Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 236: Arena

Chapter 236: Arena

Translator: Yamir Moon

Li Zhi tried recalling the thing he saw before. Although he wasn’t able to see its true appearance, he still remembers its scaly skin and long claws.

He is pretty sure that it’s a carnivorous dinosaur.

He wanted to talk to Wood about it again, but he gave up in the end. The latter was talking with other passengers at this time, and he doesn’t think that Wood will take his words seriously.

Besides, even if a carnivorous dinosaur managed to sneak into the Diplodocus area, it’s just a small dinosaur, it shouldn’t be a big deal, right? Anyway, he decided to not stick his nose into other people’s things.

The tour bus continued moving forward, returning back to the starting line not long after.

Before getting off the bus, he greeted the driver and his assistant Wood, then walked towards a nearby hotel. He is planning to spend the next few days in the hotel near the park.

After arranging things and paying for his room, he walked up the stairs.

However, when he reached the corridor where his room is in, he saw the seven Asian people he met just after getting out of the airport.

This somewhat surprised him.

The seven people walking together also looked at him with a look of surprise, but they just nodded at him. They don’t intend to start a conversation with him. After passing by Li Zhi, they continued talking with excitement.

”Haha, I didn’t expect that we actually saw T-Rex today. It looked really intimidating, eating a goat with just one bite.”

”Don’t say it. I was really scared, and that goat was so cute, why did hey feed it to the T-Rex?”

”Oh, how about we go to the arena tomorrow. I want to see those big brothers abuse dinosaurs. I heard that it is more exciting than the Spanish bullfight.”

”Forget it, it sounds particularly bloody.”

”Let’s go, it sounds exciting. I will cover your eyes if it gets bloody.”

”That’s it, four to three, we’re going to the arena tomorrow!”

After the last sentence, Li Zhi noticed that three women in the team looked a bit depressed.

He smiled and shook his head, Although those guys seem to be at the same age as him, their mentality is much younger.

Thinking of this, he sighed again. If his many friends and family members didn’t die, he should be the same as them?

After returning to the hotel, he slumped into the bed after showering.

Early the next morning, Li Zhi was walked to the arena under the lead of the staff. This arena, like the photos on the brochure and the internet, is very similar to a colosseum.

Inside the arena, there is a huge amount of seats for spectators and a huge open space for the contestants. The duels between the gladiators and the dinosaurs will unfold on this open space.

Li Zhi found his seat and sat down, he is a bit early so the viewers’ seats are still a bit empty.

He took a sip of his drink and waited, looking forward to the battle between humans and monsters.

As time passed, more and more people filled the arena, the seats around him were gradually filled, people in groups of two or three chatted with each other while looking at the open space.

His position isn’t that bad. It’s in the upper-middle position, but he can still clearly see the scene in the open space below.

To his surprise, a familiar voice sounded in his ears. A group of seven people slowly walked towards him, then sat in the empty places right behind him.

These people are the seven compatriots he encountered outside of the airport and in the hotel.

They were talking and arguing with each other intensely, not paying attention to him. Through their conversation, Li Zhi heard the name of some of them.

The tall man is called Luo Yong, the short guy is Yang Ping, and the lively woman is called Xiao Lan.

”Xiao Lan, you can rest assured. If it gets bloody and scary later, you can hold my hand.”

Looking at his disturbed friend, Luo Yong made a joke, trying to ease her nervousness.

Hearing the words, Xiao Lan rolled her eyes and said.

”Luo Yong, I will repeat this to your wife. You will definitely sleep on the couch after going back.”

She groaned, then said.

”Anyway, who said I would be scared. When I was a kid, I often watched my grandfather killing chickens.”

Li Zhi, who heard Xiao Lan’s words on the side, almost laughed out loud. Is killing chickens the same as killing dinosaurs?

On the other hand, Luo Yong immediately started begging for mercy after hearing that Xiao Lan is going to report that to his wife.

Suddenly, the arena was filled with noise.

Many people started cheering in one direction.

A man slowly walked from the gladiators’ entrance. It’s a seven-foot-tall man with a particularly strong figure, full of bulging muscles.

He was wearing the latest mechanical exoskeleton and holding a giant blade.

Li Zhi immediately recognized the man. It’s the famous dragon slayer, the most famous and powerful gladiator.

Luo Yong, Xiao Lan, and the rest of their group also stopped talking and looked at the man.

At this moment, the heavy iron door behind the gladiator suddenly closed, and on the other side of the arena, the other iron door slowly opened.


Along with an eardrum-shattering roar, a huge creature slowly walked out.

”What kind of dinosaur is this?”

Behind Li Zhi, the woman with ponytails could not help asking after seeing the dinosaur that appeared.

This dinosaur has a length of about 7 meters, and its hip height is about 2 meters.

It has a very large, sickle-shaped claws along with relatively long hands, looking a bit like a raptor, but much bigger.

Xiao Lan and the rest of her team looked at that dinosaur curiously, quite eager to know what type of dinosaur is that.

”This should be a Therizinosaurus.”

Li Zhi hesitated for a moment then said.

”This Therizinosaurus should be in its juvenile state, as it hasn’t reached its complete potential.”

He said with a thoughtful look on his face, just as he was about to continue, the situation on the open space underneath suddenly changed.

Li Zhi immediately stopped talking and concentrated on the situation below.

The dinosaur didn’t attack the gladiator after getting on the open space. Instead, it kept staring at the audience with a greedy look.

From time to time, it made a sound similar to a pheasant chirping.

”Why do I feel that that Therizinosaurus wants to eat us?”

Watching the bloodshot eyes of the Therizinosaurus, the ponytail women shivered slightly and said.

”Yeah, fortunately, our seats are quite high, or it would have been even more terrifying.”

The short man next to the ponytail woman also said with a nervous look.

The vicious and greedy look of the dinosaur has scared a lot of people in the audience, especially people in the lower stands.

Although their position allows them to see the area most clearly, they are the closest to the bloodthirsty dinosaur below.

After panicking for a moment, the audience immediately broke out.

”Kill it!”

”Hurry up and fuck that animal!”

”Jenny, I bet you 500 dollars that this dinosaur won’t last 5 minutes…”


On the spectator stand, the spectators yelled loudly. A lot of people were waving their fists, cheering for the fighter below.

”Haha, the owner of this park is really amazing. He’s able to get even dinosaurs like Therizinosaurus.”

”Yeah, but when can we see a fight between a human and a T-Rec. It should be very exciting!”

”It’s really boring, every time the gladiators easily kill the dinosaurs.”

As discussions raged within the audience, the fully armed gladiator suddenly rushed towards the dinosaur at breakneck speed!

The audience stand was filled with cheers once again.

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