Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 413: Hunter Galaxy Fleet

Chapter 413: Hunter Galaxy Fleet

Translator: Yamir Moon


Angelo grinned while looking at the fleet of the Hunter galaxy ahead, an excited light flashed in his eyes. After the war broke out between the Milky Way and the Hunter galaxy, the human federation was naturally happy. They were planning to take this opportunity to quietly accumulate power

Unfortunately, a fleet of the Hunter galaxy inadvertently broke into their base camp, the Earth, resulting in an extremely huge war. Human civilization was almost destroyed in that battle.

Fortunately, their base camp is naturally protected by heavy defenses, so they eventually repelled the Hunter Galaxy fleet, then moved the Earth and other planets under their jurisdiction away from that place.

But even so, a large number of humans lost their lives in that battle. It’s precisely because of this that the Human Federation has an unforgettable hatred for the Hunter galaxy.

After stabilizing, the Federation has launched many war fleets into this area targeting any small Hunter Fleet. Whether it’s a patrol or War fleet, as long as they feel confident in defeating them, they don’t hesitate to attack.

The military strength of the Hunter galaxy is much stronger than that of the SkyRiver Empire. Even the spaceships and space fighters in small fleets are almost comparable to the official army of the SkyRIver Empire.

Moreover, they have many mass destruction weapons and weird objects that the SkyRiver Empire doesn’t have.

The current human federation has a technology that is a level lower than that of the SkyRiver Empire, let alone the number of their weapons and spaceships. They are incomparable to a galactic Empire that had the resources of an entire galaxy at its disposal for thousands of years.

However, each team dispatched by the Federation is all top combat power, even if there aren’t many of them, they have amazing capabilities.   As long as these fleets do not encounter the most powerful war fleet of the Hunter galaxy, there should be no problem.

In fact, the most powerful fleets in the Hunter galaxy are basically concentrated on the central battlefield, and they are playing guerilla warfare in this distant corner, so it’s almost impossible to encounter them.

It’s precisely because of this that the Human Federation can act so unscrupulously in this place. Because the fleets they encounter are mostly ordinary patrol or scout fleets.

”Block their escape route, don’t let a single spaceship escape!”

Angelo gave orders to his subordinates. In an instant, their fleet dispersed, surrounding the Hunter Fleet in the middle. They have a total of 7 spaceships in their fleet.

Three of them are large cargo ships about 30 kilometers long.

Although the size is still the same as their old Gourmet model, the performance has been improved, especially their speed and maneuverability.

In addition, the other four spaceships are all planet destroyer battleships. Their combat power is roughly in between a Victory-class battleship and an Imperial-class battleship of the SkyRiver Empire.

However, Angelo’s command ship is comparable to an Imperial-class battleship of the SkyRiver Empire.

This type of planet destroyer battleship was developed by the human Federation not long ago, amounting to a total of 18 units. It’s currently the most powerful space of the Federation.

The command ship is at the very center, and the other three planet destroyer battleships are focused on attacking. They headed aggressively towards the Hunter fleet spaceships in the middle.

The Hunter galaxy’s fleet has also three planet destroyers. In addition, there are two cargo ships and hundreds of space fighters. After seeing the approaching three enemy Planet Destroyed, they immediately took a defensive formation, protecting the cargo ships behind.

”They are not in the same group.”

At the forefront, Huang Liang watched this scene with a look of astonishment. They were quite frightened at first, mistaking that new fleet as the companions of the Hunter fleet, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

”Captain, I heard that three Hunter Patrol fleets have mysteriously disappeared here. Many things that it’s due to some mysterious Star Beast.”

After thinking for a moment, the Old Horse said to Huang Liang with an uncertain look on his face.

Indeed, the reason they came here is actually due to this rumor. They wanted to see if this would scare away the Hunter Fleet chasing them from behind.

However, the rumors don’t seem to be entirely correct, because there’s a strong military fleet here.

”Which civilization does this fleet belong to?”

Huang Liang pondered deeply, is it the native civilization of their galaxy, or is it from other galaxies?

In either case, this is worth thinking about.

If it were the former, this means that a civilization comparable or at least near the level of the SkyRiver Empire appeared in the Milky Way galaxy without any warning, which is a huge problem.

If it’s the latter, it’s even worse, which means that a third galaxy is involved in this war, and it’s highly likely targeting their galaxy.

Neither the Milky Way nor its civilization can stand an intergalactic war between three galaxies occurring inside.

”Captain, what shall we do now?”

The Old Horse’s wrinkled face had a worried look as he asked Huan Liang.

After pondering, Huang Liang finally made a decision.

”Pay attention to the actions of the mysterious fleet. If they launch an attack on the Hunter Galaxy fleet, we will cooperate with their action.”

”Anyway, let’s deal with the fleet of the Hunter galaxy first.”


The Old Horse nodded heavily, then issued Huang Liang’s instructions to all the spacecraft in their fleet.


In the rear, after Angelo and the others started the encirclement, the command ship in the middle, which was Angelo’s command ship, suddenly launched an attack on the Hunter Fleet.

First of all, Angelo and the others locked the enemy’s cargo spaceship with the towing beam, then launched a frenzied bombing on them. Any normal fleet wouldn’t have been able to respond to such frenzied and rapid bombardment.

However, this is the Hunter galaxy official fleet. Even if it’s just a patrol team, they still quickly responded. The moment the towing beam touched the cargo spaceships, they didn’t hesitate to activate their energy shield.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Laser beams fell onto the energy shield one after the other, creating dazzling explosions that spread over hundreds of kilometers.

Suddenly, the Hunter galaxy’s space fighters started dispersing to avoid being completely destroyed by the intense firepower. At the same time, they headed towards Angelo’s fleet, trying to interfere with their attacks and buy some breathing space for their cargo spaceships.

The space fighters of the Human Federation were also dispatched, preventing the Hunter fleet’s space fighters from interfering with their planet destroyers.

A huge war started.

Brilliant rays of light filled this piece of space, and not long after, casualties started to appear, many space fighters were hit and destroyed.

Not long after the battle between the Hunter galaxy fleet and the human federation fleet started, Huang Liang who was originally escaping, came back and cooperated with Angelo’s fleet to attack the fleet of the Hunter Galaxy.

Suffering from a fierce attack on both sides, the Hunter fleet couldn’t withstand it for long, as many of their space fighters exploded, even their main spaceships are being destroyed.

For example, the cargo spaceship that was initially locked by Angelo’s command ship with the towing beam was already destroyed, and naturally, all living creatures inside of it were killed.

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