Omnipotent Sage

Chapter 338: Obtaining the Life Pearl

Chapter 338: Obtaining the Life Pearl

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

“Damn it!”

“This is really hell!”

Zhou Bao had never thought that he didn’t really comprehend the mystery of Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword Qi.

He had always believed he had comprehended the Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword Qi to the fullest extent, but he didn’t expect he would be scolded by Green Spirit. Seeing the power of Sword Qi that Wang She had exerted, Zhou Bao couldn’t help but sweat with fear.

However, it was not the time to consider the matter. Though Wang She indeed could give almost full play to the power of the Sword Qi, its damage to the Cloud-swallowing Beast was limited.

The size of this beast was big. Being tens of thousands of feet high, it was more than 3,000 meters tall, making the three men standing before it seem like ants. You could think of it this way, an ant that had powerful strength was capable of shooting a slim Sword Qi to perforate your body, but the hole that it created was not fatal at all, and sometimes even could be neglected.

Now, the three had fallen into a situation like this.

Although Wang She’s Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword Qi could break through the heavy and thick scales of the Cloud-swallowing Beast, causing a physical injury, the injured area was small for the beast, and Wang She’s Sword Qi was not able to be inexhaustibly released.

“We can’t go on like this!”

The wounded beast became even crazier. As it moved, its surrounding airflow rolled up and formed storms like the prestige of heaven and earth, which was difficult for ordinary people to resist.

Amid this almost crazy storm, experts with Protective Gang Qi, like Zhou Bao, were only capable of protecting themselves.

It was rather good to be able to be self-protective.

As for attacks, after several effective ones from Wang She, the three began to crazily deal with the surrounding storm and airflow.

Hoo, hoo, hoo.

The violent storm became fiercer and heavier, driven by the Cloud-swallowing Beast.

At times, the beast bellowed, forcing the three to close their auditory sense. Their communication was thus hindered, and they could not talk with each other freely like before.

After a short period of time, the three were completely unable to exchange views, even though they wanted to, they couldn’t because the furious storm blew them away.

In this heavy storm that connected the heaven and the earth, their Gang Qi appeared indistinctly like a canoe amid wild wind and huge waves that might be capsized at any time.

“We can’t go on like this!” Zhou Bao, huddling up for the gale and feeling himself pushed around by a considerable strength, was unable to control his body. “If only I had an Air-frozen Bead!”

It was obvious that the Cloud-swallowing Beast could manipulate airflows in this world to form a violent storm capable of tearing everything apart. If Zhou Bao had an Air-frozen Bead, he would not be afraid of any wind or rain launched by the beast.

“Boy, be careful. Controlling wind and airflow is only one small skill of the Cloud-swallowing Beast!” Green Spirit’s psywave suddenly spread to Zhou Bao. “If I were you, I would run away from the beast now. Otherwise—”

Before Green Spirit had finished speaking, Zhou Bao felt a powerful and invincible suction approaching.

“Gosh!” A bit of panic flashed in Green Spirit’s psywave. Meanwhile, Zhou Bao changed his expression as he saw the Cloud-swallowing Beast open its bloody mouth to immediately form an incomparable suction force that drew everything around it towards its mouth. Not only that, the suction was capable of twirling and tearing everything into shreds and powder before it was sucked into the beast’s mouth.

Before this powerful suction, Zhou Bao and his companions felt helpless, and were all sucked by the force.

“Damn! I don’t believe I can’t do anything helpful!” Grinding his teeth, Zhou Bao launched the Three Realms Division. In the twinkling of an eye, he showed up before the huge Cloud-swallowing Beast. Then a golden light flashed behind his head, followed by the appearance of the Golden Flame Mirror.

At that moment, he raised his hand quickly, forming another Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword Qi. The powerful black and red Sword Qi, coupled with the flickering golden light on the Golden Flame Mirror, then dashed to the eyes of the Cloud-swallowing Beast.


With a soft chink, the Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword and the golden light of the Golden Flame Mirror both hit the beast’s eye. At this time, it was easy to distinguish between the two.

The Sword Qi of the Yin and Yang Heavenly Sword only hurt its yellow crystal-like eye slightly. The attack merely caused slight damage on the surface, as if it was hitting a huge diamond. However, the Golden Flame Mirror was different. Its golden light pierced through the eye with scorching strength. Later, the yellow eye collapsed completely. Though there was originally a small hole, the damage quickly spread to the whole eye.

“Damn, this beast’s eyeballs are even harder than a diamond. Fortunately, I have a Pure Yang Celestial Device, otherwise I wouldn’t succeed!” Zhou Bao rejoiced in secret at such a stroke of luck.

With his eyes severely damaged, the Cloud-swallowing Beast exploded and began to howl. The storm around the three suddenly became ten times heavier than before, but the huge suction that had been formed when the beast had opened its mouth vanished.

Its sudden disappearance resulted in Wang She and Mo Yinyang being thrown tens of miles away. At the same time, Zhou Bao launched the Three Realms Division again, and moved in front of the other eye of the beast, as if having found its weak point.

In response, the severely injured beast raised its huge claws and pounced towards Zhou Bao madly. However, it could not touch even a hair of him despite the fact it had a big hand with a wide scope of coverage. In the eyes of the beast, Zhou Bao was a larger agile mosquito, but this mosquito was at its fastest speed and also knew the Three Realms Division.

Hindered by the waving big hand, Zhou Bao had no chance to blind its other eye with the Golden Flame Mirror, but shifted himself to avoid the attacks.


After several unsuccessful attempts, the beast felt a sharper and sharper pain in its wounded eye. Eventually, it flared up and snarled and the storm became more violent. The wind strength was so great that it was able to impact on the space, and now even began to tear it up. The tearing was different from that of Zhou Bao’s Three Realms Division and Space Division Skill, both of which cut the space apart with Flickering Light Evil Qi, the rarest and the most miraculous Evil Qi in the world with a spatial attribute, just like a special key.

If properly used, the Flickering Light Evil Qi could open the space door effortlessly at the user’s will. But different from the Three Realms Division, the crazy storm purely tore the space apart in the most violent manner, just like the Divine Sense Great Fusion Technic that Zhou Bao gained from Evil Fire Kylin, whose strongest power could directly melt the space.

“Gosh, the beast is so powerful. It went mad for a slight injury and tore the space apart in its craziness. Powerful, very powerful!” Zhou Bao was surprised, but it was not time to do this. In the strong gale, he quickly evaded attacks and strenuously moved forward.

Given the fragmented space, he dared not launch the Three Realms Division. If he launched it, he might be transported to an unfamiliar place!

“Boy, be quick. If the beast applied its Devouring Technique again, we’ll be in great trouble!” Green Spirit’s psywave reached Zhou Bao once more.

“I know I should be quick, but the beast is watching out for my attack, so I have no chance!” Zhou Bao yelled. “If I rush to the beast, I will not find any place to attack because the space before it has already turned into void turbulence!”

“I know. I know!” Green Spirit’s psywave came. “Kiddo, you shouldn’t say I haven’t told you this. A Cloud-swallowing Beast with a good character is rare in this world. If it practices tens of thousand years longer, it might evolve into a Sky-swallowing Beast. The Sky-swallowing Beast owns two divine senses—wind and space. If you refine your Air-frozen Bead with the beast’s Life Pearl, you will get a device a hundred times better than the Wind Bead!”

“What? Really?”

“Sure. Didn’t you notice that the wind around you has begun to change?”

Green Spirit continued with a smile, “Even in the antiquity times, the Cloud-swallowing Beast was also a rare evil beast. I don’t expect that you would readily meet one. Especially one at such a degree that you are able to handle!”

“I can handle it? Why don’t I think so?” Zhou Bao cried.

“That’s because you haven’t found its real vulnerable point!” Green Spirit said, “Though the eyes are one of its weak points, it consciously protects them, so you have to find another crucial point. But you should not directly attack its scales on the body, because they are flawless, very thick, and as hard as a diamond, and all your efforts will in vain!”

“What should I do?”

“Its real vulnerable point is on the forehead, where its Life Pearl lies. Kill it and take its Life Pearl away. Then your Air-frozen Bead is half done!” Green Spirit shouted with excitement.

“Forehead?” Zhou Bao yelled. Its forehead indeed was different from other places, but just a little different.

The Cloud-swallowing Beast was covered with a heavy armor, all light cyan, but one scale in its forehead was dark cyan with a glimmer of anomalous metallic light on the surface. Furthermore, there was no defensive void turbulence surrounding the forehead.

“This Cloud-swallowing Beast is either silly or very confident in its dark cyan scale.”

“As long as you break the scale and take away the Life Pearl, the beast will be finished!”

“I’m afraid it’s not that easy!”

“Certainly, the scale has the strongest defense, even stronger than that added by all the scales!”

“What the f*ck, you want me to fight against it? We’d better run as quickly as we can!” Zhou Bao yelled.

“Opportunity knocks but once. I didn’t mean that it’s you who would destroy its defense!” Green Spirit’s psywave spread to him with a sneer. “Let go of the Sky-measuring Star Ruler and let me through!”

“Can you do that?” Zhou Bao asked with confusion.

“What a load of claptrap!” Green Spirit said, “If I can’t, you will be done! Didn’t you notice anything rather strange?”


Of course, it was strange. The original intangible and colorless wind had turned into a light cyan one, with the tendency of becoming darker and darker. Its power seemed to be several times stronger than before.

In the cyan wind, a mysterious space debris was dimly seen, which existed in the strength of the Cloud-swallowing Beast rather than from the tearing of the space before.

Without thinking twice, Zhou Bao opened his own Space of Segmented Realms and threw the Sky-measuring Star Ruler out.

Initially, there was a bit of starlight flashing, but after a burst, the silver starlight gushed out of the Sky-measuring Star Ruler like water. Then a silver spider, made by the starlight, appeared on the ruler and all starlight gathered as if being towed, to immediately form countless filaments. Those filaments intertwined and turned into a silver cobweb which ripped through the cyan wind current and directly covered the head of the Cloud-swallowing Beast.


The beast seemed to realize the danger and roared again. As a result, the wind color abruptly darkened. In no time, Zhou Bao felt a limitless power approaching him from all directions, which almost tore his Protective Gang Qi to shreds.

After several rapid dodges, he launched the Dragon Flying Technique, but he just managed to evade the fiercest attack with the circumambient wind power. However, Wang She and Mo Yinyang didn’t have such a good luck. Zhou Bao stood far away from them, but he could still hear their screams clearly. In a short period of time, their Gang Qi were torn apart by the cyan wind, ensued by the blood splattered in the air. If they were not Level Nine experts, they themselves would have been torn into pieces.

Nevertheless, they still suffered a lot from the attack. Their iron-like bodies were scratched by the cyan wind, leading to numerous scars, some of which were even open to the bone.

They had to do their best to protect themselves. At this time, Zhou Bao found these two guys both had a second Gang Qi. To his surprise, Mo Yinyang’s Gang Qi turned into a pure black one from the original grey. Zhou Bao had seen it before, as he was almost killed by it once. This was exactly the Nine Yin Blackdragon Smoke Gang from Dark Lord Mie Chen, one of Three Grandmasters of the Northern Yuan. In the Gang Qi, Heavenly Devil appeared indistinctly. He had practiced into the Heavenly Devil Real Body like Mie Chen. However, Wang She’s Gang Qi was different from Mo Yinyang’s. His second Gang Qi was red. A flirtatious red that was extremely coquettish.

“Hehe, these two guys have their own bluffs as expected!”

With their changed Gang Qi, the two steadied themselves in the cyan storm, but helpless expressions were shown on their faces, because neither of them wanted to reveal their bluffs at such a time and in such a place.

Right now, the Starlight Net had covered the Cloud-swallowing Beast’s head. Though the beast was huge, the star force collected in the Sky-measuring Star Ruler for ten thousand years was more powerful.

In the cyan wind, the Starlight Net teetered, but the filaments made by starlight would not be cut short, no matter how strong the wind was.

Along the filaments, a large amount of star force rushed to the beast’s head. Amid the starlight, the Sky-measuring Star Ruler had already separated itself from the starlight spider, and directly smashed the beast’s forehead.


With a loud bang, the ruler hit the dark cyan scales and bounced back. Influenced by the powerful attack, the Cloud-swallowing Beast trembled and shortly felt a little dizzy. The sense passed from the Life Pearl also told it that this eccentric thing seemed to be able to threaten its life.

The beast began to be uneasy, stretching out its huge claw to tear apart the silver cobweb on its head, but Green Spirit wouldn’t let things progress as it wished.

The Sky-measuring Star Ruler, a Pure Yang Celestial Device with massive star force, was not easy to deal with.

Numerous filaments of starlight were released to entangle the beast’s two big claws. Though the filaments were quickly pulled apart, they fit together rapidly and entwined the claws firmly. All of a sudden, the Sky-measuring Star Ruler shined with dazzling light, and again hit the beast’s forehead. The attack this time was much fiercer and more powerful than the previous one.

“Boy, watch out. You could only use the Sky-measuring Star Ruler to attack the beast once. Take this opportunity to force its Original Spirit out with the Poisonous Hitching Post. You know what to do next, and don’t need my instructions, do you?” Green Spirit’s psywave spread to him as the ruler hit the beast again.

“Damn. I still need to do something!” Zhou Bao spluttered.


With another bang, the ruler hit the beast’s forehead the third time, and the ruler’s light afterward became dim. However, Zhou Bao could clearly see the dark blue frost formed on the dark cyan scale of its forhead, and faintly saw several fissures on the scale.

“Now is was the time!”

Zhou Bao thought with his hand raised. Then a streak of green light appeared and directly hit that scale!

Poisonous Hitching Post!

Almost without any impediment, the Poisonous Hitching Post struck onto the scale.

“Hoo, howl!”

Sharp pain suddenly overwhelmed the Cloud-swallowing Beast.


The Poisonous Hitching Post wouldn’t kill people or ruin lives, but it could cause severe pain!

The Cloud-swallowing Beast who dominated this Region of Taiyuan Heaven, had never suffered such pain since it was born, especially pain passed from the Life Pearl, which was even harder for it to put up with. The Life Pearl not only possessed strong power, but it also combined with its Original Spirit, so the beast had to tolerate unbearable pain directly spreading to the Original Spirit. With a sad cry, a dark cyan bead rose from the trap door of the beast’s brain, and plumes of green smoke were exuded from the bead. Eventually, the smoke turned into a cyan shadow, whose size was in sharp contrast with the huge one of the beast and could practically be described as tiny. Compared with Zhou Bao, the shadow was a little larger, but its shape was clear, exactly a miniature Cloud-swallowing Beast.

“Now it’s time!” Zhou Bao gently made a fist. A reddish strength appeared, followed by a crimson vortex around the Original Spirit.

Soul-cutting Skill!

As soon as the skill was launched, the vortex swallowed the Original Spirit and cut it into countless fragments.

Though it had lived for tens of thousands of years, the Cloud-swallowing Beast had never seen such a method. Before it could react, the Original Spirit was cut into pieces, which later turned into miraculous brightness and disappeared.

The yellow crystal-like eyes suddenly became dim and the lifeless huge body fell on the ground. The dark cyan wind around also faded away. In a twinking of an eye, Zhou Bao raised his hand and grabbed. Then the dark cyan bead appeared in his hand. With a flick, he put it away in his Space of Segmented Realms.

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