Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 184: Capturing The Mutant Elasmosaurus

Chapter 184: Capturing The Mutant Elasmosaurus

Translator: Yamir Moon

The next target of the mutant Elasmosaurus is a remote village in a small third world country. At that time, all of the people in the village have fallen asleep.

When the mutant Elasmosaurus climbed into the shore, no one found it. It quickly walked towards the nearest house.

The people in the village are very poor, so their houses are just made of wood, which basically offers no protection in front of any mutant creature.

The huge mutant Elasmosaurus didn’t use any strength. It just extended its flappers gently and immediately knocked down the house.

The people inside screamed loudly, but that didn’t do anything apart from exposing their locations.

The mutant Elasmosaurus immediately leaned towards the place where the screams sounded. In that lace, a black man was holding his mouth with his hands, afraid to even move a bit.

If the Elasmosaurus relied just on his eyes, it would be hard to find that man in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, the mutant Elasmosaurus mostly use smell to find prey.

Without any accident, that man became the food in the stomach of the mutant Elasmosaurus, his wife and children weren’t spared either.

The miserable cries and the sound of the house falling apart finally woke up the people of the village. In less than a minute, a few figures walked down from the main door.

They immediately noticed the huge monster illuminated by the moonlight.


”It’s a sea monster!”

The fishermen have heard about the mutant Elasmosaurus, so the moment they saw it, they cried loudly, no one was brave enough to attack it or resist.

This monster’s body is more than 180 meters long. That’s equal to the height of a 60 story building, or 20 school buses lined horizontally.

There is naturally a telephone in this village, so soon the news of the attack of the mutant Elasmosaurus has reached the ‘Bald Eagle’.

The first thing to arrive here was a helicopter.

In fact, the ‘Bald Eagle’ warships were patrolling the nearby waters. Ther are only 10 km away from this village, so it didn’t take long for the helicopters to reach this place.

Seven military helicopters quickly reached the village. The first thing they noticed is naturally the huge Elasmosaurus who was about to return to the sea.

They didn’t hesitate to launch an attack on it.

The mutant Elasmosaurus has faced very little resistance since its debut because all of its activities are around small countries with very little military power. That resulted in it being very arrogant and reckless.

If it was the super Mosasaurus or the Kraken, none of them would have climbed this deep into the land. They also would have immediately scurried into the sea at the sound of the helicopters, unlike the Elasmosaurus who didn’t care.

Since the mutant Elasmosaurus didn’t have any vigilance, in the face of the prepared ‘Bald Eagle’ it could only end miserably.

On the helicopter, machine guns blasted bullets, causing the Elasmosaurus to roar loudly. Without flinching, three helicopters stood in front of it, preventing it from walking back to the ocean.

If this beast returned to the sea, then it would be troublesome. It will be very had to catch it after that.

The other four helicopters kept firing bullets at it.

The mutant Elasmosaurus defense isn’t that much inferior to the super Mosasaurus. The bullets landing on it created many sparks before falling into the ground.

However, although the bullets didn’t directly penetrate the mutant Elasmosaurus skin. It caused intense pain to it.


The mutant Elasmosaurus roared loudly. If someone stood in front of this hill-sized monster and heard its deafening roar. He would probably piss himself and faint.

Unfortunately, this huge monster is under siege and is roaring because of pain, so its deterrent is not really that effective.

It’s not scary at all, it has instead made the people on the helicopters more excited.

After another three minutes, the mutant Elasmosaurus skin finally burst apart, revealing the pink flesh and red blood. The bullets fell into its flesh without obstruction.

Unlike the Kraken, whether it’s the mutant Elasmosaurus or the super Mosasaurus, their flesh is not that though.

It may be very though compared to ordinary animals, but it can’t stop the bullet rain from the helicopters.

The mutant Elasmosaurus didn’t die directly. It laid on the ground, exhausted, with huge injuries on its body that are constantly bleeding.

It was also injected with two specially made anesthetic needles.

Going from its look, it doesn’t have much remaining power.

After repeated confirmation, the ‘Bald Eagle’ soldiers in the helicopters got down using a rope, then slowly walked towards the injured monster.

They carefully approached the giant monster in front, seeing that it didn’t move, one of them boldly walked forward and touched its long neck.

”It doesn’t seem to have any threat.”

The bold man turned around and said to his companions.

His companions smiled at this. Their mood was slightly relaxed as they slowly walked towards the mutant Elasmosaurus. However, they suddenly stopped, their faces slowly distorting.

”Be careful!!”

”John, run away! quick!!”

While yelling, the soldiers held the submachine gun in their hands and were ready to shoot.

The mutant Elasmosaurus who was lying down suddenly stood, bit the soldier who was next to its neck, then swallowed him whole.

”Bang! bang!”


The soldiers started madly attacking the mutant Elasmosaurus with machine guns, but the Elsamosaurus didn’t try to fight back or escape, it just laid back on the ground, causing the ground to shake.

A few soldiers stood silently far away, looking at each other, none of them dared to go forward.

Almost ten minutes later, the relevant scientists have come over. They immediately noticed the hill-like monster lying down, then exclaimed loudly.

”Oh my god, this the most beautiful animal in the world!”

”Big guy, we finally caught you!”

The scientists first let the soldiers shoot a few times at the mutant Elamosaurus. Seeing that it’s still motionless, they slowly approached it.

”We need to wrap its injuries it first.”

A medical professor said loudly after seeing that huge monster.

They are not afraid of that the mutat Elasmosaurus will die. It’s a well-known fact that these monsters’ vitality is huge.

Not to mention the fact that only 10 minutes have passed since this monster was attacked. With its huge vitality, it would take it at least a day to bleed to death.

The mutant Elasmosaurus was mostly wounded on the back, so it didn’t take them long to handle this monster’s injuries.

Next, they are going to transport this big monster back to the ‘Bald Eagle’.

They are mostly going to transport it back on a huge freighter.

After a few examinations, everyone started to act.

The belly and waist of the mutant Elasmosaurus were tied with a huge rope. The other end of the rope is connected to two military helicopters

In addition, its tail and neck are also fixed by many ropes.

In this way, relying on six military helicopters, they dragged this huge behemoth then headed towards the selected freighter.

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