The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1398: Redeemable Legendary Equipment!

Chapter 1398: Redeemable Legendary Equipment!

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

The Orc arsonists only had a range of about 30 metres, but if they were close to the city wall, it would be enough to attack the city defenders above. The smoke and stench were also very useful for getting close to the city wall. The reduction in accuracy of the shooters and archers above the wall meant the increase in the survival rate of their side.

Anyone who had a working brain would not resist trading for some of these quality products that were available at an affordable price.

The second special creature option was the Uruk-hai rushers. They had terrifyingly high defence thanks to the full plate armour they wore. They could also temporarily buff themselves up with Sauron’s divine power, enabling them to sprint forward at high speed while ignoring the effects of the terrain during the sprint. Once the city was breached, they would obviously be the main force to quickly force their way through.

The third special creature option was the Wargs (

The size of the Wargs surpassed that of the common wolves. An adult Warg had a shoulder height of about 6 feet (1.8 meters), a body length of about 10 feet (3 meters), and an average weight of about 1000 pounds (270 kg). They were usually grey or black in colour and were exceptionally strong.

The humans had an average Intelligence of 10, the wolves 2, and the Wargs 6. The Wargs had their own unique language called the Warg-language. Some among them also spoke the Common Tongue and Orkish. When the Wargs hunted, they would pursue their prey for hours on end, perhaps even for a whole day, and they would choose the most advantageous terrain and time to launch their attack.

Each Warg cost as much as 75 contribution points. They were seemingly of no help to the siege. Moreover, even if you spend 750 contribution points to trade for 10 Wargs, the combat power of all of them combined would still be lower than a Troll worth 380 contribution points.

However, the existence of the Wargs meant that Sauron’s army could also form a strong cavalry unit. In terms of combat prowess, the charge of Warg riders certainly did not possess the same momentum as the charge of human heavy cavalry, but the heavy cavalry could never penetrate through the 200,000-strong Orc camp in one charge, and when they were slowed down, the Wargs’ claws and fangs were obviously much sharper than the hooves of war horses.

“Noah Realm C is obviously also doing its best to make up for the shortcomings,” Sheyan sighed emotionally.

The relationship between the Realms and the contestants at the moment was quite unique, somewhat like the relationship between the government and the army. The army obeys the command of the government, and the government will do their best in supplies and logistics. The two sides depended on each other and are indispensable to one another. If one side perished, the other would soon follow.

Next, Sheyan checked out the siege weapons. The options were not much different from what he saw before. There were siege ladders, trebuchets and siege towers which cost an increasing amount of contribution points in that order. The reason for that was because there were obviously no automated machines in this age, so the siege weapons were driven by manpower – more precisely, by Orcpower. A siege ladder needed at least one Uruk-hai; a trebuchet must be pushed by at least four Uruk-hai and must also have a reloader and a tightener; but most terrifying was still the siege tower – it required at least two Trolls or 20 Uruk-hai to push, and that was excluding the troops inside.

So, it would not be amiss to describe the prices of these siege weapons as astronomical. Therefore, barring any accident, the siege weapons were no doubt the privileges of parties, as it would be difficult for any individual to trade for one.

However, Sanzi found that he had a special option at the bottom of the siege weapon list. The option was only available to him as a Chosen and a Summoner!

It was an option to trade for the horrifying Oliphaunts! (

The Oliphaunts were not simply war elephants. Besides possessing a charging ability, they could also carry 24 riders in the massive, carriage-like tiered towers strapped to their backs! They had extremely tenacious vitality and had a reaping power which enabled them to reap the souls of the enemies they killed to heal themselves. Whenever they killed a creature, they would restore 3% – 10% of their HP (the recovery amount depended on the Oliphaunt’s condition at that moment. The more injured they were, the more HP they would recover).

According to the default configuration, all 24 positions on the back of an Oliphaunt would be occupied by Haradrim archers and spearmen. These southern natives were proficient in fighting on the move, and more importantly, the projectiles they launched contained mysterious and powerful poisons.

If an Oliphaunt carried a contestant, it could even share a part of the contestant’s innate ability!

When Party Ace saw this option, they made up their mind to redeem at least one Oliphaunt, despite its terrifying price of 3000 contribution points and three Sauron badges!


Last but not least, they also checked the item list. In addition to the many magic potions that would not share the same cooldown with recovery medicines, the best potion they saw the last time they checked the list was ‘Saruman’s Gaze’.

The potion could increase the user’s explosive hit rate by 3% – 8% depending on the user’s attack speed (the higher the attack speed, the lower the bonus), and when an explosive hit triggered, so would the ‘Saruman’s Gaze’ effect.

If the user was not at full health, 35% of the explosive hit damage would be converted to a recovery effect. If the user’s HP was at max value, then the explosive hit would do an additional 70% damage.

The effect of the potion would last for up to 24 hours after consumption. The potion could be brought out of this world.

But now, they saw a long list of special options after ‘Saruman’s Gaze’! Only after seeing these items did they realise that the really good stuff was only available to those determined enough to risk everything!

Four of the items caught Sheyan’s attention.


[ Morgoth’s Blood ] (

[ This is a horrible blood essense formed by concentrating Morgoth’s life force. No mortal creature can bear the violent power contained within. It can only be applied on an item. If your item is strong enough, it will be upgraded. Conversely, you may lose it forever, dissolved by Morgoth’s Blood. ]

[ Morgoth’s Blood requires 200 contribution points. You will get 50% off when you redeem the first one. ]


[ The Magma of Mount Doom (Ice-Cold Version) ]

[ As the only thing in the world that can destroy the One Ring, Mount Doom contains a strong mysterious power. Only the Ringwraiths who live in the afterlife yet walk in the world of men can process the magma of Mount Doom into a drink that is not only harmless, but is beneficial to the human body. ]

[ That’s right, you have to drink it for it to take effect. ]

[ Every bottle of ‘The Magma of Mount Doom (Ice-Cold Version)’ can be shared by up to ten people. The souls of all the warriors who have drunk ‘The Magma of Mount Doom (Ice-Cold Version)’ will be connected together by its sensational burning power. No matter how badly a person who has drunk ‘The Magma of Mount Doom (Ice-Cold Version)’ is hurt, they will not die and will only fall into a state of near death, protected by the power of Mount Doom. As long as one person who has drunk ‘The Magma of Mount Doom (Ice-Cold Version)’ is still alive, the other nine people will not die even if they are defeated. ]

[ Under the protection of Mount Doom’s power, those in the state of near death cannot move or heal themselves, but they can receive the help of others. In addition, even after they leave the state of near death, they will still enjoy the protection of Mount Doom’s power as long as they do not move, use an ability, or use an item. ]

[ There are only two ways to break this power. The first is to destroy Mount Doom. The second is to defeat all the people who have drunk ‘The Magma of Mount Doom (Ice-Cold Version)’. However, keep in mind that once the distance between the people who have drunk ‘The Magma of Mount Doom (Ice-Cold Version)’ exceeds 100 metres, the effect will disappear. ]

[ The effect of ‘The Magma of Mount Doom (Ice-Cold Version)’ lasts for 24 hours. ]

[ ‘The Magma of Mount Doom (Ice-Cold Version)’ requires 2000 contribution points and one Sauron badge. ]

[ You will not need a Sauron badge when you redeem the first one. ]


[ Grima Wormtongue’s Saliva ]

[ Grima Wormtongue is an advisor of the King of Rohan in the Lord of the Rings, and a pawn of Saruman, the White Wizard. He won the trust of the King of Rohan with his silvery tongue and secretly weakened the king with Saruman’s curse. ]

[ After drinking the item, your success rate in persuading storyline characters will increase significantly. Of course, the higher the status of a storyline character, the more stubborn they will be, and the more difficult they will be to persuade. ]

[ ‘Grima Wormtongue’s Saliva’ requires 500 contribution points. You will get 50% off when you redeem the first one. ]

[ Description: That’s right, you have to drink it for it to take effect. Pay no heed to the fascinating taste. Keep in mind that even if you drink more than one of this item, the effect will not stack. ]


[ The Eye of Sauron Potion. ]

[ After drinking the potion, you will have a certain probability of summoning the ‘Eye of Sauron’ when you attack or cast spells. It will inflict instant death upon storyline characters, and will intimidate contestants for up to five seconds. ]

[ The probability of summoning the ‘Eye of Sauron’ depends on the user’s attack speed and the might of the target. The more powerful the target, the lower the probability. ]

[ Some storyline characters will be immune to the instant death effect of the ‘Eye of Sauron’, but they will not be immune to the intimidation effect. ]

[ The effect of the potion lasts for 15 minutes. It requires 500 contribution points. You will get 50% off when you redeem the first one. ]


After going through the details, there was an uncertain look on Sheyan’s face. He seemed to be asking the Realm about something. After a while, he nodded in satisfaction; he seemed to have discovered a shortcut.

They noticed some changes in the equipment list. The equipment list originally only contained good equipment for followers; the best equipment available for contestants were only dark blue equipment.

But there were now sub-categories for black, silver storyline, and dark gold equipment! However, all the equipment in the new sub-categories were labelled as “in production”.

More shocking was the fact that there were legendary equipment under the special options!

“We will soon have redeemable legendary equipment!” Even Sheyan was greatly shocked by this news! The Realm had really done it this time. People would literally die for these things! If news of this spread, a lot of people would no doubt be willing to stay and fight to the very end.

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