Night Ranger

Chapter 536: Sacrifice! Life and Death!

This terrible roar was very familiar.

Marvin had heard it in the depths of the Wilderness Hall.

But this time, the power contained in the roar seemed a lot more powerful.

It sounded like a beast gradually awakening.

The Wilderness God!

Even though Marvin was in Stealth, his speed was still extraordinary. He rushed to the edge of the cliff, overlooking the entire dungeon.

The other two also caught up just behind him.

The three stood side by side on the cliff, watching the shocking ritual that was taking place in the center of the dungeon!

"No good, he already started!" Minsk’s eyes were very sharp, allowing him to clearly see what was happening on the public square.

Marvin’s heart was beating very fast.

He also saw the array.

On the square with Miss Silvermoon’s statue, a huge array had already been set up.

A rare jewel, a magic plant emitting an evil aura, tools containing all kinds of colored liquids... They were arranged in a certain pattern, forming the array.

When seen from the cliffside, it seemed to be a very simple design.

A six-pointed star.

The original symbol of magic.

Marvin recognized this array.

It had a very simple name, [Life and Death].

The upper part of the six-pointed star seemed to be painted spotlessly white, but after looking at it carefully, it could be seen that it was actually wiggling grass.

That grass’ color was clearly very special. Who knew where Lich Bandel got them from?

The lower part was pitch-black, and it was also made up of the special wiggling grass.

The ritual tools were set up on the edge.

The tall Two-Headed Bone Dragon standing guard over the array. Lich Bandel had already turned into a black fog and was frantically flying along the edge of the array, making final arrangements.

The Jade Banshee was helping him finishing up.

What worried the three on the cliff was the coffin they saw at one end of the array.

Bandel had obtained the Divine Source spark from the Life Severing Ivies, and it was now floating peacefully in the coffin.

That roar had also come from the coffin.

Given such circumstances, even a fool could guess that the Wilderness God’s slumbering body was in that coffin.

Only in that way could the spark used as a seed of resurrection calm down.

Surprisingly, on the other end of the six-pointed star was the statue of Miss Silvermoon!

’Hold on... What’s going on with that guy?’ Marvin felt rather startled when he noticed the arrangement.

When he came here last time, he had heard some things, clues that suggested that Bandel was very infatuated with Miss Silvermoon.

But based on the array before him, Miss Silvermoon statue’s location was shockingly in the [Death] location, while the Wilderness God’s coffin was standing in the regular resurrection location!

This made Marvin feel puzzled.

Could that guy really want to just resurrect the Wilderness God?

Apart from those two, there was a surprising silhouette in the center of the array.

The young girl, Molly!

The girl that Paladin Griffin had sworn to protect.

She seemed to be in a bad state. Apparently, the power of the curse was flaring.

Marvin frowned and asked, "Why does this array require Molly?"

Hathaway said, "The [Life and Death] array needs a medium. That girl’s body is very special. When there is a lack of energy, her hidden treasure might be able to charge the array. Her constitution is also very suitable for handling the conflict of Life and Death."

"Her condition looks terrible. Regardless of the outcome of the ritual, she might die soon!"

Marvin’s heart tightened. He looked around.

Molly wasn’t the only one brought here by Bandel. Isabelle was also there!

But soon, Marvin felt somewhat relieved.

Isabelle had been bound by a special method of the Lich and was standing outside the array, like she was really being treated as a "spectator".

She seemed helpless, but fortunately, she wasn’t part of the array, so she wouldn’t be harmed by it.

With this in mind, Marvin checked the array once more.

Besides the tools, the most important thing the Lich prepared was a crimson stone.

That crimson stone was wrapped in a huge piece of amber.

When the Lich took the amber from a different dimension, the entire space shivered.

The continuously roaring voice in the coffin also started trembling. It was quite clear that the Wilderness God was longing for this stone!

"This is the Death Vessel."

"The energy of those who died in the Autumn Hunting Ground and the Legends who had been sucked dry coalesced into that stone through a sacrificial ritual."

"The power in that stone is too frightening, and thus it needs the [Origin Amber] as a seal. No wonder the Wilderness Hall weakened after he left. Bandel took the core of the Wilderness Hall with him!"

Without waiting for Marvin to ask, Minsk explained what he knew.

As it turned out, the energy obtained by Bandel in the Hunting Ground was all in this Death Vessel.

If someone freed that energy all at once, it would be enough to destroy this world!

Naturally, it could also support a God’s resurrection!

Actually, the Wilderness God should have needed far more power than this to resurrect.

But after obtaining the Domain of the Wilderness God’s avatar, Marvin understood that if Bandel wanted to resurrect the Wilderness God, a spark was enough. He just needed to turn the spark into a small flame and it would burn on its own.

As long as there was any sign of resurrection, the Domain on his body would automatically speed up the absorption of Divine Power.

However, Bandel had still needed to do so many crazy things in order to get enough "nourishment". It showed how frightening the power of the Wilderness God was.

Marvin felt cold.

He definitely couldn’t let that guy succeed.

The other two clearly agreed.

But when Marvin was about to suggest that they coordinate to make a plan, Hathaway suddenly flew out!

"Hold on! We need a plan!" Marvin let out in a low voice as he ground his teeth.

Hathaway’s voice softly floated back. "There is no we. You helped me find the Lich, which I appreciate. But we don’t have the same goals, I only want to get my things back."

"As for stopping the Evil God’s resurrection or saving the world, I have no interest in this."

With a "Woosh", she sped up and rushed above the array!

Marvin and Minsk glanced at each other, they could only clench their teeth and rush down the cliff, using their peak speed to charge up to the array.

She was right: the three had come here with different goals. Hathaway wanted to recover the last power of the Anzed Witches, while Marvin came in order to save Isabelle and Molly. As for Minsk, he was the only one of the three who addressed the big picture, wanting to stop the Evil God’s resurrection.

In such a situation, talking about cooperation was nonsense.

They were all fighting for their own goals.


When Hathaway’s silhouette stopped above the array, the fog moving around the edges of the array also stopped.

Bandel’s voice came out. "Witch?"

"What are you planning?"

He sounded quite surprised!

Hathaway expressionlessly said, "I have no interest in your plan. Return to me what belongs to the Anzeds and I won’t get involved."

Bandel let out a forced laugh. "I don’t remember taking anything belonging to the Anzeds."

Hathaway pointed to a certain location.

Bandel followed the direction of the fair finger and noticed the coffin... No, it was actually pointing to the daggers on both sides!

Cold Light’s Grasps!


"I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it... That damned Witch actually snatched my Artifact in order to stab it in the Wilderness God’s coffin. What was it used for in the end, a lock?"

"Moreover, this is the array of Life and Death. It looks like the Wilderness God will really resurrect. I really brought a disaster onto you this time."

The Winter Assassin sighed in Isabelle’s ear.

Although Lich Bandel didn’t do anything to her, it was clear that she wouldn’t be able to survive alive if the Wilderness God resurrected.

The Wilderness God was an inauspicious name in the ancient era. He was a very brutal God, so how could he let a mortal like Isabelle get away?

At this time, even the knowledgeable Winter Assassin didn’t know what to do.

The spell that the Lich used on her wasn’t any kind of spell he knew about!

The Winter Assassin and Isabelle went all-out, but couldn’t remove the binding.

She couldn’t even move, let alone get hold of Cold Light’s Grasps.

Feeling helpless, the Winter Assassin could only curse the damn Witch once again.

When Hathaway appeared, he couldn’t control himself. "It’s her!"

"It’s that swindler!"

Isabelle frowned.

"Who is?"

Marvin’s voice appeared from another side. Because they had previously established a mental connection, now that he was close enough again, he could also hear the Wisp’s complaints.

"You finally arrived, kid!"

The Winter Assassin was overjoyed. He soon emotionally recalled, "It’s that woman!"

"She is the Witch that turned me into a Wisp that year!"

Marvin was stunned.

But now wasn’t the time to discuss this. He wanted to save Isabelle first.

The Lich was still arguing with Hathaway, so now was the chance.

But he frowned when he examined the binding.

This wasn’t any ordinary binding spell.

’This kind of aura...’

’This is the power of Witchcraft!’

Marvin was a bit surprised as he wondered, ’How could Bandel use Witchcraft?’

At that time, the Witch Queen in the sky proudly said, "Return the daggers to me and you might be able to continue with your plan."

The Lich sneered, "Witches really are a bunch of frogs at the bottom of a well."

"Do you really think that the Anzeds are the only ones in this world able to wield the power of Witchcraft?"

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