Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 459: The Last ship

Chapter 459: The Last ship

Translator: Yamir Moon


After getting a rough idea about the power of the Eclipse-class battleships, Fang Yun was shocked. A question appeared in his mind. How did the Supreme Blue Empire suddenly acquire three higher level battleships?

“Is the scientific and technological power of the Supreme Blue Empire already so powerful?”

Fang Yun was amazed, but he didn’t have the time to think about this now. After shattering the energy shield of the Eclipse-class battleship, he immediately launched another Antimatter bomb towards it.

Inside the Eclipse-class battleship on the opposite side, after seeing Fang Yun attacking them again, the crew members completely fell into panic and fear.

The energy core of that Eclipse-class battleship started turning to the extreme, sending out bursts of rapid tremors throughout the battleship, seeming to want to escape. Unfortunately, their speed is too slow compared to the speed of Fang Yun’s Antimatter bomb.


After Fang Yun’s “Antimatter Bomb” skill was released, he directly annihilated the Eclipse-class battleship on the opposite side. Although the materials of the Eclipse-class battleship are extraordinary, they still couldn’t handle the cataclysmic-power of Fang Yun’s current strongest attack.

In space, a splendid light sphere appeared, shrouding an area of tens of thousands of kilometers. The Eclipse-class battleship was broken into countless small parts/


In the control center of the command ship, Roy Berg looked t this scene with a look of shock. The destruction of one of his Eclipse-class battleship completely shocked him.


Roy Berg swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The captain of the star destroyer was exactly the Conley he mentioned, but in the midst of that explosion, he should have been vaporized into dust, reduced into atoms.

This is not what agitated him the most. What makes him even more agitated is that the great serpent can quickly break the energy shield of an Eclipse-class battleship, in a few seconds nonetheless.

This caused him to feel a crisis.

“Damn it, it’s too dangerous here.”

Roy Berg could not help but curse. He suddenly started to feel a pang of panic, his heartbeat started accelerating.

The same is true for King Zahan next to him.

Both of them are the kind of pampered, superior people, capable of deciding the fate of countless creatures with just a few words.

This time they came to ambush this giant serpent because they had absolute certainty. Furthermore, this is a fleet that no one has the qualification to command apart from them, at least in the Supreme Blue Empire.

Moreover, there is no one with the ability to personally shoulder this task. The captains of the three Eclipse-class battleships are equal to each other. No one can convince the other two.

Under these conditions, only Roy Berg can personally lead the fleet. Since Roy Berg is personally leading, King Zahan naturally can’t back down. Anyway, he felt that this action will not be dangerous.

However, what neither of them expected is that this action is actually dangerous, and very much so.

The two of them have never felt such a crisis throughout their lives.

“Monitor it carefully, don’t let it get close to the command ship!”

Roy Berg yelled in front of the microphone, giving orders to the rest of the fleet. At the same time, his command ship started to retreat to the rear of the fleet.

Fang Yun, who was bombarding the space fighters near him, also noticed the central ship was retreating. He naturally recognized it from its position and shape that that battleship is the command ship.

“Do you want to run? Dream!”

Fang Yun sneered internally. His body suddenly flashed, heading straight towards the retreating command ship.

In the empty space, a huge battleship was speeding forward. Not far behind it, a colossal serpent was chasing behind it.

However, around and ahead of this giant serpent, many fighters and battleships are besieging and intercepting, interfering with his movements and slowing him down.


Fang Yun released an earth-shattering howl, angrily swallowing a space fighter passing in front of him.

Because he is now chasing the command ship, the only way they could stop him is by hindering him from moving forward, and to do so, they must get closer.

In this way, Fang Yun was given a chance to attack them.


Fang Yun suddenly flashed to the side of a Norton-class battleship, then waved his tail towards it. His giant tail that is bigger than the battleship enveloped it.

The energy shield of this Norton-class battleship had been destroyed by Fang Yun before, so his tail directly collided with its body.

The hull of any Norton-class battleship is made of special-grade metal, countless times tougher and more durable than stainless steel, but in front of Fang Yun’s planet shattering strength, it was almost like a fragile paper, instantly breaking into pieces.

Fang Yun’s brutal destructive power shook the surrounding space fighters and the planet destroyers and space fighters, causing them to spread a bit farther away from him. This gave Fang Yun an opportunity.

The command ship, Tatu, originally pulled quite a long distance between them, but Fang Yun was quickly getting closer.

Up to now, of the nine planet destroyer battleships, only five are left, two of which are Eclipse-class battleships and three are Norton-class battleships.

There are hundreds of space fighters, but they are like rootless grass. Fang Yun has already destroyed the 3 cargo spaceships, they have no place to recharge their energy.


Fang Yun’s body was like a stream of light, crossing hundreds of thousands of kilometers every second, gradually closing the distance between him and the command ship Tatu.

“Stop it! Stop that monster!”

In the control center of the Tatu, Roy Berg was yelling frantically. He gave a death-order to the other Eclipse-class battleship to stop the great serpent.

If this goes on, the giant serpent will eventually catch up.

The eclipse-class battleship, Nowell, which was originally quickly moving forward, gradually shifted its course. Its giant main cannon aimed at the giant serpent chasing from the rear. The energy shield was suddenly deactivated, then rays of brilliant rays suddenly appeared in the opening of the giant cannon, sending one giant laser beam after the other towards the great serpent.

Fang Yun immediately used “Space Barrier” to deflect the incoming laser beams, but some still managed to get past the distorted space and land on his body, creating giant craters across his body, almost dividing him into two pieces.

Fang Yun endured the pain and continuously dodged, changing his direction and quickly sending an antimatter bomb before Nowell could react.

Different from other types of battleships, Nowell immediately activated its energy shield the moment Fang Yun changed his position, but this was ultimately futile. Fang Yun doesn’t have a skill cooldown, he can launch any skill almost instantly and continuously.

After four antimatter bombs, Nowell’s two energy shields collapsed, then was immediately annihilated by Fang Yun’s laser cannon.

“Even Nowell was destroyed?”

Roy Berg stared at the display screen in front of him with a trembling body and an almost crazy expression.

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