Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 247: Targeting the Giant Serpent

Chapter 247: Targeting the Giant Serpent

Translator: Yamir Moon

The kaiju invasion continued. Every day, many coastal cities are attacked by those monsters. This time, however, they aren’t attacking human cities on their own. Each time they attack, they often bring a lot of sea monsters with them;

Many amphibians, and countless giant spiders.

In the past, ordinary countries faced many difficulties at defending against kaiju attacks. However, most of the kaiju attacked the bigger cities, small cities and towns weren’t affected very much, not to mention the rural areas. Kaiju’s number was too small to do that.

It’s different now. there are many ancient and mutant creatures following the kaiju every time they climb on land, wreaking havoc everywhere.

That’s without mentioning the exaggerated number of giant spiders. Their number is in the millions, they also breed and multiply at a horrifying rate. Even if they completely exterminate them, as long as a few remain, they can quickly multiply in a few days.

In order to prevent Kaiju from landing on the coast, the strategy applied by ‘Panda country’ is to send many ships to patrol the coast. Of course, the ships are the latest generation flying warships.

This is to avoid Kaiju attacking from underwater.

Furthermore, they installed many alarms and cameras in coastal areas, which will be automatically activated after detecting abnormal energy fluctuations.

With this automatic alarm system, ‘Panda country’ military force will be able to respond to all threats without any delay.


On a certain day, the automatic alarm system on the Hualien side of ‘Panda country’ sounded. They detected abnormal energy fluctuations. In less than a minute, a large number of flying warships were dispatched.

This time, the alarm response was extremely high.

A total of fifteen airships were dispatched, one of which was a giant mothership. Although it wasn’t as exaggerated as the 1 kilometers long mothership of the ‘Bald Eagle’ country. It’s still almost 700 meters long, the biggest one they have currently.

The other fourteen are the corresponding cruisers, frigates, destroyers, and supply ships. They are all equipped with the latest flight system, allowing them to fly in the atmosphere and move at the speed of supercars.

The current public consensus is that if the military can solve the kaiju in the sea, they must do it. Otherwise, the kaiju will cause a lot of damage to humans after landing. Regardless of whether they get killed or not.

When the Airships of ‘Panda country’ arrived at the incident site, they finally found the source of the alarm. The scene they saw was beyond their imagination.

Originally, they thought that the source of the alarm should be a level 5 kaiju leading a group of monsters. Worst case scenario, it should be a level 6 kaiju. Anyway, they have long been prepared.

However, they didn’t expect to see three levels 6 kaiju leading a large number of monsters to the land.

Up to now, level 6 kaiju had just one form. That of a dragon with butterfly wings. Its size is also the largest out of all the kaiju that appeared up to now.

These three levels 6 kaiju are no different. Behind them is more than a hundred smaller kaiju-dragons. It’s a group of dragon-kaiju ranging from level 3 to level 5.

Sitting on the backs of that many dragon-kaiju is a large number of aliens. This is an unprecedented number of monsters dispatched to deal with just one country.

’Panda country’ fleet quickly moved towards the beach, about three kilometers away from those Kaiju, confronting them. Just when they were about to start attacking those kaiju, their leaders stopped them;

”Wait, something is wrong.”

It’s really weird, those dragon-kaiju and aliens stopped mid-air, about 3 kilometers away from them, and looked at the sea. They didn’t pay attention to them at all. It’s like…that line-up is not for them.

After a moment of silence, the people on the airships followed the kaiju group’s sight and looked at the water.

”This … what is that?”

Many people on the airships said loudly with a shocked look on their faces.

They watched in shock as a 300-meter-long monster appeared on the water surface, then confronted the kaiju group in the sky.

”Giant serpent?”

Only now did they truly realize that this luxurious lineup wasn’t here to deal with them, but for the giant monster over there.

The giant serpent is indeed worthy of this lineup. According to previous reports. The giant serpent was able to beat and drive away a level 6 kaiju with ease. If it didn’t escape quickly, it might have ended as a meal to it.

Sure enough, after a few seconds of confrontation between the two sides, the battle immediately started.

The three levels 6 kaiju were the first ones to attack the giant serpent, opening their mouth, all three of them released laser beams towards the giant serpent.


The three laser beams were too fast. They landed directly on the giant serpent scales without giving it the chance to react, directly melting its scales.


The severe pain caused the giant serpent to writhe on the water surface.

Without wasting this opportunity, the three levels 6 kaiju quickly pounced on the giant serpent, intending to capture it. At the same time, the aliens riding on the back of the smaller dragon-kaiju roared with excitement and urged their mounts to approach it.

From the gem-like eyes of those aliens, a red laser appeared, wandering across the body of the giant serpent.

The three levels 6 dragon-kaiju continued to attack the giant serpent with laser beams, injuring it even further and inflicting a lot of pain to it.

After inflicting a certain amount of damage to it; the three dragon-kaiju slowly flew down. They stretched their claws towards the injured giant serpent.

”Are they planning to take the giant serpent away?”

This is the question of most of the people watching this battle.

The fact that aliens have kidnapped humans across the world has caused a great uproar. According to relevant experts. These aliens are very likely to experiment with the kidnapped humans.

Some people think that aliens are capturing humans just for the purpose of studying them. Probably the same when a scientist discovers a new species.

However, many people are opposed to this view. They are waging wars right now. The most likely thing is that those aliens are studying humans with the purpose of developing chemical or even genetic weapons.

In short, there are many theories and arguments across the internet.

Now, the aliens are planning to capture the giant serpent with the same intention.

These soldiers didn’t know what to do in this situation, even the commanders didn’t know what to do. Should they stop the aliens or not?

The only thing they could do is asking the leaders. In just a few short moments, the leaders conveyed their orders…Attack! They certainly can’t let the aliens capture the giant serpent.

If they can study something out of it, it will be a disaster for humanity!

Just as the fleet was about to attack, the battlefield situation suddenly changed. The soldiers found that the giant serpent which was about to be captured by the dragon-kaiju claws was surrounded by lightning. The sound of thunder filled that entire area.

”Crack…Crack! Boom!!”

Along with the sound of thunder crackling, the aliens who jumped on Fang Yun’s back wanted to quickly escape, but they could only tremble weakly without the ability to move.

In just a few seconds, the aliens stopped twitching, then fell weakly on the water surface.

”Is lightning is the weakness of these aliens?”

On the giant mothership, a middle-aged man lowered the binoculars in his hand and murmured.

These aliens scanned Fang Yun’s body with infrared rays before. Probably to detect the physical structure, energy response, and degree of damage.

However, “Thunder Domain” has bought a kind of electromagnetic shield on Fang Yun’s scales, making it very difficult to scour Fang Yun’s physical data. The rash act of jumping on his back without knowing much about him has bought doom to them.

After the aliens fell onto the water surface, they turned into a pool of blue liquid, floating on the water surface without mixing with it, a bit like oil and water.

”These aliens look quite similar to “Venom”, but their strength and survivability are vastly different.”

Fang Yun shook his head. He no longer suppressed his regeneration ability, causing the huge wounds on his back to heal a visible rate.

However, even so, it will take some time to heal.

The three kaiju, who escaped into the sky, saw that Fang Yun’s injuries started to quickly heal and roared loudly, angry at the death of their masters. They immediately launched angry attacks at him.

Suddenly, Fang Yun activated “Aegis Field”, causing an invisible barrier to cover the three dragon-kaiju. At the same time, he activated “Overclocking Resonance.”


The three levels 6 kaiju roared in pain and discomfort. “Overclocking Resonance” has especially caused them a lot of pain. This skill is incredibly powerful under the control of the current Fang Yun.

He can now use this skill to easily disintegrate a giant mothership into pieces.

The three levels 6 kaiju wanted to escape. They flapped their huge wings, creating a small tornado and rising into the sky. The rest of the kaiju and aliens not far away did the same. This monster is too difficult to deal with.

”What? No! You won’t escape!”

Seeing this scene, Fang Yun below was immediately anxious. He can’t let a clocked duck fly from his mouth for the second time. He aimed at one of the three giant kaiju, opened his mouth, and released an energy beam at them.

The middle one was hit by Fang Yun’s energy beam straight on its neck, blasting a large hole on it, causing it to wobble weakly in the air. Fang Yun immediately followed that with a “Thunder Domain”, reducing it to coke and causing it to fall onto the water surface.

This kaiju is too powerful. It took Fang Yun 4 powerful skills released in a seamless manner before bringing it down, and even so, it’s still not dead, but after Fang Yun wrapped around it and used his powerful muscles to break its neck, it finally died.

The other two levels 6 kaiju ran away, along with the smaller dragon-kaiju and aliens on their back.

Fang Yun could only look as they disappeared into the distant sky with regret. The worth of those kaiju is about a few dozen million bio-energy points, which a huge amount for him right now.

Fang Yun dragged the level 6 kaiju away, intending to devour it in a safe place. As for the liquid aliens on the water surface, Fang Yun didn’t bother with them.

It’s not because they are human-shaped or something similar. It’s just that after scanning them with the system analysis capabilities, he found that they aren’t worth even a single point.

Although Fang Yun didn’t bother with these aliens, the soldiers of ‘Panda country’ were another matter. Their airships slowly flew to the battle place, then started salvaging the liquid pools left by the aliens.

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