Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 328: First Official Contact with Humans

Chapter 328: First Official Contact with Humans

Translator: Yamir Moon



On the distant sea, the water suddenly started breaking. Under Tang Guo and other people’s sight, a mountain-sized monster slowly emerged from underwater.

It’s a giant snake.

After protruding out of the water, the giant snake’s head continued to rise, stopping only after reaching about 1 kilometer high. After which, it climbed on land, then started slithering towards the lake.

”What the hell is that!!”

Not far from the mansion’s door, Dong Qiusheng was the first to yell. Only a small part of the giant serpent’s body was exposed, but that’s already enough to greatly shock them.

Just the diameter of that snake’s head must be over 300 meters. That’s already comparable to a 100 story building, which is already shocking enough, not mention its length.

Even they aren’t used to see creatures of such size. This is already a creature at the top of this planet just in terms of size alone.


Even if the people here aren’t average humans, they still couldn’t stay unfazed in front of such a monster.

Such a huge creature can only be seen in the depth of the ocean, which is a place where most people can never go in their lives. As for land creatures, no creature of similar or even near this size has ever been discovered.

Therefore, most of the people here have never seen such a huge creature. The most important thing is that such a huge monster is quickly approaching them.

”This… this giant monster can really talk to people?”

Miller was shocked. The previous scene kept replaying in his mind. On the screen of Tang Guo’s mobile phone, a message saying “Look to the sea on your right” appeared, which was immediately followed by that giant snake’s appearance.

This giant serpent is not only intelligent enough to communicate with people, it can even communicate with humans through electronic devices.

“Oh my God!”

Miller felt his common sense shattering into pieces.

”If that group of scientists is here, maybe they will faint in excitement, right?”

He suddenly remembered the stubborn old men with glasses who live in the Black Iron Fortress. In every expedition across the Old Land, whenever they discover a new species or an unregistered creature, they get as excited as children who got a new toy.

However, those discoveries they had on the Old Land are nothing compared to this discovery.


Fang Yun completely slithered out from the sea, exposing his giant body to everyone present on the island.

”I have to report this incident to Mr. Lu.”

Miller looked at the approaching giant serpent and swallowed his saliva, He stealthily pressed a few buttons on his communication watch, taking a photo of the incoming behemoth and sending it to elder Lu Cheng.

Fang Yun quickly crossed the shallow lake then boarded the island. He slowly crossed the forest and garden enveloping the community. Crushing everything in his way, including the giant trees and the stone status.

His body is extremely huge so even a small action from him can result in widespread destruction.

”Everyone, prepare to attack!”

Dong Qiusheng couldn’t stand it anymore. He roared loudly, then pointed the delicate pistol in his hand at the giant serpent not far away while glaring at it with bloodshot eyes.

The soldiers beside him also pointed their guns at the giant serpent that is constantly getting closer.

Mid-air, the three airships belonging to Dong Qiusheng’s camp also started moving. They quickly spread away, then opened various hatches from the sides and bottom of the airships, pointing many cannons and missiles launchers at the incoming giant serpent.

”Dong Qiusheng, if you don’t want to die, you better not irritate him!”

Tang Guo warned Dong Qiusheng.

”Don’t think that your measly airships can hurt him. Five years ago, the 10 kilometers long metal-eating whale died in his hand.”

Suddenly, everyone looked at Tang Guo again.

If everyone had some doubts about her before, the situation has completely changed now.

Miller and Zhang Meiyun had shocked looks on their faces.

The expressions on Dong Qiusheng’s faces looked extremely complicated. He didn’t want to believe it.

If Tang Guo truly has the ability to communicate with giant monsters, then the uproar caused by it is unimaginable. She will become the treasure of humanity, a person he can’t touch at all!

“Crunch! Crack!”

The terrifying serpent crushed everything in its way. Everyone who was originally looking at Tang Guo shifted their sight to the giant monster not far ahead. Many weak-willed people felt their calves start trembling.

When the giant snake was mostly hidden in the sea before, it was already scary enough, but now that its body is completely visible in front of them, it’s much scarier.

”Mister Miller, please tell your men to pay their weapons away.”

Tang Guo took a deep breath and said to Miller beside her. Although she can be said to have known this giant serpent for years, she actually doesn’t know much about it. Whether it’s personality or temperament.

From their previous interactions, this giant snake seems to have the temperament of a teenager and one with an eighth-grade syndrome at that.

Although this giant snake loves pranks and playing, it doesn’t mean that he has a good temper. What if he hates it when people point weapons at him? It might result in a conflict and this is the last thing she wants to happen now.

If such a huge snake goes on a rampage, the entire island is likely to sink. If that happens, then no one present would be able to survive.

Miller looked at Tang Guo to which she looked back bravely. A few seconds later, he finally waved at his subordinates, mentioning for them to retreat. In the end, he also retreated, leaving Tang Guo at the head of the team.

At this time, the Tang family which used to be the weakest of the three parties suddenly became the strongest one. Whether it’s Miller or Dong Qiusheng, they didn’t dare to act rashly against Tang Guo.

And all of this is because of the addition of the giant serpent in front of them.

The giant serpent finally stopped moving after reaching a distance 30 meters away from them. Along with its movement stopping, the sound of the earth cracking and things getting destroyed suddenly stopped.

”O…Ouroboros… Your Excellency!”

Tang Guo took a deep breath, then courageously walked closer to the giant monster in front of her. After taking a few steps, she stopped and said loudly.

She wondered whether her voice can reach this giant serpent. While standing upright, the giant serpent is towering hundreds of meters above them, can her voice reach him?

However, at that moment, the giant serpent who staring at the incredibly small humans below suddenly tilted his head to the side. His eyes completely focused on Tang Guo.

”She can communicate with it?”

After seeing this scene, Dong Qiusheng, Miller, and the others were shocked once again. This time, they made sure to deeply remember this young girl, Tang Guo.

Amongst the crowd, Dong Qiusheng’s face looked very gloomy.

”Damn it, can Tang Guo communicate with this giant snake?”

He gritted his teeth heavily due to the frustration he felt.

If things continue this way, the Tang family can basically be said to have survived this crisis. More importantly…What if Tang Guo request that giant serpent to attack him? Although it’s unlikely, it’s not impossible.

If this is really a wise monster that people can communicate with, the higher-ups will certainly not go into war with it for his sake.

In other words, if he gets killed by this giant monster, no one will take revenge for him.

Unfortunately for him, it’s said that whatever a man is afraid of is likely to happen.

Suddenly, a robotic voice sounded from Tang Guo’s communication watch.

”Hey, Tang Guo, you seem to be in a lot of trouble.”

”How about I help you get rid of those people?”

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