re not burying them."

Both Rydel and Dirk stiffened as Eliza cut in, "We’re not burying them. Once Jack wakes up, we’ll bring them back."

"Being them back? But that’s impossible--"

"Nothing’s impossible. Not with Jack," stated Eliza as if trying to convince yourself.

"She’s may have a point... You know?" Rydel coughed. "We already have a way to revive one person... But I don’t know what to do about the other."

"What?!" Dirk’s mind was getting overwhelmed. He had already been amazed when he saw Eliza, Rydel, and Jack come back from death the moment they died, so he somewhat accepted the thought of resurrecting the dead. "Then... How exactly are we doing that? Is it some powerful spell or an item?"

"That depends. Jack’s got ways of knowing these things and finding artifacts and tombs. If anyone can revive a fallen ally... then it’s Jack."

"Jack can do it. I’m sure," restated Eliza, combing Jack’s hair with her fingers.

"By the way, Eliza... Do you know how Jack got a Phoenix Lily? Or why Keela didn’t have hers?" asked Rydel.

"I... I may have given my lily to Jack." Eliza didn’t hide anything. "I gave him a letter that he swore never to open unless I was ever killed."

"Hmmm... And Keela?"

"She... Keela gave me a letter too, but I didn’t expect her to pull something like that..." Following instructions, Eliza took out Keela’s envelope. She opened it up to find a storage ring hidden with the letter. "She... Because of her, I’m..."

"Eliza, don’t blame yourself, okay?" Rydel stopped Eliza from saying more. "If Keela did that, then sho chose to. Don’t blame yourself for something... she wanted to give you."

The enchantress remained silent, struggling to accept both Rydel’s words and the clear intent Keela’s actions showed.

Dirk paid close attention to the two of them. He could tell that there was more to this party than meets the eye.

The swordsman understood that this wasn’t just a team put together for a mission. It was a true party made up of comrades who cared for each other. Everyone had a function and it was well balanced. And now that he knew some party members weren’t present, Dirk was wondered if this party may be one of the strongest under lv. 40. He also grew curious about the remaining party members and who they would be.

Then he realized something. These last two conscious party members are going to have to break the news to the others upon arrival.

"Why are you so quiet now?" Rydel chuckled. "It’s not like you knew either of them."

"I..." chuckling with Rydel, Dirk put up his hands. "I’m sorry. I just... I was thinking about how tough your current situation is."

"This isn’t the first time a party member died, you know?" stated Rydel. "Though we failed to bring her back to life, Jack got a special item while trying to. Now, we can resurrect someone else thanks to that."

"Sounds like Jack really cares about his party members."

"In my opinion, he cares too much... Like an overbearing parent," Rydel’s chuckles continued. "When we first started this mission... he was terrified to fight you guys directly. He refused any sort of plan that would put us in immediate danger of death."

"Really?" Dirk struggled to believe that. "But this is war?"

"Jack’s got a lot of experience, but he’s also very different. In the past, he would only fight by himself and never worried about others..." The hunter paused as he caught himself in a tangent. "Sorry, I shouldn’t talk about Jack’s past without his--"

"Please, continue."

Rydel turned to see Eliza’s sincere gaze melting through his reluctance to say more. "Fine... But only cause his wife said so. I’ll blame you when he finds out."

"In the past, Jack gained quite a reputation... But he did it alone. He rarely worked with others, and it was never... as comrades," Rydel explained the little he had learned from his heart-to-heart conversation with Jack. "He gained that reputation without intending to... And now he’s a summoned hero that struggles to believe he’s a hero..."

"So... Jack really is that summoned hero from the rumors?" Dirk couldn’t help but ask, even after witnessing Bowzer reveal himself as a Hell-flame Fox.

With a nod, Rydel continued, "Yup, that’s him. He’s a great kid, but he’s not as strong as you give him credit... Sure, he’s dependable in a fight and I trust him with my life... But under that confidence, he hides doubt and worry."

Then, Rydel laughed again while pointing at Dirk. "Are you wondering why Jack didn’t actually burn Zurden to the ground? Or wondering why he didn’t have me use that crazy spell back at the camp?"

"Yeah... I’m definitely curious."

"Because he’s not only worried about his party but everyone." Rydel smiled warmly. "That kid... who can command a Hell-flame Fox and use its powers for himself... doesn’t want to be known for strength through destruction. He refused to destroy Zurden, even after I asked him to do it."

Startled by Rydel’s statement, Dirk didn’t know how to reply.

"I was born and raised as a kid in Trodar, just beyond the border of Limneer..." Rydel didn’t wait for Dirk to question his opinion and just explained it outright. "My village and many others were razed to the ground by Limneer troops without mercy. My father was strong enough to get us away... but he lost his arm in the process. We were forced to move to Gilga and his only choice for work was hard labor after losing his arm, barely making a living... Eventually, we fled Trodar for something better, but we only escaped the border patrols thanks to my dad’s sacrifice..."

"I’m sorry..."

"Don’t be, you weren’t even a soldier at the time."

Swallowing some saliva trapped in his throat, Dirk replied, "I wasn’t a soldier yet, but I’ve been serving under the man who caused you that turmoil."

"What?" The warmth in Rydel’s face vanished as Rydel stared holes into Dirk. "You mean General Toms, don’t you?"

"Correct... He’s always been the greatest orchestrator of the war," explained Dirk. "He was the man the nobles chose to direct the war and gave him full control to do whatever was necessary, at least that’s how Toms always stated it."

Rydel ceased speaking, only looking back to the no-longer-visible army.

Eliza kept her thoughts to herself. Since the two men were discussing other matters, Eliza pondered Rydel’s statement about Jack’s worries and self-doubts, wondering what she could do to help remove them.

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