Living With a Temperamental Adonis: 99 Proclamations of Love

Chapter 966 Song Qingchuns Su Zhinian and Su Zhinians Song Qingchun 18

So fast that you, who once loved me, have moved onto someone else and are going to be the happiest bride soon.

So fast that I’ve lost even the right to touch you on the top of your head like we used to.

Just like the song earlier, the little changes have wrought such deep damage. However, I could only pretend to not care, to be a gentleman, to try my best to be understanding and fair. The deeper the pain, the harder I have to hide it.

The atmosphere froze, such that even Song Qingchun, who didn’t initially notice it, started to feel slightly weird.

Qin Yinan knew that if he allowed himself to be silent any longer, the covers that he had set in place would soon be exposed. He blinked and stood up straight to say, "It’s chilly outside—come on, let’s get back in."

Song Qingchun looked at Qin Yinan, and the man looked no different from his normal self. Chalking it up to her fluctuating hormones, Song Qingchun nodded with a thin smile and stood up from the swing. Qin Yinan allowed her to go first, and as Song Qingchun turned into the corridor, he called her name.

Song Qingchun turned around.

Qin Yinan stood under a tree in the garden with his hands in his pockets, his gentle and graceful smile lighting up his face as he said, "Song Song, congratulations on your happy marriage."

Song Qingchun blinked multiple times. For some reason, she felt as if there was something caught in her throat. She nodded forcefully before flashing a brilliant smile and turning to head back into the room.

Qin Yinan stood where he was, watching her disappear into the shadows quietly.

Song Qingchun, congratulations. The girl that I love, I wish you a life of happiness.


The atmosphere back in the room was still at an all-time high. Tang Nuo had gotten quite a few drinks in him, and he pulled Song Qingchun and Su Zhinian up onto the stage and started his own brand of interrogation.

At least, it started as an interrogation.

The questions started to fly. Like...

"Su Zhinian, when did you fall in love with Song Qingchun?"

"Song Qingchun, when did you fall in love with Su Zhinian?"

"Su Zhinian, is Song Qingchun your first love?"

"Song Qingchun, is Su Zhinian your first love?"

"Su Zhinian, why did you fall in love with Song Qingchun?"

"Song Qingchun, what is the most touching thing Su Zhinian has ever done for you?"

As the interrogation went on, for some reason, Su Zhinian started to take over the whole deal, and instead of being the questioned, he volunteered the information actively.

"I met her when I was eight. Even today, that meeting is the most beautiful and treasured memory of my life."

The room started to quiet down until there was no sound other than Su Zhinian’s voice.

"Meeting her marks the beginning of my life; she is my beginning and will be my end."

Perhaps it was a coincidence, or maybe Su Zhinian had controlled someone to pick a song, but a melody that Song Qingchun couldn’t be more familiar with filled up the room.

"I said I fear most the breeze before the rain; you said it’s the same for you too."

When Kay Tze’s mellifluous voice began, an indescribable mixture of feelings filled Song Qingchun’s heart. There was happiness, sadness, melancholy, regret...

Compelled by the atmosphere of the moment, she slowly raised the microphone her friends shoved into her arm to her lips and picked up where Su Zhinian had left off. "He spent ten years looking for me."

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