The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 2 - Hostage Situation

So, the point of the last chapter, was to tell you that, even when life gives you a lemon--- you know the rest…"

"Then to never allow the world to control or limit you with simple pieces of papers they call degrees or certificates; after all, the world was created in just seven days, or so does my religion believe, but You--- You were created in nine months which means you are 36 times stronger, smarter, and more good-looking than this world which has already been fucked into a coma by these bipedal, advanced apes…"

"Plus majority of everything are just about my family and how we ended up in a fuck-hole of an environment… But as for this chapter, it is totally about me…"

"Yeah, let me tell you a little bit about myself and as your MC [and for those who don\'t know what it stands for, it is Main Character], this is going to be the chapter that ushers you into the beginning of this masterpiece of a novel…"


"You thought we already started!? Dude! You haven\'t even seen the true title yet…"

"Yeah I know, you think it is the \'Hidden Myth of Ji Dara\', right!?"

"Well, whilst you might be partially right, the title of this masterpiece would find its way into your mind; don\'t worry, it won\'t hurt…"

"But I can\'t promise you won\'t cry either… *Sobs*"

"So enough of the chit-chat and back to the prelude…"

"You see, after I got a job in one company like that, which focuses on delivering fun and thriller to these \'advanced apes\' who were stuck at home due to the semen of a pandemic they have caused by how hard they have fucked the world, then my life changed…"

"I became one of the \'Special Apes\' in the jungle of a society, and my job came with a lot of perks…"

"I mean perks like the Minimum Gain System which allows you to have a very nice minimum wage you can receive no matter how bad or shitty the economy became, as long as you can work hard,- and work hard I did, whilst they also paid me hard…"

"But the point is-"

[Author] – "Hey dick-face! The novel should have started a chapter ago!"

"What the fuck are you doing!?"

[Sam] – "Oops! Hehe, gotta go…"

"Duty calls... after all, with great power [which you guys will see a lot of], comes great responsibilities [which I would be sadly seeing a lot of]…"

"Anyways, bye guys, it was fun hanging out with you these few chapter and a half… See you in play!"

[Author] – "Stupid brat, always looking for every opportunity to cause mayhem and mischief…"

"Alright, sorry guys… Time for you to get what you are about to pay for…"

"Yes, he would still transmigrate or reincarnate and all that stuff…"

"But most importantly, this journey involves the usage of a lot of superpowers like; frying hot dogs with tribulation lightning and grilling stakes with hell fire, or catching a fish with the threads of karma and finally, [wait for this one]; Yup, smashing girls within the void! Cool and badass, right…"

"But enough of the spoilers and now for the real deal…"

"Sit back and do every other thing he told you to do earlier…"

[Director] – "And… Action!"


"Err, sorry for the glitch…"




"Yes! You!"

"What the fuck happened to the soundtrack!?"

"Uhm, sorry boss, they said no sound…"


"How is it possible not to have a soundtrack in a movie?"

"Erm, boss, this is not a movie, it is a novel…"


"Oh! Sorry guys… My bad… we are starting now…"

"Read on, and; Psst! Shhh! Chapter three is a masterpiece…"

"Alright… Action!"


"Attention all units!"

"Probable, domestic disturbance with a hostage situation…"

"10-24, officer down! I repeat, officer down!"

"Target is a 5 foot male, with no known priors!"

"Considered extremely dangerous, so proceed with caution…"

Cops surrounded a white and brown colored bungalow with a brown pick-up truck parked just beside it, as they scrambled around looking for the best way to enter into the building…

"I am not coming out… Do you hear me, I am not coming out!"

"I want everyone gone…"

"You and your snipers, and I mean everyone…"

"If I don\'t see tail lights in the next five minutes, you are not going to like what happens next!"

A seemingly anxious but reckless panting male voice threatened loudly from the other end of the phone as the hostage negotiator that came with the police listened attentively...

The frigid breeze and bone-chilling cold ensured that everyone was on edge, and whilst they were all anxious to get this over with and return to the warmth of their homes, they knew just how sensitive the situation was, and as cops, they were slightly ill-prepared…


The female negotiator called out to the male on the other end of the phone but was only replied by the beep and static line of a hung-up phone…

"Can you get him back on the phone?"

A man dressed in a different outfit asked in hope, with a tone that glaringly pinpoints him as the head of the local police department;

"He is done talking!" The female negotiator dashed his hopes with a helpless sigh…

Looking over to the third figure within the van which brought them here, he ordered;

"Do it!"

"Yes sir!"

The third figure said as he urgently stepped out of the van…

Krrr! Krrrr! Krrrrr!

Several zipping sounds rang out as about six figures stealthily dropped down the snow capped mountain which was behind this white bungalow…

These guys looked different, dressed different and moved different when compared to the cops at the front of the house…

With helmets on their head that held a single infrared scope, they dressed like they were going to infiltrate an enemy base as they moved tactically, and despite their bulky size, moved swiftly and silently, with each of their steps making the most silent of sounds in the deep, knee-height snow…

Reaching the backdoor of the house, the bulkiest of them all who stood at seven feet and weighed what seemed to be about 250 pounds stopped the rest of his team by holding his fist beside his ears…

Then after giving a brief hand sign, one of his comrades stepped forwards with was seemed to be a four piece belt of explosives, arranged in a square manner, which he silently placed on the back door…

He looked over to their leader who nodded, and then bending away from the blast zone to brace themselves for the rippling effect, he pressed the detonator in his hands…


The door exploded as they tactically marched in; the leader at the frontline…

Several scared screams erupted within the house;

"Three!?" The leader called out to the explosive guy;

"I\'m okay!"

"IMPD! Show me your hands!"

The leader bellowed at the male figure who was within the house with a lady, a little boy and a little girl…

"Hands!" he repeated…

"Turn around!" Number Two added when the man didn\'t respond...

"Oh... fuck!"

Number Three blurted in fury and disappointment when he saw the man finally turn around, only to have a little 4 year old girl in his embrace, and actually used the little kid as a meat shield…

"I got a clear shot boss…"

"No, fourth! Hold your fire!"

Lowering what seemed to be his [Heckler and Koch upgraded SA80] assault rifle, the leader or \'Trisk\' as he liked to be called extended his hand in a calming manner before softly speaking with a deep voice;

"Ben… Ben look at me…" He called the man\'s attention...

"It\'s all over…" He said…

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