Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 562: Planet Belen (Part 1)

Chapter 562: Planet Belen (Part 1)

Translator: Yamir Moon


The old man stood up and looked around at the people in the conference room and these high-level leaders looked at him with wide eyes, as if he was their hope.

However, the old man shook his head the next moment and said.

“Everyone, I am afraid I will disappoint you. Even I don’t have a solution to this situation.”

“Now we can only pray for God’s blessing…”

Upon saying this, the old man closed his eyes slightly. He didn’t have a trace of fear on his face neither did he exude anger, fear, or sadness. He was like a pool of stagnant water.

The words of the old man undoubtedly disappointed the people below. All of them had frustrated looks on their faces. Some people even started becoming angry.

“Snyder, if it weren’t for your order to attack the giant serpent, how can we fall into this situation? It’s your fault!”

“Yes, Snyder, it’s your fault that the seventh heaven is suffering from the revenge of the giant serpent!”

“Tie him up and give it to the great serpent! We will use his blood to ask for the forgiveness of the great serpent!”

In the meeting room, many people’s ugly faces were exposed. Each one of them had a crazy expression. Some of them quickly rushed towards Synder, the old speaker, and chairman.

With the first person taking the lead, most people in the conference room followed behind.

In the face of these crazy people rushing towards him, Snyder’s expression was still calm, but he shook his head slightly.

At the beginning, he indeed ordered the capture of the giant serpent, but in fact, he held a neutral stance in this matter. If they could capture the giant serpent, then that’s okay, if they can’t then let it go.

It’s these people that insisted on attacking and even killing the giant serpent. Even after so many losses, they didn’t give up.

Under the constant urge of these congressmen, he had no choice but to issue an order to kill the giant serpent.

It’s a pity that these guys don’t even remember their greedy faces when demanding to continue hunting the giant serpent.

Snyder was tied up by the angry congressmen, then one of them pulled him out of the conference room.

Seeing the council speaker rudely being tied and dragged out, the guards and staff outside the conference room were dumbfounded, but they didn’t dare to say anything.

“Snyder has caused a disaster for the seventh heaven. Now that the giant serpent is about to reach the planet Belem, we are about to face the disaster of extinction!”

“Our only way to survive is to send this heinous culprit to the great serpent god to calm his anger!”

Among the congressmen escorting Snyder, one of them roared loudly. Many staff were stunned upon hearing this roar, but they quickly reacted.

The sound of discussion rang outside the conference room. A look of fear and horror appeared on the face of many people. Most of them didn’t even know about the attack of the giant serpent.

“What, the seventh heaven is about to be destroyed? That giant serpent is approaching planet Belem?”

“It’s over, it’s over! We’re all going to die!”

“Damn it, it’s all because of Snyder, You must make atonement for your sins!!”

The crowd outside the room suddenly became noisy. Many people panicked, looking like the end of the world is coming. Some people even fell on the ground due to fear.

“I don’t want to die!”

Many people laid limply on the ground, muttering with horrified expressions and crying sadly.

The congressman had already escorted Snyder to the square downstairs, on which were many lower-level office workers and citizens.

All of them looked at the nominal leader of the seventh heaven being dragged down with wide-open mouths and dismayed expressions.

“What the hell happened?”

Amongst the crowd, someone asked with a look of astonishment. Unfortunately, the group of congressmen had no intention of explaining. They all looked at the sky with serious expressions.

Seeing the solemn expressions of the congressmen and their actions, many people looked at the sky, but couldn’t see anything apart from the blue sky.

“Bring the speech amplifier here!”

Among the group of congressmen, a 3 meters tall burly man said. A few moments later, someone ran over carrying a pile of equipment. The burly man walked over and took the equipment.

This kind of speech amplifier can send out electromagnetic waves to communicate with various wise creatures.

If the giant serpent appears above their planet, they can speak to it using this thing.

These congressmen stared at the sky above their heads very nervously. They still didn’t receive the latest news about the battlefield from the soldiers stationed at the border.

The giant serpent should still be on the way, but they don’t think that any of the soldiers on the border of the starfield can stop it.

That’s why they decided to take the initiative to surrender. They might be able to save their lives in this way.

At this moment in the dark space, a giant serpent and a giant turtle were flying forward.

The two behemoths were advancing in the direction of planet Belen. Countless ships and war machines tried to stop them, but it was like throwing eggs on a rock, they weren’t even able to hinder their advancement speed.


Fang Yun opened his mouth, devouring dozens of ships that got close to him.

By now, many spaceships had the intention to retreat. They didn’t even dare to face him head-on and mostly attacked him and tried to interfere with him from far.

However, remote interception can’t even hinder Fang Yun’s progress.

Soon, Fang Yun arrived next to a huge planet.

This planet is the planet Belem. The political center of the seventh heaven.

“This should be the first capital of the seventh heaven.”

Fang Yun thought as he watched the azure-green planet.

He also has some understanding of the seventh heaven, knowing that their first capital is the planet Belem.

This planet is extremely huge, dozens of times bigger than the earth and even bigger than Jupiter.

It’s even bigger than him.

While Fang Yun was watching the planet ahead, the congressmen along with countless people looked at the planet-sized snake silhouette above.


On the square below the parliament building, a group of congressmen and the people on the square swallowed their saliva as they watched the scene above.

The situation is very horrible.

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