The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 543: An indomitable flagship

Chapter 543: An indomitable flagship

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Sheyan’s eyes glittered.

"Flagship? Jiejie’s flagship? But she’s not around? Oh ho, it truly is a match made in heaven. That decides it, I must go. Shut up for now, there isn’t a need for your opinion. Divulge what you know to me, but remember, do your best not to omit anything."

While Sheyan listened to Taitish’s reports, he also dispatched some pirates back to gather up the pirates safeguarding the Hill Maiden.

In total, his fighting force was approximately 60-70 pirates.

Without a doubt, those reinforcing pirates noticed Davies’s transformation, as they fixated their stares towards the striking dual-handed great sword behind his back. They beamed with extreme admiration, as their eyes brimmed with desire.


A group of savage and rapacious pirates sneaked within the darkness of night, stealthily creeping towards the anchored gypsy ship.

After hearing Taitish’s account, Sheyan couldn’t help but be amazed at the influence of those gypsies.

They actually possessed a secret private harbour themselves, where massive loads of goods were transported to and fro. With this outstanding location so well hidden, even pirates weren’t aware of it. Furthermore, the held their own chamber of commerce, where even representatives from the east were present…

Under Sheyan’s directing, the pirates knew they were here to pillage and commandeer this ship. They were brimming with ecstasy, each panting and grinding their broadswords even before the battle occurred.

Naturally, Taitish was being sandwiched between the strict monitoring of Blacksail and Davies. As of now, she was still associated in the ranks of untrustable. If she played any tricks, she would be beheaded at first notice.

Noteworthily, those vikings, who originally allied with Ammand, had unexpectedly joined this skirmish.

After they made a series of discussion previous, they had spontaneously sought out Sheyan; requesting for 600 guineas worth of black bread and ten barrels of rum to recruit them into this treacherous skirmish……furthermore, if that was asking for too much, the figures could still be negotiable.

The group of pirates leaned towards the village woods as they travelled under the familiar guidance of Taitish. The incessant slapping of waves against the shore effectively masked the sneaking advances of the pirates.

Although this skirmish had tarried for nearly an hour and a half, the gypsies safeguarding the ships were probably not suspicious yet.

That was because Taitish’s tactic was to overwhelm her opponents with manpower, leading to a war of attrition before invoking a blood rite through the battling deceased. Naturally, such a tactic would require a longer execution.

Perhaps, before their suspicious could be raised, Sheyan would’ve slaughtered them by then. Therefore, Sheyan’s sneak assault would be incredibly abrupt for them.

All of a sudden, Philip who was scouting at the front raised his hand, before gesturing a warning signal.

"It reeks of blood!"

Sheyan crept forward frowning as he glanced into the forest.

He could see sporadic bits of flames exuding out within the darkness, flickering gently like will-o-wisp; it was simply hard to fathom. Unexplainable interwoven sounds of wild laughters and bitter wails resounded distinctively, a distant away from a freshly trodden pathway in the woods.

A sense of mystery and deep fear amplified as the two sounds blended together. Through the gaps between tree leaves, multitudes of gypsy slaves could be seen amassed together.

Sheyan contemplated briefly before ordering his men to bring Taitish here for interrogation.

"What are they up to?"

Taitish observe the strange happening, suddenly speaking with a shaky voice.

"Could it be the materials have been gathered? It seems that should be refining the Baladine Bloodsail with occult magic. Yes, that should be it. Considering the materials acquired at the auction, it should be time for our occult crafting."

Reef curiously asked.

"Why are the gypsies refining sails?"

Taitish batted a fearful glance at Sheyan.

"That is related to master’s former transaction with us. After successfully extracting the Chupacabra’s odour, we were about to disguise our bodies and smoothly harvest the ocean’s eggs. However, Jiejie wasn’t satisfied with just that."

"Because regardless, our harvesting speed could never compare with the feasting speed of the Chupacabra. Even if both parties started the same time, the Chupacabra would consume much more than what we can harvest! Therefore, everyone bluntly raised a suggestion - to amass the full force of the gypsy clan, and build an indomitable ship before smearing the Chupacabra’s odour onto it. Concealed within the darkness, we shall directly hunt and annihilate these mythical creatures! Then we will dominate the gulf of Satmos!"

When she spoke till here, Sheyan finally understood why the gypsies wanted to acquire that ‘Greenland Lethal Weapon’ harpoon gun, and other valuable ship building materials!

As it turns out, it was all for their grand scheme of things. Following that, he couldn’t resist the urge to inquiring about the efficacy of those ocean eggs, and why Jiejie placed such significance on them?

Taitish then informed Sheyan. Those eggs were polymerized with cold and negative essence. When infused together with magma from the earth, it could stir the source of life; allowing for the two totemic sacrificial beasts beside Jiejie to resurrect for a brief moment and project in this mortal world.

The powers of the two totemic sacrificial beast was personally witnessed by Sheyan. Even in their petrified stone state, they could clash against the will of Little Lord Fokke! As it turns out, their formidable powers originated from the propelling force of those sea eggs. No wonder Jiejie was willing to pay any price for those sea eggs.

Within the dark of night, visibility was terribly poor in the woods.

Sheyan signalled his pirate crew to halt, while Mogensha and him proceeded forward cautiously.

They could vaguely see an empty plain within this forest, with 5-6 enormous gypsy tents propped up. At the nucleus of those tents, was a large bonfire where dense masses of humans encircled it; amongst which, ordinary peasants were tied up, where they were wailing loudly. However, their wails seemingly failed to filter through the dense branches and leaves of the forest.

The wild cries and bitter wails were probably transmitted by those peasants, while the hysterical laughters came from the apathetic gypsy slaves.

By now, Sheyan had purposefully allowed his pirates to loosen up their surveillance on Taitish. If her surrender was deliberate, then this would be the best time for her to escape. Instead, Tatitish continued observing the scene, before she offered troublingly.

"They actually had to invite the totemic demon beast to support the occult magic for this time’s refinement of the Baladine Bloodsail! It seems like they wish to stake it all in one throw. The rite is about to commence."

Sheyan was startled. Taitish then pointed to him. Indeed, the tent hosting the totemic demon beast sculpture had a unique insignia. Right at the flapping curtain doors of that tent, he could faintly sense a tremendous threatening awe from the totemic demon beast!

Sheyan was stirred internally as he asked.

"Could it be the one with the elephant head and the body of a man? Is Jiejie truly absent? That totemic demon beast is the fountainhead of her powers, why would Jiejie be willing to separate from it?"

Taitish gently shook her head.

"I’m not sure."

"Departing at such a vital period while bringing along a host of forces? I reckon either the gypsies are supremely confident in their safeguarding forces, or could it be there are trying to protect themselves?" Sheyan’s mind sprung hastily into action, immediately pondering about such factors.

"An affair more important than their efforts to hunt the Chupacabra of the gulf of Satmos. Jiejie is truly trying to broker a doomed petition, one that is like asking a tiger for its hide. It appears she truly wishes to track the whereabouts of Little Lord Fokke? Hmm, that is big possibility. No wonder she brought along a large host of forces to protect her. Very well, I was initially unwilling to incur grievances between us, but since you gypsies are scheming against me…then don’t blame me for vilifying my hands!"

At this moment, Blacksail suddenly hopped forward to Sheyan’s side, before he lowered his trembling voice.

"Cap’n! A tremendous ship!"

Blacksail was a shrewd individual with profound thoughts. Nevertheless, Sheyan was fully confident of handling him, that was why he awarded him with the ‘Boots of Speed’.

At present, when Sheyan heard the excitement and envy within Blacksail’s words, he frowned.


Blacksail led Sheyan in the direction of the sea. After creeping for a distance, he finally whispered anxiously to Sheyan.

"That ship anchored by the shore be truly an excellent ship!! It be worthy of being the flagship of the gypsy’s queen! Aye, reportin’ from our returned scouts; examining its grain and texture, mayhaps this 5-masted ship be built wit’ ironwood entirely!"

Of course Sheyan knew what was ironwood, a species of extremely rare wood that grows in the northern westerner lands. Those trees could live for 700 years, and due to its harsh habitat, its growing speed was immensely slow.

On the contrary, the ironwood wasn’t renowned for its longevity, but its incomparably solid and fortified wood; three folds harder than ordinary trees, and two folds harder than steel. It was the toughest wood in the world. Even after immersing it in water for long periods, its insides could still preserve its dryness. Even when present world bullets lands on this wood, sparks would spray as though bullets struck against solid steel. It was completely unyielding!

Through unknown methods, those gypsies had managed to build a 5-masted warship of such calibre! It was Jiejie’s flagship, and after sailing to here, it probably undergone a remodelling just to hunt down that mysterious but deadly Chupacabra species!

"Those gypsies who shouldn’t be familiar with nautical aspects, how did they even build such a redoubtable warship?" Sheyan immediately laid down his determination.

Roaring with whispers to his pirate underlings, "That should be ours! That ought to serve us!"

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