The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 115 - Powering Up The Tribe

The First and Second Obun Elder acted as vanguard and went ahead to search and clear a path whilst Dara and Elder Long brought the rear, with the rest of the experts guarding either sides of the Obuns as they marched via another random direction back to the tribe…

By the time they returned, the existing developments and expansions had all been completed and even the stores and the vault had been locked…

The Vault had only a single key which was a tag the size of a child\'s palm, with the flexible branches of the glowing flowers strewn to it to enable it to be worn on the neck like a jewelry…

This single key was given to Dara whilst the store on the other hand had five keys in total; One was given to Elder Smith for storing the products of the smithy, another was given to Aunt Lin for storing the farm harvest;

Another was given to Uncle Min for storage of building materials and other resources, whilst the last two keys were given and held by Dara and Elder Wang respectively simply for access to everything within the store as well as the vault which was located beneath the store itself…

The farm was being watered when Dara returned and the excreta from tribe members, the beasts and as well as other weeds were used to develop composts for fertilization of the plants…

The beast however had been drugged to sleep by one of the herbs they managed to scavenge from the village, and were currently being washed and groomed, and such was being done with the marine beasts…

The smithy was now in full operation and since there was no Qi Stone properties in the steel slabs they have managed to forge, Elder Wang had decided to use it for the tribe walls instead, and since the smithy was now running at full throttle with no danger of heat due to the extreme ventilation and natural humidity and temperature of the Dark Lands, the production rate had now sped up and they were now producing four steel slabs an hour, unlike their previous one an hour…

Elder Min had managed to build a training area which consisted of five training circular stage of ten meter radii each, surrounding a center stage that was twice the size of the smaller ones [20 meter radius]…

On the five training areas, some people were doing basic physical exercise on one; some were learning archery on another; some were learning basic brawling skills [Boxing, Kickboxing, etc.] on another; and the last two were used for training basic Sword and Spear moves…

Thus, the entire tribe were currently focused mainly on three fighting types; Taijutsu [Acrobatic], Kenjutsu [Swords and other weapons], and Jujutsu [Melee]…

Then the center stage as Elder Min explained was for dueling, exchanging pointers and any competition the tribe wishes to organize, which Dara responded would be the basic criteria for grading their military forces…

A library had also been completed and from the guards that were killed in the cave [Qi Stone Farm] they were able to get the sword art [Deforestation Sword Technique] \'which was a technique given by the three figures currently residing within the Royal Court\', and within these technique were three moves; [Leaf Cutter, Branch Breaker and the Trunk Piercer]…

Dara had made the technique available to the public and placed it within the library for everyone to learn…

He also added a temporary cultivation technique [True Energy] which was the cultivation technique the Village Chief tortured his parents for, whilst he had devoted some time to editing the \'Asura Testament\' of his body cultivation technique [Numen Of Ancient Scholars]…

He created a technique [Warrior Body Technique] for physical body strengthening which had 9 volumes in the same pattern with his own training;

Endurance [1], Strength [2], Stamina [3], Speed [4], Blood [5], Bones [6], Tendons [7], Muscles [8] and Flesh [9];

A technique that intends to build its user from this inside out…

Then he placed a strict law and rule that anyone who wishes to learn them must follow the processes accordingly and must also be tested before being allowed to move onto the next manual…

This means no one is allowed to jump from one to the other and must follow the numbers in increasing order; this technique with the meridian opening technique [True Energy] would ensure that not only are the tribesmen extremely physical but would also be cultivating Qi, and if they like, they might choose one over the other, or if they luckily find someone talented enough to cultivate both paths, then that would be an added bonus…

But for the moment, the tribe was set for a rapid progression in terms of military power as there is a preparatory technique for body cultivating, a meridian opening technique for Qi cultivating and a relatively nice sword art available to them as well as the blunt brawling techniques and archery they were bring taught…

After doing an in depth supervision and inspection, he finally had all the Obuns take the blank Qi Stones to Elder Smith where they did the experiment of the Qi absorption and the results were tremendously impressive;

Instantly, Elder Smith was given another set of one hundred Obuns whose job was mainly to crush these Qi Stones into fine dust…

Elder Smith would then did a quick experiment of his own and had two workers being out a bucket of molten steel, then he mixed it with a bowl full of Qi Stone dust, before sprinkling another handful of ore dusts into it…

He then mixed everything together evenly before pouring them into the mold meant for rods and staffs, and after about half an hour, these rods were already cooled and they were handle friendly…

Elder Smith took the staff, and immediately he could spot a few but enormous difference between them; Firstly, due to the addition of these other two ingredients, the amount of molten steel needed to make any weapon was halved…

It might not seem too extraordinary but it was extraordinarily efficient and cost effective in terms of resources…

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