Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 338: The Terrifying Power of Elvira

Chapter 338: The Terrifying Power of Elvira

Translator: Yamir Moon


The spaceship that appeared stopped exactly at 5000 meters above the ground. From that altitude, it was completely visible to the people below.

The base established in the Forbidden Land has actually many civilians in it. They were recruited to assist in the construction of the base. After all, the military can’t take care of anything, they have more important tasks to do.

At this moment, these workers are looking up at the spaceship that appeared in the sky. They have never seen such a cool and advanced spaceship before. Furthermore, after its appearance, the alarm started to ring through the base.

”What happened?”

An old worker quickly noticed the fighters and airships rising from the base and heading towards the spaceship in the sky. He looked at all of this in amazement.

The fighter jets didn’t come just from their base. Many others also flew from the bases in the Old Land.

”It’s an alien invasion! an alien invasion!”

In the base, many people suddenly started yelling, creating panic inside the base. Due to the fact that it’s publicly known that the government received many signals from space, many people expected that they will be invaded by aliens in the future.

In fact, they aren’t the aboriginal people of this planet, so they can be considered aliens themselves.

However, after living a life free of war and conflict for more than 100 years. People started treating these signals as pastime chat or something to talk about while having dinner.

Almost all humans have been used to peace and free life, therefore, when they saw an alien spaceship in the sky, they suddenly started panicking.

”Captain, the aircraft of the aboriginals are here.”

In the control room of the Elvira, Chris looked at the display in front of him. Many red dots are quickly approaching them.

These red dots are obviously the fighter jets and airships humans sent to intercept them.

”Exterminate them all. Afterward, lock all major bases on this planet and destroy them as well.”

Captain Locker ordered. He was holding a cup of some mysterious drink. After taking a sip, he said with a sneer on his face.

”These guys are actually thinking of fighting Elvira with their antique-like ships. They really don’t know the width of the sky or the earth!”

”They haven’t seen true power before”

Chris smiled while operating on the keyboard. “They might think that they are powerful since they have the ability to enter space, but they don’t know that that’s only the basic capabilities of interstellar civilization.”

”Heh, yeah. There are many civilizations like them that think that they are the only civilization in the universe.”

Chris tapped a few times on the control keyboard, opening many hatches on the said of their spaceship. After which many barrels instantly appeared.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!.”

Streams of light flew out from these barrels and straight towards the incoming fighter jets and airships.

Plasma cannon.

The shells fired from the Elvira were powerful plasma cannons. They flew at sub-light speed, instantly colliding with the incoming fighter jets, crushing them into pieces and leaving a plasma cloud behind.

Once a fighter jet passes through that plasma clouds, it will immediately go out of control and started rotation due to an astonishingly large centripetal force, shredding it to pieces.

“Boom! Boom!”

One fighter after the other loudly exploded, filling the entire sky with fire. The people below were shocked upon this sight, then became even more panicked.

”Damn it, Henry, evacuate the civilians first, then send the explosive missiles! Blow these bastards up!”

Inside the central control room, Miller yelled fiercely.

There was a screen in front of him. The image on it was the aerial battle that was taking place in the sky.

Their fighters kept trying to approach that spaceship without any result. Even the missiles that they sent were either intercepted by their plasma cloud or their interception system.

For a moment, one sun appeared after the other. Unfortunately, even with such powerful weapons, the alien spaceship remained completely unharmed.

”We need more firepower!”

Miller yelled loudly. “Damn, so many fighters, airships and missiles can’t even handle a single spaceship!”

”Captain, we found 67 large military bases, should we start the attack?”


Captain Locker gave the attack order without hesitation.

Obviously, this civilization has a certain resistance ability. It’s not completely helpless, so the first thing they need to do now is to destroy all of their important military sites.

After doing that, they will use certain weapons to destroy this civilization.


Weird mechanical objects suddenly sprang from the sides of the spaceship, then flew in all directions at an unimaginable speed. They were heading straight towards the major bases on this planet, and their speed is frightening.

”Damn it!”

The warzone was always under the observation of Lu Cheng and the other, so when the spaceship launched countless mechanical objects in the air, they quickly noticed it.

The seven elders have already gathered together. They are currently talking about the big trouble they are in and how to solve it.

This Silver Fleet spaceship obviously has a very high attacking capability. Whether it’s their laser cannons, plasma cannons, etc… They are all beyond their weapons.

Moreover, its defense is extremely high. Their missiles can’t get close at all! In addition, even after using their own laser cannons, they still couldn’t damage the spaceship in the slightest.

”Immediately intercept the missiles they launched!”

Lu Cheng yelled loudly. In fact, he didn’t need to give the order, the major military bases have already started working on that.

The weapons launched from the alien spaceship should be some kind of missiles, but they are vastly different from any missile the Federation had ever developed. The difference between them is huge!

First, there is a gap in speed.

These missiles are fast, way too fast. With each second, they crossed dozens, almost even hundreds of kilometers!

Their interception system was unable to do anything at all. They could only calculate their trajectory, then launch thousands upon thousands of missiles to intercept them. Even so, the missiles still managed to reach the area above the bases before exploding.


As if the sun exploded, a huge fireball appeared above the base, which then started expanding, releasing terrifying energy fluctuations all around. The exceptionally hard military buildings on the ground were instantly destroyed. Countless people evaporated without even having the chance to scream.

Compared to this artificial sun created as a result of the explosion, the suns created by humans explosive missiles look like cute light bulbs. Whether it’s the range or power, it’s leagues ahead to that of the Federations weapons.

Similar scenes occurred in military bases all over the world.

Not a single military base was spared.


”It’s a pity that the miniature dragon cannons on our spaceship are limited. Otherwise, firing ten thousand at once should be enough to destroy this civilization and killing every intelligent creature on this planet.”

In the control room of Elvira, Chris clicked his tongue and said.

The so-called dragon cannons basically compressed nuclear bombs. Their size is much smaller than the conventional nuclear bombs, but their power and destructive ability on a small scale vastly surpass them.

”Yes, We should force the pathogen on this planet to appear now!”

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