Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 384: A New Generation

Chapter 384: A New Generation

Translator: Yamir Moon


Fang Yun hasn’t been to the Earth for a long time. To be precise, since he left the Earth, he never returned.

However, his influence on the Earth didn’t weaken with his absence but became stronger and stronger. At first, he was called the unofficial 8 elder.

Currently, of the original 7 elders, only 2 are still alive, and both of them have retired and are currently living in a nursing home. They don’t have much time left to live.

However, he, the eighth elder, is still extremely vigorous and can survive for many more years.

When humanity and the Earth were still wandering in the endless space, they encountered many crises, but in many cases, it was Fang Yun who helped them out of danger.

Many times before, when the humans on the earth look up at the starry sky and see the giant serpent flying over the planet’s surface, they will feel a peace of mind.

Although Fang Yun isn’t on the Earth or near it now, humans are still impressed by Fang Yun, especially with the death and retirement of the old seven elders, he held a different kind of symbolic meaning to them.

”Master Ouroboros.”

Under the leadership of Tang Guo, Lu Yuan wore a special space suit and walked out into the void. Not far ahead of him, a behemoth was entrenched in the void.

This behemoth is a giant serpent, with dark scales shining like obsidian. It’s huge, with a length of over 20 kilometers, and a diameter of almost 1 kilometer. its huge head was originally lying on its body, but right after hearing Lu Yuan’s voice, the giant serpent raised its head and looked at him.


One kilometer away, Lu Yuan was wearing a special spacesuit, looking at the terrifying behemoth in front of him through the glass cover. This is the first time he personally met with this behemoth, so he felt a lot of pressure, especially when the behemoth looked at him.

”Master Ouroboros.”

Lu Yuan didn’t dare to act arrogant in front of Fang Yun. This giant serpent was already a respected and revered individual during the previous elder council. Now although he replaced Lu Cheng as the new elder, he still has respect for this giant serpent as his elder.

Moreover, his huge body and unparalleled power make him not dare to be disrespectful.

”Tang Guo.”

Fang Yun looked at Tang Guo and asked with a puzzled look.

”Who is this guy?”

After asking this question, he fell deeply into his thoughts.

He isn’t trying to recall the identity of the person in front of him but is calculating the time. After a rough calculation, he found that he had been sleeping for half a year.

After arriving at the Red Sun base, he couldn’t find anything to do, so he simply fell into a deep sleep, which lasted for a half a year.

He is becoming more and more indifferent to the passage of time. His casual naps now can last for several months to several years. His sense of time is becoming increasingly blurred.

”Ouroboros, this is Lu Yuan, the new elder of the council of elders, he replaced Elder Lu Cheng.”

Tang Guo explained to Fang Yun.

”Oh, I see.”

Fang Yun nodded, then said.

”Is that old man Lu Cheng okay?”

He doesn’t really care about who is in power in the Earth. He isn’t interested in such things. Even when he was back in the earth, he didn’ care about political power, let alone now.

”My father is in a nursing home, his body isn’t as strong as before.”

Lu Yuan said with a hazy expression. After all, his father has only a few years left to live, and the thought of that made him quite sad.


Fang Yun responded indifferently. He is already over one hundred and sixty years old. That old man is over 200 years old. It’s already a miracle that he can live to this age. He is the oldest of the previous generation of elders but is one of the last to leave.

”Master Ouroboros, on behalf of the entire elder council, I’m here to pay my respects to you.”

Lu Yuan put his posture very low. Firstly, he has a lot of respect for Fang Yun, and secondly, Fang Yun is their guardian in this dangerous space.


Fang Yun nodded at him.

”Is the situation back on Earth okay, how many humans are there now?”

”Right now, our population has reached 10 billion.”

Lu Yuan replied to Fang Yun and said.

”We have now discovered two more suitable planets for our survival. We migrated a very large population of people there.”

”It won’t be long before the population there skyrocket.”

Humans are growing up very quickly. After so much genetic engineering and environment change, let alone the monster meat that any individual nowadays can eat.

Any individual can reach adulthood at the age of ten, and old age after 110 years old. In other words, most humans have 100 years of age where they are mature and at the peak of their mental and physical abilities.

They can easily have children during this period, each of which is a genius and even monster by old age standards.

The speed of population growth can be imagined.

”On those two planets, we have built your sculptures in every city, teaching each new generation about your history and greatness. We worked hard to spread your brilliance to every human in the Federation.”

Lu Yuan said respectfully.

”Not bad.”

This made Fang Yun very comfortable. He is now clearer about his rapidly increasing reputation points. The Blue Planet Federation definitely played a critical role in this.

He’s getting closer and closer to his goal of 100 billion reputation points, and he’s also increasingly looking forward to the bloodline he will get after reaching that milestone.

”I’m very satisfied. You can rest assured that I will continue to protect you until you have enough strength to gain a foothold in the milky way galaxy.”

Fang Yun happily replied to Lu Yuan. At this time, he also knew that they are planning to act soon, so after Tang Guo and Lu Yuan left, he did not continue to sleep, but remained awake.

”A new generation of people are beginning to appear on the stage.”

Fang Yun sighed while looking at the backs of Tang Guo and Lu Yuan.

When people become old, they can’t help but reminisce about their youth.

The same is true for Fang Yun.

Many scenes flashed in his mind. The scenes of the past few years quickly flashed through his mind, because there is nothing worth paying attention to.

He is wandering every day in the endless dark space, eating, devouring, battling, killing.

What he missed most was his time on the Blue Planet.

Especially those days in Wulong Mountain. The place where he was reborn in, the place where he experienced countless thrills and life and death situations.

Since that time, no other situation has truly brought him to the edge of death.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help remember the encounters and crises he had on Wulong Mountain, the days before he killed the young man who went hunting in the mountain.

At that time, he was just a bit over 2 meters long. He was just one of the beasts on that mountain. He had just established his status amongst the mountain beasts and got rid of the situation where he was one of the weakest creatures there.

The sense of intense crisis disappeared from his heart, making him particularly comfortable.

At that time, he especially liked to climb to the empty hillside on that side, that is, the side filled with goats, basking in the sun after sunrise, and enjoying the tranquility of the jungle alone, that kind of laziness and tranquility made him particularly fascinated.

After reminiscing about this, he remembered the big pine tree on Wulong Mountain.

He also had a little friend back then. A cute and innocent little guy.

He wondered many times what happened to him after he left that place.

At that time, he still hadn’t adapted to his life as a snake. He was very resistant to the cold jungle life, but could not change anything. The appearance of the little squirrel spiced up and brightened his boring and depressing life a little, making him relax a little, and not completely become a bloodthirsty beast.

He remembered that that little squirrel liked to store food, and even decorated his nest with the pelt of various animals. That little guy is definitely the most spiritual and intelligent animal he has ever seen.

Thinking of this, a small arc rose on his face. He suddenly has the urge to meet that little guy again.

Unfortunately, it has been more than 160 years.

Fang Yun suddenly regretted a bit. He felt that when he was still on the Blue Planet, he should have gone back to that pine tree to check.


Releasing a long sigh, Fang Yun curled his body together in silence.

Five days later, Tang Guo finally sent him a message. They are ready to set off.

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