Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 491: The Stance of the Eighth Heaven

Chapter 491: The Stance of the Eighth Heaven

Translator: Yamir Moon


Fang Yun has evolved one more time, and his reputation value has soared by 60 billion. His skill points kept increasing at a rapid pace during this time.

Currently, he has accumulated more than 400 skill points. This time, he upgraded the “Annihilation Antimatter Bomb” skill once, and the advanced version of the Space Barrier skill once.

By now, he has only 31 skill points left.

After upgrading his new skills, Fang Yun also felt a sense of security, causing him to relax a bit; What caused him to be more excited is that the giant turtle has also greatly grown in size.

The increase in body size brought it a strong strength. According to Fang Yun’s estimation, the giant turtle is now comparable to the average fifth-class pathogen. Its potential is truly top-class amongst all Star Beasts.

Of course, for the powerful fifth-class pathogens, it’s still very weak.

Unfortunately, the things they are about to face is far beyond a mere fifth-class pathogen.

Therefore, the strength of the sea turtle is still far behind.


Fang Yun sighed involuntarily but quickly cheered up again. He believes that relying on his strength, he will definitely be able to get through this time of difficulty.

It’s worth mentioning that a few days ago, he passed next to a civilized planet, then roughly learned the current situation through the network system of that planet.

The current situation isn’t a big secret. Even a slightly informed person has a rough idea about the current major events in the eighth heaven. Of course, most civilians don’t pay much attention to them.

Fang Yun learned that the fleets of the seventh, sixth and fifth heavens were all heading towards the eighth heaven, and this caused his heart to jump.

It’s just that he doesn’t know the specific situation because there is very little information about these things. Only some shallow pieces of information spread to the public.

“Why are these heavens so attracted to me?”

Fang Yun was puzzled about the current situation. What he showed before was the combat power of an ordinary level 1 pollutant.

Could it be said that such a pollutant will attract attention to those high-level heavens? This doesn’t make sense, there are thousands of pollutants at this level roaming inside these high-level heavens.

Fang Yun felt that he must be missing a piece of the puzzle.

He doesn’t understand at all what could be worth the attention of these powerful heavens, and this caused him to be very worried.

From that time, Fang Yun resolutely decided to not show up. He flew carefully in space. If he perceived a spacecraft flying in his direction, he will actively give way to it.

Previously, he didn’t care whether these spaceships saw him or not.

“The previous civilizations I dealt with were really too weak. This is why I know so little information. Moreover, this heaven is keeping the core information under tight control, hence I can’t really learn anything.”

Fang Yun was quickly moving forward while thinking about his current situation.

“I’ll try to see if I can find a more powerful civilization, then check their hidden information.”


On a certain day, Fang Yun finally found an opportunity.

He encountered a fleet in space. At first, he was preparing to detour around it, but he suddenly changed his mind.

He discovered that that fleet is the official fleet of some empire. From them, he can definitely get a lot of useful information. Anyway, it’s better than aimlessly looking for some powerful civilization, then trying to hack into their network system. It’s also much safer.

While moving, the fleet constantly sent out electromagnetic signals, seemingly looking for something.

Fang Yun and the giant turtle hid in time. Both of them can easily evade various detection methods, hence as long as they are hidden, it’s not easy to find them.

After getting close to this fleet a little bit, Fang Yun immediately invaded its system. With his current electromagnetic waves manipulation, strong mental strength, and incredible calculation ability, he had never found any network system he couldn’t hack into.

“This fleet is looking for me?”

Fang Yun’s eyes flashed. It seems that the Eighth heaven has sent a large force to look for him in space.

Based on the information he got, the Eighth heaven has entered the state of full mobilization. All major life planets started to investigate the space around them, looking for the great serpent.

At the same time, the eighth heaven’s official alliance activated the monitoring devices placed in the eighth at full power.

Usually, in order to reduce energy consumption, such monitors work in a periodical manner and with a limited search range. Turning on the maximum power and widening the search range to the limit will greatly shorten their life.

Although the cost of such monitors seems to be insignificant to the eighth heaven, that’s the price of a unit, and such units are placed at a relatively close distance in the eighth heaven. Across the entire heaven, their number is incalculable, and their price is extremely shocking.

The eighth heaven has truly paid a heavy price to look for Fang Yun this time.

But they don’t have any choice. If they don’t act according to the ‘requests’ of those powerful heavens, then they will be in grave danger.

Fortunately, due to their ‘Dedication’; several higher heavenly domains have also given them considerable benefits. Otherwise, it would have been difficult to force them to pay such a price.

“Unfortunately, the information stored in this fleet is limited.”

Fang Yun couldn’t help but sigh. He gave up on this fleet, then left from the side.

The information in this fleet’s system is particularly scarce, hence Fang Yun still doesn’t know why the seventh heaven, the sixth heaven, and the fifth heaven care about him so much.

After another month or so of intense investigation and search, Fang Yun finally figured out the cause of the incident.

“They actually thought that I was a young high-level pollutant, prompting several high-level heavens to pay so much attention to me.”

Fang Yun was a bit amused upon learning this news, but he was also very solemn and vigilant internally.

Now that the seventh heaven, the sixth heaven, and the fifth heaven considers him a young high-level pollutant, they will not give up unless they catch him.

The strength of these three heavens is mighty; The current him isn’t a match to them. Currently, they are heavily investigating this area. If they send a large number of troops to this heaven and lock his position, it will be very bad.

In front of the fleets of these powerful heavens, he might not even be able to survive.

“What should I do now?”

Fang Yun couldn’t help but hesitate. After a while, his eyes suddenly widened.

“Now that I think of it, most of the fleets that I encountered along the way are small and weak ones. Although the Eighth Heaven promised to help find me, But while forming a large force, it seems that it has always been procrastinating.”

“It seems that the eighth heaven does not want to participate in this event.”

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